My LUNG CANCER Symptoms Were Being Misdiagnosed Multiple Times!

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Ashley Vasallo was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer two years ago. Despite her diagnosis, she remains active, engaging in activities like lightweight lifting, yoga, and gardening. Ashley initially dismissed her symptoms, such as difficulty swallowing and chest pain, as stress-related due to her demanding job as a hospice social worker and her personal life. However, after multiple visits and misdiagnoses, including asthma and pneumonia, a CT scan finally revealed her lung cancer.

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There are so many misdiagnosis... I wish doctors get more intentional and careful in diagnosing..


I was also misdiagnosed with pneumonia only to find its stage 4 lung cancer. I'm on chemo and immunotherapy now. Feeling much better


Lung cancer lung removed a larger tumor lympnodes. Did chemotherapy had one lung removed .that was just over 2, years ago .Long healing but all my scans and bloods cancer free ❤


Thank you for sharing this on your courageous journey. Folks take care of your heath best you can and insist when you are feeling problems, the medical industry is not what it used to be, some MDs and staff are more apt to get you in and out than actually diagnose your condition...they almost killed me once 😮


I have stage two lung cancer. Many thanks to my family doctor for doing scans early. I’ve had surgery and chemotherapy, I think of myself as being very lucky it was found this early. They also found three tumors in my lymph nodes.
Now starting a daily pill that will hopefully keep it at bay for the future.


I have the same scar on my back that you do. I’m so sorry that you are going through this.


I’m so so sorry that you are going through this. I am so disappointed in our healthcare system and healthcare providers with misdiagnosing people and I think it’s particularly prevalent and females and I think it’s also prevalent when someone is young. They just don’t do proper screenings and they just make so many assumptions, and most of all and sadly they don’t listen to patients who truly know their own bodies is so vital to be an advocate for your own healthcare and not give up on insisting on tests /screenings, etc. my prayers for your healing and overall health


How do they say you have pneumonia twice and they didn't bother to do a X-ray to see you had lung cancer 😮sad. Hope you are doing better


Same with me only the cancer showed up after an X-ray, and two cat scans. Still waiting to see what they will do


My neighbor was treated for pneumonia a few times before they discovered her lung cancer. When she went to the er for the third time the doctor told her it wasn’t pneumonia but was advanced lung cancer. She died a few months later.


What is wrong with these dokters? You hear these stories verry often, i lived one myself, also cancer and they almost let me die before they took me seriously they need to learn listening to people and think aboud the info.they receive instead to send you away with all the simple treatments, this is a to coman story! I wishing you all the best❤️


I am so sorry you have to endure all of these trials. May you stay cáncer - free forever
Please, for those of you, who got pneumonia and were misdiagnosed, how do doctors finally found out you had cancer? What test/ image/ procedure was the one that unequivocally, made cancer diagnosis possible?


One would THINK living in a time where medicine is supposed to be more advanced than ever that SO MANY would NOT be misdiagnosed as often as cancer patients are. However, when you have insurance companies as the doctor instead of actual doctors, THIS is where the majority of the the problem originates. Couple that with the fact that doctors just do NOT listen to the patient, have an ego that will not allow them to trust that the patient knows their body better than they do, as well as many being from a generation where actually touching the patient is foreign & unheard of today, it’s no surprise that more patients are misdiagnosed &/or delayed in being diagnosed. Many doctors also walk into an appointment with the preconceived notion that the patient has allowed Google to diagnose them. Whether that is the case or not, actually listening, asking the right questions, performing the right tests & basic exam, paying attention & picking up on body language can answer the questions of whether or not the patients concerns are authentic or not without making them feel invalid.


My poor mother was misdiagnosed 2003 with the same ailment, they told her it was allergies.. Prayers go out to you🙏🤗


You're so young and beautiful, thank godYou were such a strong fighter and had good medical help. May god bless you, ❤


Heavenly Father I ask that you put your healing hands upon her and cure her from all sickness cover her from head to toe I pray in Jesus name Amen 🩵🙏🙏🙏🩵


All these young people being diagnosed with cancer. WTF?!?


So How are you now. What is your medication.
Same here


Non small cell is the more recoverable form of lung cancer, is that right?


I hope you're still here beautiful ❤️❤️❤️.
