Why you shouldn’t stress about AP exam scores

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A low score on an AP Exam is not going to hold you back as much as you think it will.

#apexams #aplang #apworld
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a missed opportunity for credit is a problem for me


You’re clearly not Cuban. If you were, you would understand that la chancleta is more dangerous than an AK47


retake it next year, if your up to that, and try your best to get the highest score you can


I literally sat down in my school to take the unabridged US History test of 2021 with my incomplete schooling from the previous year, and I got a 5 without any additional studying, when I had previously failed that test. In other words, half of the test I took involved units we weren’t taught in 2020, units I didn’t even study for, and I scored a 5 where I had previously scored a 2. If anything reveals the absolute failure of these online tests to do their job, it has to be that disparity.

And before you ask, I didn’t study because I was taking seven other AP tests in those two weeks, including half of the tests from the previous year (I failed all of my online tests except one, and I’m still convinced it was an error in their system). Call me a sucker, but I passed all eight of my 2021 tests with flying colors, and it saved me a year of college. I have to wonder though, at what cost…


So it’s better if I submit it even though I got a bad score?


If fail my AP Lit exam does that mean I'm not worthy for college?


Random thought…

What if you failed all of your AP? Should you still submit it? I mean if you don’t, then they will clearly know you failed right? It’s not like they don’t have your transcript.


i’m not sure if i did, but if i forgot to bubble which prompt i was doing for some of the pages on the dbq and leq will i still get credit?
