The #1 REASON You're Single & Can't FIND LOVE... | Robert Greene & Lewis Howes

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Today’s guest is Robert Greene! Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers, The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, and Mastery. And he’s written a new book called, The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy, and Human Nature. Robert is one of my favorite guests to have on, he was actually the very first guest on the podcast so many years ago as well coming on a few times since.

No matter what you’re looking for in a relationship or what your relationship status is, I know the lessons Robert lays out in this episode can provide you with valuable takeaways you can apply to your own life today. Please join me for Episode 1,174 of The School of Greatness!
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I grew up with a very cold father. To this day Ive never been in a long term relationship. Its not that Im not open, or loving, or feminine, but I do feel theres something missing that would explain why Im always overlooked. People who have loving parents have no idea how much their parents have set them up for success beyond just health, education, stability.


When he mentioned that how a male internalizes his mother's attributes to what he desires in a woman - struck a chord with me because one day my husband said to me..." Our son is so lucky, I wish I had a mother like you". I am a widow now, but I see via this interview why he said that. That's Beautiful !


Most don’t know what love is in the first place because it was never experienced in the arms of their mother and father.


Most people wont let themselves be vulnerable anymore


The biggest privilege in life, bigger than being wealthy or anything else is having loving parents.


Please don't have kids till you heal please. Childhood is the most important part, you either raise a healthy humans or broken humans. Heal first!!!


Lewis is a fascinating interviewer. He asks a lot of questions that are somewhat "unsophisticated" on the surface, but over the course of the interview it encourages Robert to develop and fully explain his ideas in a very clear way. It's almost as if he's teaching Lewis, as opposed to being interviewed by Lewis. Very different from most interviewers on Youtube, who seem to want to one-up their interviewees.


We subconsciously want to relive our childhood traumas through the people we pick for relationships so we have more chances to correct it. If we don’t figure out the lesson then we’ll just keep reliving the same situation through multiple relationships. Once you learn what you were meant to learn, that issue will magically disappear from your life forever.


love at first sight = falling in love with a person’s energy right away when you interact


I have no desire to be married, I never have for as long as I can remember. I watched my parents argue almost everyday and when I moved out at 18 yrs. old I remember the peace I felt bec. of the quietness! I do love companionship. I have male and female friends. I love coming home from work to a quiet home of peace! I enjoy going out, traveling, doing what I want to do when I get ready.


The process of self awareness is seeking truth, forgiveness and growth. Robert, is such a divine soul.


“Do what you did in the beginning of the relationship, and there won’t be an end.” Tony Robbins
Great panel discussion! Love Robert Greene! I soak up his material. I feel when I step out into the world it gives me an edge. I could listen to him all day. I’d love to see him and Dr. Jordan Peterson together on a platform. I think my brain might explode! Lol Great stuff! 🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💪🏻😍


I’ve watched so many Robert Green interviews because I find his ideas fascinating, but damn you’re a great interviewer!! You ask all the right questions. It’s awesome 👏🏻


I hope everyone finds love and learns to love themselves...


Yes constructive criticism is the key in life but delivering it gracefully is the key!! In my experience as a sales person and nurse, your energy is the most important tool you can use to encourage patients to change their perspective!! So true you have to promote faith and courage!! It can change someone’s attitude on living, I promise!! Its so magical to talk someone into still fighting cancer!! If you tell them they are gonna win they will !! Psychology of the mind!!


I did all this- as the female. I was the one doing all the work, doing for them, asking and understanding and working hard, being every thing they said they wanted. They gave me crumbs in return- when they thought I was leaving. They came to me for parenting and once they felt better about themselves- they didn’t just leave- they destroyed.


Yes this is something I've learnt just last month 'learn to judge people based on their character not the nice things they do.'


23:15 it's just about feeling that you actually matter to someone, that they value you.

And if you genuinely value someone surely is natural to let them know that.
It's not about grand gestures or expensive gifts.
It's just the look in your eyes, the spark of ideas off each other as you engage in conversation.
It's about connection.

If there's no connection any more, there's no relationship is there.

You can't have a relationship on auto pilot


I settled for too less, abusive men due to childhood self worth issues, I felt that was normal to find unavailable men for whom you have to work hard to get love in return, , , but when I healed my inner child, I started saying no to anything less than amazing, not even the bare minimum. I know now that every human deserves love & care without doing hard work


"Generosity in a relationship is really important." -- Boom!! so so so true!!!
