How to Fix Shaky/Jittery Aim

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How to fix shaky/jittery aim is one of the most commonly asked questions in the aim training community. We cover 4 easy tips that will have you aiming smoothly in no time.

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1:45 No cap, that fan example was my lightbulb moment. Thanks!


I actually recently started doing Kovaak's tracking mode and can confirm that focusing intently on the target is probably the most important thing. It was insane how much my tracking improved from that.


That analogy with the fan was brilliant. It really puts things into perspective.


For the focusing target part, avoid "predicting" or trying to shoot in the future, actually focus on the target


On the topic of focusing on the target, I recently found out how much having a high refresh rate monitor helps with that. I went from a bad 60hz monitor with heaps of ghosting to a decent 165hz monitor. It feels as if the targets are slowed down. This was especially apparent in faster more chaotic games. It makes it far easier to calculate your shots and overall just keep track of the situation.


You hit the nail on the head as far as looking at a target vs focusing. When I lose battles it’s because I’m just looking


I just want to add warmup/stretching your arm and hand to the list. It made the difference for me. I spent hours and hours on aim training and gaming trying to fix jittery aim with no results. Just made it worse. I even lowered my sensitivity tremendously and switched to palmgrip wich helped a bit but took a huge toll on my playstyle. After I started to stretch before and every hour or two while gaming I realized how tense my arm and hand have been and now I'm actually going back to higher sensitivity and old grip and I'm confident I can improve and make progress.


I find a lot of time when I end up missing more, its because I'm busy looking at my crosshair and trying to make sure my aim is "good" rather than looking at the target and actually hitting my shots


for the love of god please share your visual settings kovaaks! the orange bot and dark grey walls are so easy on the eyes


If you have the time at some point. Would you consider making a video about yourself?
I only knew a little bit and recently found out more about how you originally started playing fps games and then how the lack of effective aim training in games made you decide to create your aim trainer.

I would be super interested in a csgo pro spotlight style "the story of (dont know your first name) kovaak"
Or "The creation of kovaaks"

I feel like a lot of people know of the aim trainer but the casual players or even some more frequent users font really know much about you. Also the insights you have on this channel are brilliant and deserve more recognition, plus they could really help a lot of people.

If you dont have the time or dont want to create this kind of video, i want to say thank you for all the time and effort you put into advancing aim training and helping others out, we appreciate your efforts more than you know.


Really big tip too is to de-tense. It will help you avoid exhaustion and produce more consistant results especially when perfected.


Just maybe a tip with the focus one. Focus on a specific spot of the enemy I normally focus around the neck. In kovaaks per example I will focus on the very top part of the cones.
Also this is more of a personal thing when playing music while playing, I prefer listening to soft beats etc things that calm you down, makes me more consistent since im calmer. Ofc for the others the hype of some hard beats will help but in my opinion that hype doesnt last more than 5 minutes and the burn out hits faster.


Step one: take a fucking shower
KovaaK's is savage 🔥


My aim improved a lot once I heard about actually focusing on the target i always worried more qbout the reticle instead of mind muscle connection if that makes sense 👌


Thank you for telling others to wash your hands and arms before playing. Not only does it get rid of that "humidity" feeling but it increases the life of your pad by a lot.

However, your arm and hands can get dry quickly, so moisturize after playing 🙃


on the topic of friction between forearm and mouse mat, I know it might sound ridiculous but for people that have some hair under their forearm, when you start playing regularly what ends up happening is that the hair starts breaking and gets shorter and ultimately it increases friction, a simple solution for that is just to shave the portion of your forearm that contacts with the mouse mat. Unless you're a total bear no one will notice lol :D


you had a lot of big brain explanations in this, then i see its the official kovaaks channel, but yeah this was really helpful


Wish I've seen this video sooner. My main problem was focus where I had this thing where I could only do so after smoking (more relaxed and less stress) or at least that's what I thought at the time. I've been actually focusing on my targets and whatever I had going on where I thought I could only play while high has been this all along. Sober gaming is the way.


1:23 I can vouch for this ive always played on 270 degrees or less per mousepad swipe. Recently got back into FPS after almost 3 years, my aim got really bad and Ive not had to work on it this hard since I started FPS gaming.


The fan example was AMAZING. I would do just that to pass time when I was a little kid.
