Lexus NX300h review 2014 | TELEGRAPH CARS

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Looking sharp: the Lexus NX300h is a hybrid with style, but can it cut it with the best in class?

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I have had the NX 300h since July 2015, and I think this review really goes wrong with the 4/10 rating for driving The complaint is mostly about the CVT drive, and I wish that the reviewers would spend a little bit more time to get familiar how to use the system. In Eco or normal modes, you get best acceleration response by pressing the gaspedal about halfways down and then gradually to floor, not instantly to the floor. If you floor it, without going all the way to kick down, there will be a small delay as the transmission changes ratio. In eco and normal, system is programmed for comfort rather than fast response. Sport mode is then for fast throttle response.

I do not want to go to a debate which one is better, DSG or CVT, but at least for me CVT is the most comfortable and driveable transmission in the market.

Another point which I would like to bring up about the Toyota hybrid technology is that it uses exhaust gas heat recovery, and I have not seen this used in any other cars. The benefit is that in places like where I live, when it gets below -10 degrees C, even down to -30C, it is really important to have heating to the cabin, and this is where NX excels. Warm in the car, and clear windows. Comfort and safety. As comparison, many diesel drivers opt to install Webasto burners to get heat to cabin while driving. This consumes fuel, but also it drains the batteries which have to be constantly recharged when standstill.

I find the NX to be really steady and easy to drive in all weather conditions, including the icy winter roads. This is my personal opinion only. And the pad control for the central panel is easy to use. My setting is 0 for the haptic feedback, so if you can use a computer trackpad, you can use this.


everyone to their own I suppose. After test driving the NX300 F-Sport October last year, I ordered one for delivery 1st March. It was great fun to drive, extremely comfortable and with the option of manual sport mode (paddle shift) makes it the ideal car for me. I test drove the Audi Q5 and the BMW X3 but decided on the Lexus. I'll let you know how I feel a few months down the line.


If you know how to drive a hybrid, progressively and smoothly, it's really not a problem. These reviewers have a tendency to put their foot to the floor and then throw the car around bends, meaning they're hard on the brakes, hard on the throttle and therefore make the hybrid system seem unresponsive and thrashy.

If you're an alpha male aggressive driver who likes to feel like they're carving up the road, this isn't for you.


This guy does not know how to drive a hybrid It's not a sports car.Keep it in normal mode and switch to sport mode uphill and it's not a problem.Use half throttle and it's just glides cars are more for cruising not sports.Its a SUV not set up for thrashing.If you want more sports feel get a m3 or something.But for everyday cruising Lexus is comfortable and smooth.And the running costs are next to nothing as well as the reliability.I have a nx and I get around 43mpg and I keep it normal or sports with normal acceleration and to the floor.Just relax and cruise.If you want sports SUV then get a Porsche with more running costs.


How is a touch pad more difficult to use? Who hasn't used a laptop track pad before?! Seems a bit of a odd criticism.


4/10 is unfair for the drive. He should put it in sports mode. The acceleration is best then.


You moaned about throttle response, but you had the car in Eco or Normal! Try the Sport setting and it really frees up the drivetrain, making it far, far more responsive.


I love my 300h much more that previous BMW and the brakes DO NOT grab! Thankfully I take little notice of reviewers who frequently talk out of their rear orifices!


The thing about this review is that it only applies to the 300h.  I've test driven both the 200t F Sport and the 300h and I found the 200t to be a much funner drive.  On a scale of 1 to 10 I give the 200t F Sport an 8.  Now I should say that live in Japan and the Japanese versions are slightly different, but I can say that I do agree with your assessment of the breaks.  That was the most unpleasant part of the test drive, but I reckon it's something once I've grown accustomed to it that it wouldn't bother me.  In no way to I intend for this to be a negative review of the 300h, because I think my displeasure of that experience is due to my lack of experience with hybrids.  In other words Im not used to driving them.  It can be compared to learning to drive using an automatic then one day being exposed to a manual transmission.  Initially, one may not like it because the experience is so different from what one is used to, but after frequent exposure it could become one's preference.  Generally spesking I prefer petrol's over hybrid's but can grow accustomed to a hybrid if I have to.  This is the reason I' purchased the 200t F Sport.


put a "O" at the end of the number plate and you've got YOLO (just noticing)


min 2:16 : just remember to tilt the front seat back enough so it helps the child seat to stay even better in its place.


Awesome!!! :D You and Rebecca make great videos!!!!


Very good review. You've almost got those knees under control and done away with the metronomic hand gestures.
Much more natural and watchable.


People please if you are clueless dont review features as problems.
Let me add some, tesla plaid accelerates too fast, honda e has too little turning circle, citroen c3 suspension is way too soft.


The mirror is so that you can sample the coke from your street-side dealer before accepting the deal...


The boot is not bigger than in Volvo XC60. Lexus: 475 litres. Volvo: 655 litres.
Moreover, the parcel shelf is hard, folds in the middle. It is not as practical as rolling parcel shelves in many other cars (like Volvo XC60) if you want to carry bulky items, such as several suitcases upright. This lets it down in my view.


This car is most likely in direct competition to the Evoque, which in most cases is classed as a woman's car, hence the need for a mirror...I guess.


I wasn't impressed with my test drive. Awful ride and trim rattles in the back. I struggled to get 32 mpg and I drive like a granny. I will be sticking with my Q5


Mirror proves that the car is for mums doing the school run: you can do your make-up ;)


Japanese car-makers were best when making relatively conservative cars. This anime-generation design is way too much for anyone older than 25. Sadly Japanese products are getting worse year by year.
