Shadow work: when nothing is working, do this.

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Use your shadow to your advantage

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there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest, and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal


I started crying when you said surrender. Cause at my lowest point of my life there was nothing else I could do other than surrender and pray to the higher powers and that’s exactly when my life changed. I love this video so much. So grateful for finding your channel


It makes so much sense. The more you resist negative thought, the more it attracts you .
- Let it pass through
-Accept the feeling
-Just witness it, don’t react .
May you all have a happy and cheerful life ❤


To all who read this, I genuinely wish that whatever is troubling you will soon fade away. May your burdens, anxieties, and uncertainties dissipate, making room for clarity and insight. May your days be embraced by serenity, calmness, and affection.


Key notes: 1: whenever you have a thought or feeling come up accept it fully and let it be
2: focus on the underlying feeling of that shadow, not the thought that comes up, focus on letting the feeling be alow it to exist.
3: get into the witness mode ovserbe everything, surrender let it play its okay if it happened or not. Detachment .letting go


“True freedom is having the ability to do what’s necessary right now, joyfully.”

Brilliant Quazi!!! 👏🏻 👏🏻


The fact that nobody talks about the book whispers of manifestation on borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance


When you surrender to yourself, you’re letting yourself win.


I've been bullied too from age 5 to 17 at school. It turned me into a people avoider, often a people hater. Praise makes me uncomfortable, waiting for the blows to fall. I'm reputed to be terribly negative and heavy to be around. We are so different, even bullied people. I think that is quite inspiring. You are who you are, not because of bullying, but who you were before it started, and how you coped with it.


"No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell."

-Carl Jung


When he mentioned in the first step to just let that feeling be, my mind was still in chaos because I do possess the ability to accept my feelings, but, what I do not possess, is for my mind to go beyond the reasons those feelings are present and the thoughts which explain the feelings. The more I explain to myself the reason why I even felt the feeling in the first place, the deeper I get into that feeling and the more I keep dwelling on the thoughts and feeling the pressure of the feeling.
Then as soon as he mentioned focusing on the feelings and not the thoughts that justified those feelings and the reason that the feelings were present, I became aware of what was actually going on. So, I shifted my focus from listing down what reasons I was anxious. I stayed still for a moment to stop myself from giving reasons and I tried just being in the moment. I started feeling the sadness and anxiousness. I said to myself "Okay, you feel anxious" and I focused on it, and I realized, as soon as I did that, there was nothing more left in my mind. For some people, thoughts can keep your feelings running, when you bring your concentration from thoughts that are driving the feeling to the actual feeling and let yourself and your body face it, it gets calmer. it's like you stop judging your feelings. Why are you explaining to yourself why you feel the way you feel?


I actually use shadow work for a long time. I express a lot of my frustration and anger in paintings. You have to accept your shadow side, it's part of you. It's never gonna go away. I think you actually have to make friends with your demons, that's when you became more like a whole. It's not just some random negative thoughts, it's more like everyone of us is good and bad at the same time and you can't play the good part all of your life. I always encourage people to embrace their dark side, express it in art.. write about it, paint, play it in music, so it can't get manifested like you hurt someone.


There's a trend to edit out every pause. It's exhausting to listen to. Because our ears and brain need a pause too. Just a short moment to digest what's just been said. I begin these videos with curiosity and enthusiasm but after a few minutes I just feel exhausted and overwhelmed. There's nothing wrong with taking time to breath folks! The audience breathes with you and follow your rhythm. That's called listening.


3 years clean from heroin, I never thought it was possible. I actually spent a lot of time on things just like this before I started, and I'm pretty sure it is the only reason I am here now. Man, does that stink? Being so aware and watching yourself do it, I want everyone to know that it IS possible, and sometimes we don't have to balance the whole weight of the world on our shoulders. That's what surrender is for, and what I did was surrender and reach out and find a higher power. Even if it's a flying spaghetti monster, just find something that you can put faith in when things get hard so you don't have to do it all alone. There are so many people who will help you if you let them!


Feelings cause thoughts (and visa versa), and thoughts reinforce feelings. Dealing with the source is what liberates us. One of the best quotes I heard somewhere goes something like, "When the demons from your nightmare keep chasing you, next time stop and face them"


"the desire to have positive thoughts itself is a negative experience" what a double edged sword ive just read and realised at once, excellent editing the man below was extremely in the midde of a battle of thought!


My last 10 years I spent in solitude. Most of my interactions with people where at work, doing shopping or just on the vastness of internet. And, I must add, with a handful of people I still do not call friends. A Friend to me - is a strong word, which I do not use lightly. Only going through the past year I started feeling better and only with help of videos like this one. I pointed my mind towards my self, at last. I opened my mind and began writing poems and in the process that helped me so much. Solitude is still with me, but now I feel calmness and happiness at last. Thank You for what You do! <3


You are by far the only person I can tolerate to listen to these days. I guess you can say I am at a low or lost place in my life where I cannot figure out who I am, what I am about, where I am going, what my next step is. I just know I failed enough, I’ve tried a lot of things and I’m just being still. The things that I was trying to evolve into like manifesting, etc etc just do not seem to work so I do not know what to believe or not believe. So I took a break to just be still. I came across two of your videos and thankfully I did not feel like I was trying to be sold an idea to. Instead I felt like I was finding explanations as to why I feel a certain way. There’s still a lot I need to figure out but I think the shadow work is a good start. So thank you. I think I needed you.


This is absolutely true. My greatest turning points were when I realized that the each “bad” situation in my life was a direct result of my negative thinking or behavior, that I had created, not someone else. Once I saw my shadow behavior, it was no longer a shadow, and I was empowered to choose a different thought, action. This is key to true personal development and growth.


Your willingness to share your truth so sincerely, clearly shows how well you have transmuted old limiting programs. Much love and respect to you my brother. Thanks you.
