Scientists Reveal The Incredible Genetic Origins of The Goths

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The Goths, an East Germanic tribe renowned for their fierce opposition to the Roman Empire. Frequently referenced in ancient texts they had a significant impact on European history during the Migration Period.This video seeks to elucidate their origins, ethnogenesis, and tribal migrations by integrating newly published archaeogenetic data, archaeological findings, and historical records.The Scandza referenced in Getica is traditionally linked to Scandinavia, while Gothiscandza is associated with present-day Poland.Modern scholars, including Herwig Wolfram, Peter Heather, Anders Kaliff, and Wolf Liebeschuetz, have identified Gothiscandza with the Iron Age Wielbark culture in Poland.

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There is one serious flaw in all theories about the origin of the Goths: both scholars and people at large tend to regard Northern Poland and Southern Sweden as two places far apart and isolated from each other. They're not, they are right next door to each other.
Our perception of early history is still heavily influenced by the 19th and early 20th century historians who all seem to have suffered from serious aquaphobia. Things look very different the moment we realise the sea is a highway, not a barrier.


People talk about the Goths like they are extinct. Many of us still carry their legacy.


I'm from south-eastern Poland and have made DNA test. Turned out I have 30% DNA from central Sweden and only 40% eastern polish (and 6% western Ukraine). That's some strong gene seed considering how long ago it was. Goths still live today :)


The second image shown in this video are of armor-plated Sarmatians, not Goths.


I'm from Spain. I dad a DNA test and showed modern connection with scandinavian people. After that, I did another DNA test wich compares your samples with DNA founded in archaeological burials and showed a direct connection with a visigothic buril in northern Spain. Also, included a connection wit an scythian burial i moderno Moldavia, where goths were too.


The Goths, according to their own tradition, originated in Scania, and in three waves crossed to nowaday Poland, settling at Gothisk Anza, meaning Gothic bay, from which the placenames Danzig, or Gdansk are derived. By no means were they Thracians.


It appears the proto-Goths spent a lot of time getting to know their neighbors


Gotland I have many Swedish DNA matches and have no Swedish ancestors, but I do have ancestors form Norway, Hanover area of Germany, Bavaria and Switzerland.


Politically, the sucessor states to the Visigothic Empire, through the Principality of Asturias and the Kingdom of León, are the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain. All of Latin American countries and Brazil derive their political and social lineage from the Goths. In 410 Alaric the First sacked Rome. In 451 Theodoric the First, allied to the last Roman army, defeated Attila and the Huns, therefore laying the foundation for an independent Christian West. Amal and Balt royal lines had been the inspiration for the germanic religion and legends.


Most of the DNA evidences not suprised me. In general Poland was probably dominated by R1a haplogrup since 3000 BC and Corded Ware culture. Wielbark culture (read Vielbark) bringed some DNA from scnadinavia where Goths (mainly I1) mixed with some local people (R1a).
Goth kings family probably migrated from Åmål village in Sweeden (on the coast of Vänern Lake) invading the region rich because for amber trade (close to city of Gdansk in Poland - probably originated from "Gothiscandza").

A fact that suprised me is G hapolgrup in Goth DNA.


Great, thanks! How about something on the origin location of the Vandals next?


Fantastic information, but I'd love to see a map showing the various migrations over time.


what he forgot to mentioned but showing map - its that mtdna has been unchanged in Middle Ages and Bronze Age population of Poland and has it continuation till today, he also forget to mentioned that there is significant Slavic genes ( we should say Eastern) in Scandinavian population in Danes, Swedes, Norwegiand and Islandic. That's why Polish scientists are very careful as these findings, we also do not have samples ( people from cremations time - however I heard there are some to be tested). These dna didnt solve if Germanics moved out, it looks more like some of them did but also some of them stayed and assimilated.


Just a few simple questions - why the Jordan book is called Getica and not Gothica and why enormous ancient writers say the Goths, who were called before Gets/Getae (the famous and enormous Thracian tribe)


Wish we had some freedom left in Scandinavia and in the cradle of our culture; the black sea population. Btw, the land was much higher close to the ice age. Whole people groups lived where the ocean cover parts of the North Sea, close to northern Europe. Meaning the dry land almost conected Scandinavia to Poland.


The author of the video treated the results of DNA tests from Wielbark culture burials very selectively - focusing only on the haplogroups of the male Y chromosome. A full DNA profile was examined, including the DNA of women (who, of course, do not have Y haplogroups I2, I1 or R1). These studies indicated mixing Scandinavian DNA with the DNA of inhabitants who lived in this area before the arrival of the Goths - male newcomers from Scandinavia had offspring with local women. There were 300-400 years of peaceful coexistence between the newcomers from Scandinavia and the existing inhabitants, before the Goths migrated further to the area of ​​modern Ukraine. In this context, the stay of the Goths in Spain or Italy was rather short and coincided with quite turbulent times of wars and subsequent invasions of nomads from Asia or other non-Scandinavian Germanic tribes.

Returning to the research on the full DNA of the Wielbark culture, they showed great similarity to the DNA of the inhabitants of early Middle Ages Poland.


Excellent report with much food for thought and further research.


Goths are Getae
The Getae (Greek: Γέται, singular Γέτης) was the name given to several Thracian tribes who lived in the region south of the Lower Danube. It is now known today as northern Bulgaria, and north of the Lower Danube, in Romania.


Goths came from the place named after them, who'da thunk it.


I am Spaniard and I have the haplogroup E-V13, which is common in the Balkans. It may be brought by the goths, but also greeks or romans. It is a mistery.
