The Arrogant Buffoon Answers Tommy McMurtry of the New IFB - Perseverance of the Saints Part 2

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We continue examining Tommy McMurtry’s video on the 5th point of Calvinism, Perseverance of the Saints. Does God save a person, only to leave them floundering in uncertainty? Is one powerless to expect to be pursue a life of holiness? It is not arrogance to expect to continue on in the Christian faith – it is something accomplished through the power of God with His help, not from human effort.

Entire Series Tearing Up the Tulip Response:

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Very good video. Very good refutation of Mr. McMurtry's position.


I find it amazing and revealing that he is quoting directly from the Westminster Confession chapter 17 which places perseverance purely as God's work in section 2, and yet he still turns around and tries to claim that Calvinists teach that we persevere by our own works. He ignores that when section 3 does turn to our works, it shows them to be wicked and lead to us wandering away and bringing judgement to ourselves. He clearly is pushing an anti-Calvinist agenda and doesn't feel that accurately stating our view needs to be a part of that.


It seems to me that Mr. McMurtry's rejection of the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints stems from his desire to cling to his sin. As is common within the New IFB, Mr. McMurtry rejects any definition or explanation of repentance that includes a mandatory turning from sin. In his theology giving up sin is equal to works based salvation (when nothing could be further from the truth). At the end of the day, he loves his sin more than he loves God. One of the mandates God places on His children is to be holy. "Be ye holy; for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:16). This is not a suggestion, but rather an obligation to Christians. The onus is now on Mr. McMurtry to explain how one is to be holy while refusing to repent of one's sins. What was the point of our salvation? What was the point of Christ rescuing us from our sin if we simply intend to wallow in them for the rest of our lives? Mr. McMurtry's heretical position regarding repentance, as well as his heretical position regarding the Perseverance of the Saints, crumbles under the scrutiny of Scripture.


He really twisted things around there. Perseverance of the saints is not because of the saints themselves.

The NIFB makes the life of the Christian almost void of God, God doesn't do much of anything according to thier doctrines. God doesn't regenerate us before were saved and He doesn't sanctify us after.
