Ukrainian Origins | A Genetic and Cultural History

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The Eurasian region north of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov has long been a crossroads of history, conquest, and migration. The Steppe nations that have formed on the doorstep to Central Asia have built their identities and cultures over millennia. This vast territory has been ruled by a multitude of peoples over the ages. It has always been a challenge to define Ukraine and its surrounding countries.

Modern Ukraine is the largest country located fully in Europe. Its current population is the result of millennia of different populations arriving from every corner of the world. And yet, in the world of genetic research, Ukraine remains woefully understudied. 97 Ukrainian individuals currently living in Ukraine comprise the genome study’s dataset. The specific genetic groups, or haplotypes, that these people possess can be traced back through history, across the Steppe, and back into Africa, from which all our ancestors emerged 60,000 years ago. These first modern humans perhaps displaced or replaced the Denisovan populations of pre-modern humans who lived in caves. Denisovan remains have been found in Central Asia, specifically in a Siberian cave called Denisova, that are over 110,000 years old.

Linguistic and genetic evidence suggests that the Yamnya were the first speakers of Proto-Indo-European languages to arrive on the Steppe. Along with Hittite elements from Anatolia and Maykop from the Caucasus, these cultures forged the backbone of most modern languages spoken from India to Ireland, from Hindi to Persian to Gaelic to Latin. For a thousand years the speakers of Proto-Indo-European dwelled on the Steppe before charging outward, usually to the west and south, in a series of waves known as the Indo-European Expansion from c. 2000-1000 BCE.

Today, while ethnic Ukrainians comprise over 75% of the population of modern Ukraine, the genomes of many other ethnicities are present. The Russian genetic minority is approximately 20%, with a concentration in the southeast of the country, along with other smaller minority groups historically present in different parts of the country: Belarusians, Bulgarians, Crimean Tatars, Greeks, Gagauz, Hungarians, Jews, Moldovans, Poles, Romanians, Roma (Gypsies), and others.

The modern world is shaped by more than just a collection of ancestral peoples and events. Yet we can never escape our past. As genetics are used more and more to individualize medicine and discover the roots of our past migrations, it is imperative that we identify actual distinct populations whose genetics may respond differently to treatment than others. In the study Genome Diversity in Ukraine, the authors conclude that there are very specific genetic signatures that define the Ukrainian genome. As the authors state, “To our knowledge, this study provides the largest to-date survey of genetic variation in Ukraine, creating a public reference resource aiming to provide data for medical research in a large understudied population.”

This is the ancient history of the land of modern Ukraine. It is a tale of endless migration and conquest, of mixing cultures and ethnicities from every corner of the globe into a unique identity. These layers of history are the rich legacy of the peoples of the mighty rivers, endless Steppe, and Black Sea.
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Hey all! Please forgive the seconds long technical issue at the beginning of the video.
It only lasts due a few seconds and I hope that you will all enjoy it regardless.


Chronological correction. The Scythians arrived in the Steppes before the Sarmatians.


Ukrainians are one of the Most unique ethnic groups. Russia was constantly trying to sweep Ukraine's history under the rug, and that's one of the reasons why many Western countries had so little plan for Ukraine


It was a first brave attempt to write a REAL history of Ukraine as a proto- Europeans in many aspects. Naturally, this work was done not perfectly and contains many mistakes . If it was presented in Ukrainian I would find long list of such mistakes. The first obvious mistake is research for `russian` DNK as russian nation .First time today`s `russia` named itself with this word was at the beginning of 18th century ! That territory spoke on different languages, quite often not understanding each other ! ON maps it was named as Tartaria , Moskovia etc., but NEVER as Russia ! Word `russian ` didnt exist ! This ` nation` till now doesn`t have it`s own territory as the ethnos `russian` doesnt exist ! This is not an ethnic termin, but politic ! This `tric` was invented by Western historics ! Peter 1 hired them to write fake history as a new European empire history, which did not really exist ! That is why they had `stollen` name of Rus ( It is antic name of todays Ukraine) and `privatized` Ukrainian history together with the name of the Ukrainian country! Who`s DNK were you looking for ? Average russian have very little Slavic gens ! His DNK formed mostly from finno-ugr, turkish, Mongolian , northern Siberians peoples genome ! Exposure of this mystification became one of the reasons to start new russian zar actual EXISTENCIAL war against Ukraine ! Do you understand now the price of such s big mistake in one word ?
Putler doesn`t even hide his dream to eliminate Ukrainian people ! He claims it ! In his opinion only one russian people will survive ! OUR war is for that wrong word used in 300-year old political decision and this research too ! We don`t know yet quantity of killed Ukrainians, but we have already about 10 MILLIONS of emigrants from Ukraine ! What all our cities and villages look like all world already saw . Most of them COMPLEATLY depopulated and destroyed ! This is price for one fake word 300 years ago ! That is why I protest against such ` mistakes ` of Western historics before and nowadays ! Look who you hire and quote ! People, be watchful ! New ruscism wants your blood, not only Ukrainian ! listen carefully what new moskovian furer already claimed in Europe in his Munich speech !
Most people appreciated visual presentation of this science-like video, but for me more important what ideas it promotes. In my opinion If author was not well informed and made has mistake not for a purpose video must be reconsidered and remastered I would recommend to author present his next video first to auditory of country he is talking about . I am obsoletely sure Ukrainian historscs know much more about their own country then foreigners . And yes, you must make it first in national language, and after discussion in Ukraine - in any other . This way you avoid many mistakes and get much more not only mass `likes` but respect and appreciation worldwide !


