Stop Trying To Improve Yourself & Instead Do SHADOW WORK

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This is the #1 mistake people make when trying to improve themselves... This video will show you how to fix it!

Julien Blanc (AKA JulienHimself) is a Swiss-born, U.S.-based self-help speaker, entrepreneur and transformational coach.

Since 2010, he has been traveling around the world and has personally coached tens of thousands of clients face to face... Empowering them to create massive success in their lives!

His record-breaking programs Transformation Mastery, Transformation Mastery Live, Transformation Mastery Live Advanced, Transformation Mastery Academy & Transformation Mastery Mentoring help people around the world achieve the HEALTH, WEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS & HAPPINESS they deserve!


Stop Trying To Improve Yourself & Instead Do SHADOW WORK

Shadow work benefits and how to do shadow work! In this video, Julien Blanc (AKA Julien Himself) reveals the benefits of asking yourself shadow questions... Discover the best shadow work questions to ask yourself!

This video will teach you how to be confident and how to be more confident in yourself by increasing your self esteem and your self worth.

Discover the root cause of low self esteem and how you can improve your self confidence today!

#julienblanc #julienhimself


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Comment your biggest takeaway below! (I personally read through EVERY single comment)



Imagine if all the schools in the world each day had an hour long class showing these types of videos to kids to make the world better. Let's focus our energy at the root of the worlds problems: Mental health and love ❤🙏🏼⭐


What I always loved about Julien is his "Own it" "fuck them do it for you".

Sometimes you can even see it in his face.

That actually really helps me in my life.

I tend to forget that I came further than most people in this world, which is why I should completely neglect their opinion of me.


What you think you're alone with in your 'messed upness', everybody is thinking the same thing for themselves. This brought much such an epiphany and unity I haven't felt in a long time. Holy crap dude. Thank you, and thank you to Lillian for being such a badass up there. I am MOVED


Found out about this self help almost a year ago and it is changing my life, the funny thing is that I already knew what I NEEDED to do, but didn't have the courage to do it, also I thought that I was alone with this. The more I talk to people the more I see that most of people have something they are afraid of or hiding something just to not look different. Different or weird is awesome!


She is beautiful in every way! We are all living behind a mask!


This is the realest thing I've ever seen on youtube. Wow. Huge respect for her bravery.


The biggest part for me was the boundary I need to set within myself to make me respect me


Im also introverted and made the same experience in high school. She is not alone. I have so much compassion for her. I would like to have a friend like her. 😊


One of my favourite sayings, "The first trick the devil plays is to make you feel alone."


I believe owning how you feel is always important but I also believe that when you wake up, saying affirmations to yourself in the mirror and then letting it go for the rest of the day has a tremendous impact on your abilities, and how well your day goes. If you JUST accept and then leave your mind at default without trying to upgrade your thinking, you may feel good around people but you won’t handle tasks as effectively and you’ll limit how good you can be at something. As someone who’s practiced both for many years, I can say that mixing the two produced the best results rather than JUST accepting!


"What's most personal, is most universal."
..WOW!! That hit me. Everything about this and the previous video I watched about "Social Anxiety" are incredible. I cried in both, and I really listened, it had a big impact on me. Thank you!

Edit: I also understood something more about the specific topics and about myself.


Julian since got into college it feels like I am not being myself, tbh I don't vibe with other kids in my class and trying to be in there group but still feeling lonely. You won't believe a beautiful girl class from class is trying to approach me and messeged me later and she seems pretty cool and i resonate with her but when I talk in person my voice tremble and i have fear that other people in class will judge me and shame or make stories about me.

Missing my friends from school and kinda lost and also why there is so nervousness and my voice sounds weird during class when teacher ask something even though compare to other student i am far smarter and even I answer questions still there is some kind of weight on my chest I don't feel light and free like I used to be earlier.

I watched your video about letting go but tbh I still don't understand how exactly step by step practically I can find my true self using this methods.

I will grateful if you can provide simpler actionable approach towards my problem.


This is sooo true. Our thoughts are the MOST powerful things in our life. It can completely change reality.


I really admire the courage of this lady who's opening herself up in front of the camera and of so many people, you're great and I wish you the best!


I tried to improve myself for years until a few years ago I realised I needed to do shadow work. So when I saw this, even before I started watching, I thought, 'bang on, this is 100%!!'


Excellent workshop!
Some questions that I noted for myself to journal about/do shadow work on, which may also be useful for others:

How do I feel about me?
Day to day, what is it like to be me?

Why is living up to my potential bad or scary?
Why do I secretly not want to succeed in my dreams?
Why do I secretly love staying in my comfort zone?
What is my actual deeper fear stopping me from doing what I want to do?
What is so scary about rejection?
When did I start rejecting myself?
How has the idea that things aren't going to work out for me then followed me in my life? - Where has it resurfaced?
What does my mind say, or my body say, if someone tells me that there's nothing wrong with me, nothing broken in me? - Does every part of me believe it? For the parts of me that don't believe it, what's their comeback?

