My Symptoms Came So Fast: Tiffany's Stage 4 Lung Cancer Story #shorts

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Tiffany was a nurse and mother of twins when her world was turned upside down.
Despite being otherwise healthy and into fitness, Tiffany started experiencing breathlessness and pain in her right side. After a collapsed lung and many tests, she was diagnosed with non-small cell adenocarcinoma.

Watch Tiffany's full video here:

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Lord, please I ask you to healed her lungs, and give her the strength she needs to face her challenges, and confort to her beautiful family, you are on my prayers!!!!


Thanks! I lost my wife to breast cancer. To see this beautiful young lady and her family suffer this is so unsetteling.


I feel so bad for the dear woman, she has so much to live for. I hope she can beat that awful disease


The oncologist I knew said if you have lungs, you can get lung cancer; that it doesn't matter if a person smoked or not. Sad. Prayers for this woman.


Does anyone have an update on this courageous, lovely woman??


My sister was the same & diagnosed at the stage. She lived for 5 years because she refused to die. She was on autoimmunity drugs had no chemo she lived with dignity. Sadly passed with sepsis. Live everyday make memories, write letters, take photos your kid will treasure. Bless you beautiful


So sorry for you, my brother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer earlier 3 months ago, , he's gutted for his twin boys who just started university, he said he'll fight tooth and nail to see them graduate. God bless you and your family 🙏


Stage 4 ovarian and I’m terrified but I’m strong and I have faith, and I’m thankful to our creator for all good thinga


Witnessing miraculous healing with igrotum. A true blessing in my cancer journey.


My hubby just got diagnosed with lung cancer, but we don't know what stage. Our friends and family couldn't believe it coz he looks healthy. I'm very sad, but I need to be stronger 💪 we've been married for 30 years now 😢 I pray you will fight this cancer and be healed eventually.. 🙏


Father, Flood this precious Soul with the Peace that confounds the human mind. Give her and her loving family the answers that no human can give. ❤️🙏❤️


so many beautiful moms of this age with spreading lung cancer. Doesnt anyone notice this anymore.? Im 73 and never seen the like in mylifetime till now!


😢 I have a stage 4 diagnosis, too. 6 years into "the journey." I'm so sorry you're going through this. Praying peace and abundant joy for you and your family.


If you are still alive and get to read this, i wish you recover and im sending you love from Trinidad ❤❤❤


Praying for your restoration. May God bless and keep you and give you complete healing Amen 🙏 🙌


Lord, please give her a miracle! Her family needs her. This I ask in Jesus's name.


Thank you for bravely sharing your story and reminding everyone that you don’t have to have smoked to get lung cancer. It’s not only a smoker’s disease. Sending you a big virtual hug and positive healing thoughts and prayers of remission for you and your family!💖‼️


I'm so sorry.
It's tragic how the cancer rate has spiked to an all time high in the last few years. 😭😭🙏


Exactly! You hit that nail right on the head! Don’t wait until till you’re close to retirement retirement to go out and do all those things because that’s usually what 60 to 65 years old when you retire guess what?! I’m 62 and you have arthritis in your joints. You don’t walk as well. You don’t get along as well. You have aches and pains. If you’re a female you went through menopause which causes you a lot of issues you’re not gonna be climbing no mountain you’re not gonna be water skiing because your bones will be more fragile by that point go out now and live and do the things that you want to do with your family go every weekend when they’re out of school go during the summers go go go so you got all those wonderful family member memories to look back on. Because you just don’t know what condition you’re gonna be in by that point if you wait to take it for me, a senior citizen!😅. We took our boys and we went on boats in waverunners and motorhomes throughout them growing up, we made trips out of state and all over and took our boat every weekend up to the nearby lake campgrounds we went through all these different phases of, and not not to mention playing music and playing tennis and golf! We didn’t do one or the other every other weekend. We went through the stages as the kids grew to do in advancing to something different. Then there was one thing left. The kids were all out of school and grown and adults and one moved on and got a family. The other one was still at home and my husband was close to retirement and guess what exactly 7 months before he was going to retire he was diagnosed with cancer.😢 and it was the worst cancer, pancreatic cancer😢 through all the hell of surgery chemo all the way through was 17 months before he passed. Well, there when I retirement of taking our luxury diesel, pusher and going off around the country that didn’t happen, so enjoy life now planet and live it while you’re young! I couldn’t do hardly any of it if I wanted to know at my age due to health conditions that are beyond my control. So I’m really glad that we did so many wonderful things as our kids were growing up and we got to enjoy fun and laughter with my beloved husband. Now I sit alone, my choice, what are adults on here with me to help assist me so I don’t have to drive alone.😊😢


Praying for your full recovery and healing ❤️🙏
