Lung Cancer: Early Diagnosis, Treatment

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#ALCSI #LungCancer #cancer

MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: You or someone you care about may have been diagnosed with lung cancer. This video will help you understand more about lung cancer and how it affects your body. Your lungs are a pair of organs inside your chest that allow you to breathe. You inhale oxygen, which all cells need. Then you exhale a waste gas called carbon dioxide. This gas exchange happens inside tiny air sacs in your lungs. Lung cancer is a disease in which normal lung cells change into harmful abnormal cells called cancer cells. Cancer cells multiply to form clusters called tumors. These tumors grow and destroy healthy lung tissue. Lung cancer may spread to other parts of your body through blood or lymph fluid-- a natural substance that helps gather unwanted waste material from your body. There are two main types of lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. They are named for the kinds of cells in the cancer, and how they look under a microscope. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer is the most aggressive type of lung cancer. It grows and spreads more quickly. The most important risk factor for lung cancer is smoking. Other risk factors include breathing secondhand smoke, exposure to radon, having a family history of lung cancer, HIV infection, exposure to harmful chemicals, such as asbestos, and air pollution. Lung cancer may have no symptoms in its early stages. When symptoms do appear, they may include chronic cough, chest pain, trouble breathing, coughing up blood, hoarseness, loss of appetite, trouble swallowing, weight loss, tiredness, and facial or neck swelling. If you have lung cancer, your doctor will need to determine the stage or progression of the disease to help plan your treatment. Non-small cell lung cancer has many stages. In the occult stage, cancer cells are found only in lung fluids. In Stage 0, abnormal or cancer cells are found in the lining of the airways. By Stage 1, a small tumor is found. Then in Stage 2, the cancer has grown or spread to nearby lymph nodes or non-lung tissues. In Stage 3A, the tumor has grown to any size. In addition, cancer is found in lymph nodes on the same side of the chest or in nearby organs. Stage 3B is similar to 3A. But in 3B, cancer is found in lymph nodes on the opposite side of the chest. Cancer may also be found in lymph nodes above the collarbone. In Stage 4, tumors might be found in both lungs. Additionally, cancer may have spread to distant organs. There are fewer stages for small cell lung cancer. In its limited stage, cancer is found in one side of the chest only. In the extensive stage, cancer has spread to the other side of the chest or to distant organs. As you deal with a diagnosis of lung cancer, continue to talk to your doctor and your cancer care team.

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After I lost my gma, cousin and mom (at the age of 28) in a single year (2022) the "live by the moment" is what I live by. It's hard for someone who's never experienced true loss to ever understand the pain. But the greatest advice is never take today or tomorrow for granted. Live in the now


This is very informative and helpful. Thanks for this!!


I know three people in my neighborhood who died of lung cancer, and the reason was smoking.


Someone that i loves died because of this f**king disease 😔


Send this link to all friends that smoke, then they might listen and stop


Hey i am a medical student and i like to make medical animations... Can you please tell which softwares you do use for creating 3d models and animations..


I need help to quit smoking ;( its been so hard for me please help


I don't know why people like to risk their life & smoke.


i have now for weeks everyday hoarseness, neck pain, and shoulder pain and the pain goes to my wrist. I am very tired and i have also chest pain. I not know what to do...thats why i was looking at youtube. I maybe go to see a doctor but feel they not always much helpful.


This death causing can occur in 3 different ways;

First Way: Air Pollution
Second Way: Smoking/Vaping
Third Way: Bad Food Choices


Never smoke, folks. This post is why. 🚭🚭🚭


Do all lung cancer treatments need surgery?


Is it true that it can be detected early than other cancers if so why n how


My dad passed away from lung cancer. He died on my


Please is there any lung Disese that brought about a black spot on some skin around the chest area?


Why did you put nuclear simbol on a power plant? Nuclear energy is very clean and does not have any negative effect on air except water in its gas fourm.... and no it will not explode like rbmk morden rectors are very safe. Make a choice, obsurdly smal amount of nuclear waste for produced energy or insanly high air polution, uranim to coal ratio is 1to 1, 500, 000 kg.


Could you imagine what acknowledging a cure for cancer would do to the pharmaceutical industry? Oh boy a lot of people would loose a lot of $$$$. That’s why they will never allow a cure to be produced,


I have everything besides coughing of blood do I go to a doctor