What would I immediatly respond to the following questions? Would a part of me believe these questions are justified and that they reveal some truth about me?
- Why do my parents hate me and why is it entirely my fault?
- Why am I not good enough?
- What is missing in me?
- What do I hate most about me?
- Why is no one going to love me?
- Why am I a disappointment to myself?
- Why do I deserve to only play small?
- Why is playing big not for me?
- Why don't I deserve success?
- Why don't I deserve happiness?

Looking at myself in the mirror, saying, 'I love me as I am now.' Which parts of me do not believe that or resist the idea? - What do they say?

Do I believe that I am worthy of love? - Why or why not?
Why do I think that I am not good enough for others?
Why am I not good enough for myself?
Why do I feel like I do not belong?
Why do I hate myself, or parts of myself?
What if I chose to love myself as I am now?
Can I still have dreams and goals and ideas for developing myself both physically and mentally, and yet still love and accept myself exactly as I am now both physically and mentally? - If no, why and is this best for me? If yes, why and is this best for me? - Which of the two responses would help me be both happier now, more likely to achieve any dreams etc, and enjoy the journey? Why?

Am I seeking external approval? - In what ways?
How can I give myself internal approval, as I am now?
Am I seeking to control the people and the world around me?
Do I feel at home with myself and feel safe within? - If yes, why? - If no, what would it be like if I did feel this way? - How could I begin to feel that way?

In what ways am I being abusive to my inner child?
How can I become less abusive to myself and my inner child?
Would I accept the level of abuse my inner-voice gives me from a friend?
How can I put a stop to the abuse from my inner-voice?
How can I better care for and nurture my inner-child?

Are there any thoughts or actions that can change how I am right now physically or mentally?
Would I feel better if I resisted myself or embraced myself as I am now?
What is so bad about me as I am right here right now?

Am I doing things for myself or for the approval of others? - What things and why?
Am I setting living up to my potential as a requirement to love myself?
- If so, at what point will I give myself permission to love myself or be satisfied?
- What if I were to love myself as I am right now and then simply enjoy my journey?

Who decides if my body is perfect or not?
Who decides if my life is perfect or not?
Who decides if my achievements are enough or not?
Who decides if I am a success or not?
Who decides if I am a failure or not?
What exactly is perfect? - Is it one singular thing?
What exactly is success or failure? - Is it one singular thing?

In what ways am I being true to myself or not?
In what ways am I being authentic or not?

What is the one thing I would hope someone would tell me? - Could I simply tell this to myself right now (and believe it)?
Is it OK to be me? - Why or why not?


That woman is so strong for being so vulnerable in front of so many people when deep inside, there's a loud voice screaming, "damn, why me? out of so many people." Love her ❤


I just found this channel a few weeks ago and this specific video hit home for me, especially at the end.

I used to be a person that would just push down all my emotions and experiences as if I am trying to "fit in" to not be judged by others. I would people please and just felt like I was losing who I am, constantly feel controlled by others. This lead to alot of behaviours I didn't understand; procrastination on work (in my case university) and overeating alot are the main examples.
The letting go aspect of my emotions and acceptance has opened my eyes to all that I was hiding through a fake mask.

I'm still new to alot of this meditation stuff, identifying which emotion I have, or which step on transformation I'm at because personally it just feels like alot of random emotions all at once; most of the time. However, I am starting to notice more when I'm triggered and doing more meditations when I feel triggered inside.

Thank you so much for this content Julien! You have changed my life in a big way, and I am so greatful for that!


I've been watching a lot of your vids from the perspective of someone that has always had a deep core of self love.

Even when I've self sabotaged, I haven't stuck with it when push comes to shove. Throughout my youth, I stood up to those around me in defense of my true, authentic self. Including my parents. It was often times lonely but I somehow knew it was going to be okay.

Between the ages of 7 and 9 I felt utter depression even though my life was sheltered. I felt disconnected from what I wanted to be and it felt out of reach for a long time. By the time I became a teenager, I was dying to express myself.

I rebelled hard against the world around me and found myself in the process but it went against the image of myself I had created for approval growing up. By my late teens, early 20s I was able to manipulate people around me with well crafted lies to preserve that image but it got very exhausting.

True happiness came at 24 when I chose to say enough: I am this imperfect person, take it or leave it. Now I can look back at pictures and memories of myself in every stage of life and feel real connection and pride at who I was then. I have moments of cringe, like anyone, but I did my best with what I knew at the time.

I am NOT perfect, I work on myself constantly and your content rings true because it stands on the shoulders of giants. It's hard. We are living breathing creatures and our subconscious is a raging torrent with ever shifting currents. Whenever there's a moment of realness, it's like being thrown an oar to help steer those waters.

Massive love and gratitude to you and all the people who put in the work to reconnect to themselves. It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
