This Is Why You're Anxious For No Reason

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If you often feel overcome with anxiety for seemingly no reason, there are some things you can look into to help. In this video, we discuss why this happens and 2 tips to help so that you can identify the source and ease your anxiety.
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This video was created by Barbara Heffernan, LCSW for educational purposes only. These videos are not diagnostic and provide no individual consultation. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with. Barbara Heffernan is not available for individual consultation via YouTube, social media, or email, and provides services only in the manner mentioned above.
0:00 What is signaling to you that you're getting anxious?
1:21 Somatic vs Cognitive Anxiety
2:58 When is stress too strong?
5:20 Is your anxiety helping you?
7:57 Is anxiety your habitual emotion?
9:36 Practical tools for anxiety