Former Marine's Shocking Ukraine War Prediction

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Anti-war Veteran and Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate Matthew Ho has great insights into what is really behind the War in Ukraine and the involvement of the United States in particular. He also makes a prediction about the war which may shock you.

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British news BBC, sky and even channel 4's propaganda about this war is epic


"Such lunacy." Indeed. His thinking on the war in Ukraine exactly reflects mine.


Just look at the title of Rand Corporation's 2019 "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia"! Tells you what this is about!


Finally a person who is direct and honest about this war.


If Russia military special operation in Ukraine is illegal, is USA and NATO operation in Iraq, Syria, Libya and many more wars over the years also illegal?


I don't know if Hoh feels like he has to say that Russia invaded Ukraine illegally or not, but it is not actually so. Putin went to great pains prior to this "SMO" to point out that he was using the UN paradigm LEGALIZED by the US when NATO invaded Yugoslavia on behalf of Kosovo. If it was illegal for Russia to go to the defense of countries that had invited them in now, then it was illegal for the US and NATO to do it then. You cannot have it both ways.

Ukraine was not a sovereign entity, and had not been since 2014. The Maidan coup showed that it wasn't even a democratically elected government because the results were plebiscites in which both countries of the Donbass formally seceded from Ukraine; that the formal, democratic process of secession was ignored by the UN does not mean that it did not happen.

When the post Maidan coup civil war got to the point where Russia had to come in on their behalf and drive Ukraine out of the Donbass in 2015, it resulted in the Normandy Process which produced the Minsk Accords. Again, a nation can only claim to be sovereign when it is in control of ALL of its' borders; Ukraine did not have that. The Minsk Accords, which were supposed to be guaranteed by Germany and France under UN ratified international law, were an admission that Ukraine was not sovereign in its borders; that even before you consider the amount of aid given to them by NATO and the US just to keep them afloat. Minsk II was a direct reflection of how badly Minsk I had been followed by the signatory partners. While Russia was not a signatory to either Minsk agreements, they were the ones who started the Normandy Process that produced them and were legally obligated to observe them under international law, as were every other country at the UN.

Russia was invited by countries (Donetsk and Lugansk) that Russia had already recognized as being sovereign and capable of signing treaties on their own. That they had been maintaining territory for eight years under constant shelling by Ukraine, as evidenced by the OSCE, shows that they were sovereign and not a part of Ukraine. Further, you cannot say that Russia coming to the aid of the Donbass was a war crime when Russia was under a UN mandate to prevent war crimes via Minsk I and II. On the contrary, they came in to PREVENT war crimes that had already been noted by the OSCE and to prevent a potential larger incursion that had become obvious to all just prior to the start of the "SMO."

It should be noted that Russia has yet to declare war on anyone; hence the "SMO" designation. We are presently engaged in "special military operations" across the globe as we speak. So if the one engaged in by Russia is illegal and a war crime, it might be an idea to look at our own before throwing any more rocks at glass houses.


What is illegal about Russia coming to the aid of the people's republics of Donetsk and Luhansk?


If European leaders want to survive politically thay must begin meaningful peace talks and be willing to compromise


"Sovereign nation?" Sorry, but Ukraine hasn't been sovereign in 9 years.


I live in Canada my sister is in a panic about Russians coming over the North Pole and invading us. Our news channels have really been trying to drum up this paranoia. I heard in Russia there's laws that you have to work for a living. I think that's what scares her the most


This was a great post Katie. Well done


We NEED guys like him in the Senate. Good clip, Katie.


Katie, Matt is a delight to listen to. Please have invite him more often.


Complete madness! The paucity of voices of reason regarding the Ukraine is astonishing.


Thank you, I agree. I know the feeling I'm a US Army veteran and I haven't talked to anyone about this war in 4 months, it's impossible, And I'm worried about how this ends to. Washington's inept strategy to use NATO to "isolate and weaken" Russia now has on the front lines countries like Poland and the Baltics states who are more pushing for "attacking and destroying" Russia. Lech Walesa did an interview last week about the need to break up Russia and reduce its population., not wise to say out loud.  I think Ukraine is either going to negotiate and lose territory or be defeated and there are literally countless countries, groups, people and unknown players out there who I think are willing to do anything, horrible things, to not let that happen and keep the war going, somehow expand it or drag the United States fully into it. I can' see how everyone just walks away from this. And using nuclear weapons now just seems like a choice among tactics and the public doesn't know or are being informed what they are risking. We need a great leader for this and I think Biden is just saying yes or no to the information he is given so who is in charge? If a decision has to be made regarding a possible nuclear attack, a real attack or something needing that response I believe the window to decide is like 10 minutes. There were close calls during the cold war. And I think we already passed one WW3 starting event the possible US Navy assistance to Ukraine in sinking the Moskava. If the situation had been reversed and the Russian navy had helped some country sink a US Navy cruiser with cruise missiles!  I've had some grateful feelings for Putin's tolerance.
And throw Victoria Nuland in that cell with Bolten, please! Semper Fi


I don't agree with Matt about Russia's 'invasion' being a war crime. I think they had every right and compared with the USA have been entirely moderate in their approach. It's not an occupation unless you really haven't been paying attention.


Very refreshing to hear some sanity and wisdom on this issue.


Educate and give healthcare to people. Stop this insanity


I think the fact Russia found all the bioweapon labs exonerates Russia.


Apparently he skips over the base cause of the Russian special operation. The Ukraine has bombed and shelled the separatist Donbass region for 8 years. Diplomacy was tried for 8 years and the Ukraine refused to abide by the Accords that they signed. When the Donbass region asked for help the Russians provided help.
