Why Do We All Procrastinate?

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If you're watching this video, you might be procrastinating! Why do we procrastinate, and should we feel guilty about putting off important tasks and assignments? Join Annie as she discusses how procrastinating evolved in humans over time.

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Exploring the Genetics of "I'll Do It Tomorrow"
"Procrastination and impulsivity are genetically linked, suggesting that the two traits stem from similar evolutionary origins, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The research indicates that the traits are related to our ability to successfully pursue and juggle goals.

I forgive myself, not I can study: How self-forgiveness for procrastination can reduce future procrastination
"In the present study, we examined the association between forgiving the self for a specific instance of procrastination and procrastination on that same task in the future."

Procrastination, Deadlines, and Performance: Self-Control by Precommitment
"Procrastination is all too familiar to most people."

The Nature of Procrastination: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review of Quintessential Self-Regulatory Failure
"Procrastination is a prevalent and pernicious form of self-regulatory failure that is not entirely understood."

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Are Messy People More Creative?
TestTube Wild Card
How to Tell the Perfect Lie


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Рекомендации по теме

Half an hour of TV ends up being the whole day.


I'm watching this instead of writing an English essay due in 2 hours, at midnight.


I think procrastination is due to the lack of discipline. Also since the world around us is at our hands with internet all the time, we try to keep up with all the information around us, taking us more time to catch up with all the events that happen and are at our reach.


I'm procrastinating by watching this video, really.


0:52 15 minutes later ? girl I was going to do my homework today 9 hours ago


If it wasn't for procastination i probably wouldn't have watched this


I need to write over a 100 complicated precalculus equations to form a picture and write a 2 page paper by tomorrow, decided to watch a little youtube first...


"If you're watching this video, you might be procrastinating!" HA! I did all my work and _then_ decided to waste my spare time.


The URL says "YAWn". Coincidence? I think not


Youtube is the ultimate procrastination generator.
Doesn't help that smartphones are around.


I do my best work in "panic mode'


casually searching 'guy on a boat smashes vegetables'...


If you work hard, you may find that in time it pays off, but procrastination always pays off now.


I procrastinating revising for an economics exam by watching a video about procrastination and even by writing a petty YouTube comment to procrastinate


I can't believe they go so much into this. It's simple: humans want to do what benefits them, what pleases them. That's whatever distraction you have. The rest is work you as a human have put on yourselves. You don't need it to survive at the minute, per say, so you gravitate towards the pleasure. Very simple.


Got a final tomorrow and this video just justified why i haven't started studying yet.


I always end up procrastinating till my assessments are due the next day, but then i perform the best when i am under that pressure, for English that is. Its like i receive inspiration to write creative so easily when i know i dont have much time left for the assessment. But if you give me 3 months to write a 400 word poem, i'll have 10 words done in 2 1/2 months


I want to watch this video, but I'll do it later.


Laundry basket, full. Number of clean dishes, none. 1 weeks college project that's duo to tomorrow, halfway.

Took my really nice and long time to comment on this because there's only 6 hours to go to college and submit this project. I guess we really might be able to call me super procrastinator but anyways. Just wanna tell how much I love DNews when it actually is viable to my big and wonderful and stressful life.

Thank you so much. I can not tell this enough. Thank you very much to take your time to make this video. I love you guys and gals. Mostly gals.

I shall write a poem in your honor if I ever get time to make one. Which is probable never. Or around my death bed. Only the time can show.

Well. I should probable back to my coding. Which is only around 1k+ lines to be done. Or perhaps I will stay on youtube and watch some other videos just to make me relax and trying to get rid of this nasty and awful stress.

Until next time.

PS. Help me D:


I think i procrastinate because of my fear of failure.