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Fun fact: Ukraine is older than Russia.


Persians, Turkic, Scandinavian and Slavic tribes combined and created modern day Ukranian culture.
Huns, Scythians, Khasars, Cuman/Kipchaks and Finno Ugric tribes still live there.
Ukraine is a precious corridor between West and East.


In Ukraine on lands lived many Turkish Tribes its like Kuman-Kıpchaks, Pechenegs, Uzes, Khazars, Avars, Itil Bulgars, The Huns… and many many like that. Respect from Turkey to Ukraine nation


God bless Ukraine and all of the suffering people!


On a personal note, my only living grandparent's family came from Lviv. My grandmother considers herself Ukrainian. So, it's interesting learning about this history.


30:50 Muscovy emerged on 1501 as a result of the Horde disintegration and has nothing to do with medieval Rus or historical Russia whatsoever, those countries never ever bordered. Renaming Muscovy into Russia does not turn it into Russia for real, exactly why its new false name was not internationally recognized until 1773.


Well Ukraine has had many influences. Fighting has remained with all. Whether it’s the recognized Ukraine or the resistance. It’s about the East regions of Asia and the West. The Great Hoard had many attempts to conquer, but never have.


It was awesome to learn about the history of Ukraine and the people of Ukraine, thank you for sharing the great history of Ukraine .


Some illustrations of sarmatians are not of ancient Sarmatians but of polish aristocracy from XVII century and around that called itself sarmatians due to popular legend about their descent from ancient ones.


Historically, genetically and archaeologically, the Ukrainians are of Slavic origin, the territory of Ukraine was swarmed by Early Slavic material cultures, the Kiev, the Penkovka, the Kolochin, and even the Prague-Korchak cultures, the first Slavic state to emerge in recorded history was the Kingdom of the Antes, situated primarily in what is today's Ukraine. The Antes were an Early East Slavic nation.


Very interesting, I myself have lived in Odessa and Kharkiv in Ukraine for four and half years, in this amazing land I got married twice with such pretty Ukrainian women and became a father of a wonderful and handsome son named Isaak Rodrigovich and grandpa of two cute kids named Milana and Mikhailo! Ukraine belongs from ancient years from Yafet, the son of Noach and from the Skifs from the heir Viking princes Kyiv, Mikholaiv and Kharkiv and also the princess L'viv. This Country belongs to the Almighty ELOHIM ADONAI and we will win this war day-by-day against Russia, the descendents of the Ruriks, because The Hand of God is over our homeland. Greetings from Brazil.


Thank you so much for a such great overview of Ukrainian history. Ukraine is indeed the crossroads of Europe with so many invaders coming and going through. That defines the history of people living there and in many cases the history of Europe.


22:35 Proto-Slovenic (Ukrainian) language evidently existed and was widely spread across Central and Eastern Europe on 448 AD, over a century before the Avar invasion, so the very idea of this border-guards-lingua-franca is completely nonsensical and ridiculously unsubstantiated.


Something important to know, for all who are interested in history and/or support Ukraine:

Rus’ ought not to be confused with “Russia”, which derives its name from the Rus’ but historically is a completely different state, which almost all its existence was at war with the Rus’.

Just like the Holy Roman Empire was actually Germany, Russia is actually Muscovy, despite their best attempts to convince everybody otherwise.

Its name “Russia" received only in 1721, when Peter I passed a decree to change Tsardom of Muscovy’s name into the “Russian” Empire (“Russia” originates from Rosia, name used by the Greek Orthodox Clergy in regards to Kyivan Rus')
Under the reign of Cathrine II Muscovites where even pushed for continuing to identify as Muscovites, and where forced to call themselves “Russian”.

Lands that “Russia” claims were part of the original Rus’, but actually weren't, are Novgorod, Suzdal, and Ryazan, since in historical texts of XI-XII centuries they are mentioned as separate entities from Rus’. They can be considered parts of extended Rus’, although their culture was distinct from main Rus’.

In 1493 Moscow prince Ivan III appointed himself to be the Great Ruler of All Rus’. No other kings acknowledged that. From that point on Muscovy started to make false claims on Rus’ ownership.

“Russia” is an offshoot of Ukraine and not the other way round, despite what Soviet and “Russian” historians have been trying to say for years. Kiev was a developed cultured capital when Moscow was just another swamp village.

Germany used to call itself the Holy Roman Empire, that didn’t mean they became the Romans, and all of a sudden had a right to claim whole of Italy and its history, but yet, that’s exactly what “Russia” did in regards to Rus’-Ukraine, which is a horrible injustice!


Ukrainian people finally formed as a nation in 1596. Before that they were just Slavs like Belarusians, Russians, Poles, Checks, Bulgarians, Serbs etc...
