RESILIENCE: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope - Film Screening and Discussion

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These guys did a really phenomenal job at keeping this movie out of the general public's hands where as this should be made public to raise awareness of ACEs and the detrimental effects of toxic stress on an individual. I worked my butt off still can't find it anywhere on the internet.


As a mental health therapist, I am not unaware of the effects of trauma on children. I, myself, would love to see this video. It's sad that the price for this video is so pricey and out of reach for many. Perhaps they could get sponsors or lower the price so that many more would be able to afford it...they'd probably be more likely to make money/recoup their cost if this video was affordable to the average American citizen.


I agree with p kitty. This film needs to be available for free for the victims, those in the medical community, especially therapists who still do not understand the ramifications of ACES and how to treat trauma victims. It is not all about giving out meds, using CBT, TMS. There is such a process involved with dealing with ACES early on in life and later in life. I have toxic stress and for the past 13 years have seen therapists to function in life without feeling that my nervous system is running the show. It has been a lot of painful work and will be work in progress. Dan Siegel does a great job explaining with his book how to be more resilient. We have Judith Orloff's book "The Empath Survivors Guide" as well. But the victims need more support groups that are free and need to know how to get to them. Again the medical industry needs to take the lead here as well as non-profits/organizations such as the one that Nadine Burke Harris started, Center For Youth Wellness. I guess we can continue to do searches on YouTube for talks on this topic. It is a great start. But why, why, why, do therapists and doctors not understand how toxic stress/PTSD is in our DNA?


Being that this is such an important and relevant subject, why is this film so difficult to get? I'm a child advocate and having this movie available to organizations that work with children should not be so a chore. The more the public is aware the better!


I love how this film is not available to the victims who need to see it.


This film is quite a few years old and it is still unavailable to the public. Even institutions have to pay to host a screening.


The science behind Adverse Childhood Experiences, is huge. Yes, the work with young people is vital, but it will also help adults who have been trying to change their lives, but struggle, not understand why they fail time after time. Not knowing why they can’t find pleasure. And most importantly, the poor self esteem that is reinforced with each failure.


No child should be punched or kicked!! I’m shocked at how high the stats are. Appalled. Also being a survivor I know I’m not alone. And seeing young children getting informed and helped. Helps me to heal. Gives me hope. Makes me want to help others❤️🙏🏻👍


I just happened upon it on the film on "Together TV" in UK on channel 88 on FreeView. I work in the sector of trauma survivors and the data just floored me, even regarding me and my health.


It seems like the filmmakers have tried really hard to make sure that the documentary isn't available to the general public. Paper Tigers was really good and my library has a copy. This one isn't at any libraries near me. I suppose their intention isn't to allow regular people to watch the movie.


Thank you for posting this.Obviously addressing such serious and complex problems is extremely challenging and those few who currently do are heroes. It seems however that recognizing the general reality of the difficulties these kids experience is a no-brainer. I understand that it is hard to fathom the entire breadth and depth of what traumatized children face but how could anyone NOT expect these things to affect kids behavior and readiness to learn and why would anyone think that childhood adversities wouldn't continue to impact their adult lives? Parental neglect is considered to be a crime but society at large is equally guilty of neglect as well as abuse via poverty, bigotry, injustice, and lack of opportunity. HOW could anyone not automatically recognize that such conditions are inherently traumatic?


Why is this not available to buy or rent? It's not exactly new anymore and still impossible to watch for people who really need to see it! What's the point!?


i'm in this (1:52, i'm in my school uniform) and i'm in my sophomore year now. i can't believe that i'm in a documentary advocating for people who went through things i have. it's a little ironic to me lol
also, it's astonishing now that people have to PAY to watch this? I haven't even watched it myself, but now i really want to.


How do we watch the actual documemtary? I can't find it on Netflix and this documentary has been recommended to me for my internship as well as to write my thesis.


I suffer from childhood developmental trama, c-ptsd and Im 52 years old and have been sick all my life and my health is declining I'm a 9 on the ace test and feel if I can educate myself of the connection and is there help for me to get better...I have been in recovery for 15 years. I would like to see this movie and also help educate the medical field...Help what can I do to get


Our school is offering a screening of this film free for all parents and kids


I could careless about any of what they are saying. It’s all ego and pride. The fact that the movie is not even available for purchase speaks volumes to me where their concern is and it isn’t in making a real change and bringing awareness but of inflating bank accounts. Completely ridiculous and they should be ashamed of themselves to put this opinionated garbage about the film out but not the actual movie which could actually help people.


I would like to watch this film. Is there a way to do so that doesn't cost $200?


Hi How can I see this movie I' m based in Dublin, Ireland..?


DVD, not readily available. UGH. A problem not addressed.
