How to Fix your Shaky Aim

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Here are several tips to help fix your shaky aim when controlling the mouse.

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Lower sensitivity doesn't remove shakiness it just hides it. Remember that, the issue can sometimes just be weak hand muscles.


I used to have shaky aim myself when I came back to pc a year ago. I found out it was due to tensing my forearm and gripping tighter in a gunfight. I now play semi fingertip( palm still touches mouse at times) and I kept telling myself to calm down when I got into a gunfight. After sometime, it became natural to just let my mouse "glide" across the pad without any tension.


i had super shaky aim when i raised my sensitivity. I found that training my tracking in aim trainers was super helpful in training my stabilization muscles in my hand instead of doing gridshot or flick tasks that almost promote your aim to be fast and shaky


DUDE. the tip about locking fingers in place or "maxing out" literally just changed my life. I basically have this tiny tremor in my hand and I just have shakiness in general with my aim. This is a game changer. I can actually aim smoothly now and feel like I can react more calmly. Thanks man


The ''locked in'' grips, which basically amount to the exact opposite of a loose fingertip grip, can help with smooth tracking aim if you notice that you're shaky while doing it. It might seem weird as people seem to think that max dexterity would be preferable, but if you find yourself having issues with smoothly tracking moving (strafing) targets, give it a try. I think many will be surprised. After you get used to it it's easier to transition it to your standard grip as well for some reason, as long as your mouse's sensor position doesn't change drastically between your grips.


wow at first i was thinking theres no way those would work and then the third one were you spread ur finger out actually really helped tysm


s1mple: "nah I'm good."


thank you so much. i tried the stretched out style and my aim improved so much.


The shaking hand comes as a consequence of the adrenaline that circulates in the body in a situation in this case of action, the only way to control this, because no matter how much you practice the hand will shake the difference will be seen when you can control your emotions in moments of a lot of pressure in a game, it's the only way there's no other way


shaky aim is one of the things i cant really get comfortable and confident with my aim, i realised it now
all this time i thought about my high sens is the problem so i changed to a low-med one
this will help me a lot i am sure


i get shaky when i dont warm up and cramp up and when i get to overhyped or stressed. cant tell how much it helped to just dont over coffinate and do some hand exercises before gaming.


My aim was shaky but something you mentioned in another video fixed it.Raising my chair fixed it, I had a friction point on my forearm which was making my aim shaky.


The secret to most practical claw-grips is not actually in the finger curl, the fingers are somewhat in a relaxed, natural stance, but the palm is the real key here, most people i've noticed using a claw-grip including myself actualy don't rest the base of their palm on the mouse, but instead it rests on the mousepad, gliding over it, with two other contact points on the mouse usually being the abductor policis brevis and abductor digiti minimi muscle categories (just google those).

Basically, the two largest muscle groups of your palm are the only ones touching the mouse sides, while the actualy base of the palm is rested on the mousepad, this creates a very stable grip on the mouse with less surface area and allows your fingers to naturally find their comfort zone on the mouse itself, variations on this might even have the index finger completely extended with the pinky and ring-finger curled more.


To me my shaky aim isn't due to me being tense or stressed out, to me it's more like a habit I developed over the years in order to look flashy. Back then when I used to play csgo which was like a year and a half ago, I was such a xantares and furiosss fanboy and wanted to be like them, thus I replicated their shaky aim and it kind of carried on with me even in different games like Apex, PUBG, R6, Battlefield and Valorant. I still have shaky aim till this day lmao.


I did some smooth training. Upping my sens to 100% of my base, and I have been improving way more than expected. The high sens forces me to be precise.
After high sens training I do my base sens training and then play some game. Really helps.


the curling your finger to the maximum was life changing for me, not only did my shaky aim dissapeared but my aim improved like 30%


bro just fixed years of thinking i had just shaky hands to just me gripping my mouse wrong


Love your content, Can you do tips on keyboard placement? How distance, angle, etc.


Can you make a video on "lazy aim"? I find that sometimes when i try to make micro adjustments my hand just wont move. This is never an issue when making larger adjustments. Ive played fps games for over 10 years and this has always been an issue for me, any thoughs?


Nice vid👍 A good topic for a future one would be ADS settings and what to look for when choosing such setting.