This is Why You Procrastinate

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My father used to say to me "you have to make it right or you better don't do it at all"... So here I am.


_'After a decade of planning, I've decided I need ten more years.'_


I make all these goals, huge goals, and then I have now wondered why I procrastinate 😢


I think procrastination is also caused by trying to avoid stress


This is exactly my problem, I wanted to start working out to lose weight, I contemplated it for years thinking “I have no idea how to work out and eat effectively for weight loss, I don’t want to go to the gym and waste all my effort on something that probably won’t work because I’m doing it wrong. I need to research and find a way to maximize my results” this thinking made it impossible to get started, because the amount of research I “needed” to do would take days, so I kept putting it off and putting it off. Finally I started watching a few videos on exercising and found a guy who sends people free beginner workout plans, I knew it wasn’t perfect but he said in one of his videos that just getting started is all you need to see great results, and you can fine tune the program as you work it. My mistake was thinking it would ever be possible to start out with the perfect workout plan, that’s not possible, I needed to get started, figure out what’s working and what needs improvement. Been exercising for around 4 months now and I’m down almost 30 lbs, even though I had no idea what I was doing the first few months. I’m no expert but I’m learning as I go and I think that’s the best way to do it.


If you struggle with this, I recommend doing something you KNOW you're bad at. You don't expect yourself to do well at it, and you experience doing something imperfectly and actually being okay with it


I live in a constant shadow of self looming over me and for her whatever I will do, it never be enough.


Not only that, our desire of perfection is reacting from realizing the growing potential for failure, which lead us doing things that has a higher chance of success but kinda useless and that guilty from procrastinating further grow the sense of need for instant perfection which also train us to more impatient over time combining with instant gratification from social media whil all of this originally coming from overestimation of our own ability on `trying it out' in the first place.

If u want know how i know all of this, just know I f*cked by this process


This is genuinely amazing. Every time I click on one of your shorts it’s like my flaws are under a microscope, and not in a judgmental way but in a way that shows understanding and sympathy. You’ve been able to verbalize issues that countless hours of self reflection couldn’t recognize. I haven’t started any meaningful changes to my life yet but I know that I will, and it’s all thanks to you and your willingness to share your wisdom


I've been reading a great book on procrastination by Dr. Fuschia Sirois. She has spent a lot of her career studying procrastination and found there are several key factors behind it, with perfectionism being one of them.

Other factors were related to direct reward vs reward in the future, not seeing you future self as a part of yourself and fears related to getting the tasks done.

Interesting rear for anyone who struggles with it.


This is true. In often not able to start if I think the goal is not perfect. And trying to come up with a perfect goal is often stressing that results to not doing anything. The asnwer... just do it and iterate.


Been going through these exact thoughts for years😦


Sometimes procrastination is just your mind telling you that you dont like to do certain things. That was my case and had to switch jobs. Its good to listen to your mind and body


perfectionism isn't the only cause for procrastination tho, or is it?


Fully agree 💯 i been feeling pike this a lot more than i ever did i think and it could also be related to that which is similar to ocd wanting everything organized etc ready to go so im other words trying to do everything perfectly only makes you stressed, and upset and feels like you are in a rush sometimes as well and procrastinating if you should do something or not unless you think you need to perfect everything just gotta learn and find ways to deal with it


Haha the amount of planning I try to do before starting this speaks to me


I know it’s not the point, but I am willing to try anything to reduce the pain that comes with my disease. Constant pain really numbs you.


I don't see how this perfectionist thought process is wrong. which is why I'm stull stuck I suppose.


Ok so I have a huge problem with procrastination but the thing is I don’t really want to be perfect because I know that’s impossible so I just try to do the best that I can


derive the delta of change (to - from)
then normalize it down to a reasonable unit vector and use the result as a doable direction rather than a perfect next step
