THIS is the #1 reason why people hate Christians

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hi friends!

THIS is the number one reason why people hate Christians...

I'm not joking... this isn't clickbait, this is actually a huge teaching moment for us as Christians and hopefully for those who aren't but are watching this because they are curious...

THIS is the root of all hate toward Christians... and I mean it...

Let me know your thoughts.

As a Christian watching this, let me know if this encouraged you or helped you see why the world hates us, and what the Bible has to say about this topic... by the way... the Bible has a LOT to say about this.

Hope you learned something!!

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love you guys!

Much love,

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As an atheist I can say my main reason is because they’re so hateful to those who they perceive as different whether that be they are not their sect of Christianity or they are not Christians at all. They think that because they subscribe to this religion that they are perfect and that they’re better than other people and holier than thou. They use Christianity as a Dodge because they say no I’m godlike I go to church I do this or that good thing meanwhile turning a blind eye to all the really bad stuff they’re doing. Us atheists have something called a moral compass and we don’t rely on a book to tell us how to live. Speaking of books telling people how to live, Christians usually expect everyone else to live their lifestyle or they cast you to the side. They pity you because you are not subscribing to their religion. They look down on you.


This video is a prime example of why. Non Christians don't agree with the book, we don't believe in the book, it means nothing to us, yet there are other individuals consistently trying to apply its rules and laws to us against our consent.


What a powerful and true message! If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.


I have learnt this saying: Love them enough to tell them the Truth. We are doing no favours to the lost by witholding the Good News.


Life is like a prison cell except the door is wide open and there are no guards and you can leave whenever you want but the devil makes the cell look nice and you don't want to leave but the second you do, it is like giving your life to God. Some people chose to stay and some don't. But the people who do will be blessed with eternal life.


Thank you so much for posting this. A few days ago I got baptized and have seen how people have started treating me differently. Today someone lashed out at me for discussing my baptism. This is so incredibly inspiring and just what I needed. God bless!


Thank you so much. This truly spoke to me
This morning I was almost in tears praying because I shared my testimony with a close friend (she even asked to hear) and after that she ghosted me
I asked God if I focused too much on myself when sharing the gospel or was I too awkward etc and I pleaded with Him to show me anything, and I quote, even a YouTube video, that would show me whether or not it was me or if I messed up etc.
Now I have peace and thank Jesus for Him and using other Christians in His work in coming alongside other believers :')


Oh my gosh !!! I was just reading this story the other day in chronicles- the take away speaks to me in so many ways I still don’t understand how people can hate god .... we as Christians are speaking what god has already spoken - Amen


I just have to say a few more things.

Most people who are mature acknowledge that no one is perfect, and people who dislike Christians don't expect perfection, but to be at least civil as other nonChristians. That's not too much to ask.

But when criticized for acting arrogantly, or judgemental, or any other flaw, a Christian love to take the extreme - I may not be perfect, but I'm forgiven! No one is asking you for perfection, but show some empathy for others, or kindness to others.

When someone tells me they are Christian, my knee jerk reaction is to put my hands up in a defense mode, because they are going to tell me I'm not a Christian, throw bible verses like a weapon, and when I try to point out they are doing the opposite of how Christ lived, will either tell me I reject the truth, that I was implying they be perfect when I'm trying to show them that they are not loving their neighbor as themselves, thus not following Jesus. They will attack me. They will be like the Pharisee bragging at the altar how righteous they are and condemning others.Even "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven" implies that God showing mercy by forgiving you is something earned, unlike the unforgiven.

I once tried to tell a Christian that we are forgiven as we forgive, according to the parable, and met with "so we should let everyone out of jail?" I was told loving your neighbor as yourself was impossible, because what are they going to do, give their neighbor their house keys and bank info? And when discussing love - you know, like feeding the hungry, taking care of the elderly. the first thing the woman went to is saying that it is loving to point out others' sins. You don't have to be Christian to list another's shortcomings, and love is more than believing you are a parent to another adult and some authority that dictates how others live, but refuse others to do the same to you, refuse to listen. Love is much more than that.

Maybe if Christians spent more time showing how they can demonstrate love rather than nitpick at the sins of others and ignoring or forgiving their own, Christians could be known for their love.


I heard Christian bodybuilder Tom Platz say if people don’t like you it’s cause your spirit irritates their demons


One of the things that frustrates me is when a Christian says why nonChristians hate them. It's like asking atheists why Christians follow their religion.

You won't get truth, but your opinion. You start out right - it's condemning others and forgiving themselves, believing "the world" is generally evil while there was a scandal of a circle of priests molesting children, knowing about it and doing nothing.

But because you refuse to take accountability, ask the HS what you are doing that pushes people away from Christianity, you need to justify it by blaming the people that Christ said would know you by your love, and don't.

In the 80s, when I was coming of age, I realized I was gay. I didn't choose it, wasn't a lifestyle. I was told God hated me - that i was an abomination, and that if we were following God's Law, I would be executed, but "the world" won't allow them to kill me, so...

They implied I should kill myself, and I tried several times. Many gay christians have this same story, or praying and begging God to change them, and God didn't. Some went to ministries claiming to "pray the gay away, " which again, was a lie. There are countless gat people that even married, had kids, and at some point, had to admit they hadn't changed at all.

I watched Anita Bryant fight to allow discrimination against gays, but branded it as Saving Our Children, another lie.

I watched Jerry Falwell boast of how AIDS was God's judgement, rather than show compassion.

I saw churches single out GLBTQ and debate whether they were worthy to enter the church, with the lie that somehow, some people, themselves are worthy, but not gays.

I've watched Sweet Cakes owners lie by omission that they were being persecuted, instead of yhe truth - they had posted the name, address and phone number of the lesbian couple who had filed the complaint, resulting in death threats, and the possibility the couple would lose their daughters because they were now in a dangerous environment.

I watched Scott Lively use propaganda (lies) about debunked "facts" about gays in Uganda, resulting in the "kill the gays bill, " believing his lie that all gays are after your children. The environment in the country is one where gay bashing is common and goes unpunished

In a commercial against gay marriage, Storm Clouds claimed ta number of things that were distorted, or simply, a lie

Sio, my question is:
How can anyone say that God hates another?
How can someone claim to follow Jesus, but fight to discriminate against another in terms of employment, health care and housing? If we say we love God but hare our brother, we deceive ourselves, because how can we love a God we have not seen if we can't love the brother whom we have seen?

How can someone use an obscure passage like Leviticus - a book they may have never read, never researched, and just lift the verse out of context to use as a weapon, then claim one honors the bible ? Satan quoted Scripture to tempt Jesus, and I believe misuse of the bible to purposely harm is a very grave sin. How can look at Sodom and Gomorrah - that were going to already be destroyed, see it is heterosexual men going to rape the angels to death, and equate that with bomosexuality, and claim to be searching for God's truth, not making it say what one wants? The sins ate also listed in Ezekiel and still the person insists it means what they want it to say.Is that honoring the scripture?,

How can one claim to be Christian but lie so often, when there is one Father of Lies?

When someone tells you their child has cancer, do you say that God's wrath and judgement is upon them? That they got what they deserved?

None of this sounds Christ-like, but rather than admitting their own grave sins against others, they blame the very people the sin against.

And that is one reason.

I remember hearing stories back i the day, where a gay couple bought a house they lived in together for 20 years. One day, one of the men was in s serious accident. His husband wasn't allowed to visit because the man's parent forbid the partner to see him, and had that power because they were next of kin, not his own partner. The family then demanded the house sold and all assets liquidated, and take half. Legally, the widower had nothing he could do to stop them.

So, he lost his partner, then, rather being comforted, had 1/2 of everything - his home, his car, taken away, by people who probably still believe themselves morally superior..

That is the real truth.
People hate these kind of Christians because they do hateful things against them, but refuse to do self examination and see the plank in their eye.

But when lies are so commonplace, yet the word "truth" is said so often, one comes to the point when they can no longer tell when they are lying, even to themselves


The Christians I knew, so 90% of them only helped each other, within their organization, they were able to provide for their own needs, even at the expense of other people.
But the rules according to which people should behave, how they should lead their lives, they could perfectly demand it from everyone.


Truth Hits like KO but Lie hits like a flower which is comforting I learnt the Hard way through depression . God bless you and your family 🤍


To get to paradise
First thing believe
second is behaving

if you did a sin, you ask the Lord directly for forgiveness with no human between
Give it a look you won't regret
Have a nice & blessed life.


Kendra, may God bless you and heart for the lost.


Thank you for posting this. Timeless message for Christians from all generations. Needed this to persevere at my job, which claims to be a Christian company. Love God's truth and His messengers. Blessings 🙏


Actually it's not the sin, the fact that you all resort to that instead of taking accountability for how you treat people. As a Christian I met more hateful Christians who judge you by your sins but refuse to take accountability for their own. "It's not my fault I slept with a man I met at the club and got knocked up, it's the man's fault and he's not "it's not my fault I used and abused everyone around me while high on pain pills, it's the men I married that were rich and I used their money to abuse thems fault and now God needs to bless me with a good man" ect ect.
Who loves their sins more than Christians, because they apparently don't have to take any accountability and are justified in the judgment and hate they five to anyone because God is always forgiving of them but noone else.


Thank you for the encouragement! I haven’t been reading the Bible as much as I want to and haven’t made much progress to my goal of finishing the New Testament for the first time. This changes today! 😊


I wish I could give sooo many more thumbs up! So so encouraging and something I have been struggling with and needed to hear. Thank you for posting!!


Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: Christians draw ire primarily due to their JUDGMENTAL nature. And they carry this burden because they do NOT know and live the "Good News" of Jesus Christ, which involves the ABANDONMENT of judgment! Jesus said: "The Father judges no man, " I judge no man, " "I came not to judge but to save, " and "Judge not and you shall not be judged, " for "The Kingdom of GOD is within you." "Is it not written in your law, 'I have said ye are gods'?" ALL OF YOU, WITHOUT PREJUDICE OR JUDGMENT! However, the manmade false "gospel" says: "Believe that Jesus died for your sins or you will be judged and condemned to hell." YOU THINK GOD JUDGES, THEREFORE YOU JUDGE. But at the same time, you lack discernment. AND THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM, CHRISTIANS. Learn the GOOD NEWS and you will learn to quit judging. And you will learn to DISCERN rightly. And you will quit voting for the anti-Christ - men like Donald Trump - and the party of DEATH that claims to be the party of life! Didn't you wonder why the Republican color is red (the color of anger, evil and satan) and the stars on their elephant are inverted (beginning in the year 2000) to form the satanic goat head symbol? GOD SPEAKS TO YOU CONSTANTLY, IF YOU WILL LISTEN. And all mysteries have been revealed, for those who have overcome fear and are ready. Click and ye shall find. I correspond only via my contact page.
