Fixing the Johto Gym Leaders | Part 1

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Today I'm going to be taking a look at the first 4 Gym Leader Teams in Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver and attempt to fix them by changing up their Pokémon, move sets, abilities, and items!

If you reach the end of the video, let me know what you think about my changes and if you'd do anything differently! Thanks for watching and thank you to my channel members for supporting me!

00:00 Intro
00:45 Falkner
03:18 Bugsy
06:40 Whitney
09:48 Morty
13:22 Outro
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I do want to note, you said that Aipom doesn't fit Whitney's character, but Aipom was originally going to be her ace, and the reason she wears a sort of baseball uniform


Wing attack on technician scyther would be incredibly strong for a second gym


My favorite idea for Morty is just literally giving him every Ghost type in the game at that point lol, so he keeps his Gastly, but replaces a Haunter with Misdreavus. Gastly while being frail, really packs a dangerous punch especially for a first-stage Pokemon.


Here's what I would do for these gym leaders:
FALKNER: Hoothoot/Pidgeotto
BUGSY: Scyther/Ledyba/Spinarak
WHITNEY: Snubbull/Miltank
MORTY: Haunter/Misdreavus/Gengar [GSC] / Misdreavus/Haunter/Mismagius [HGSS] - I think they should've added ALL relevant gen IV evos to the HGSS Johto Dex


My only thought on the video is to maybe actually give scyther Vacuum wave because it will teach players just because a type’s effectiveness is on the field, the opponents pokemon also learn moves of different types and that they are smart enough to use it (to keep geodude from walling the first two gyms by itself). Other than that, an amazing video as usual!


These changes for the Johto gym leaders are great so far. One change I would have done is Whitney's team which would be Teddiursa, Furret and Miltank. I would love to see you make a Heartgold and Soulsilver romhack wirh these changes for the Johto Gym Leaders!


Murkrow with pursuit in the first gym is a bit too much imo. The player shouldn't be deincentivized to switch their pokemon in battle in gym 1. The move being used in gym 3-4 to teach the player that sometimes, switching can be punished, is a better lesson in gane design. The player would have learned that hey, don't be afraid to switch to a better pokemon when your current one isn't suited for the task, then impart them with a lesson to be careful though, as some pokemon can take advantage of this and punish your decision, so be strategic when switching.


I feel like Noctowl would be a better fit for Morty, with it being based on a grandfather clock and it having that whole “time” motif going on, I think it loosely encapsulates a lot of Johto and Ecruteak’s general themes of preserving traditions and embracing the past pretty well. and with it being only found at night and learning Hypnosis, Dream Eater and a lot of ghost type moves, I feel like it would be a good fit for him and I think it fits that ‘spiritual’ vibe you’re going for very well. I would keep Falkner’s Pidgey, since it’s kind of the quintessential “bird keeper” Pokémon, and it fits better with Murkrow’s more jagged and “rough” looking design and scrappy temperament, even though it can’t bring that same utility that Hoothoot does. plus, owls are known to symbolize wisdom in literature, and it could loosely represent Morty’s pursuit of knowledge in his ultimate goal of meeting Ho-oh. I just don’t think Falkner has the maturity to wield one.


I'm loving this series, and I love that it's trying to remain consistent with the actual games and not create any crazy difficulty rom level teams. As someone who mostly just plays the base games every once in a while, I appreciate this approach! Great work and much love <3


First time anyone has ever said Ledian is to strong for anything


Everything explained in the beginning of the video is exactly why I'm working on my own ROM, fixing weird level scaling, improving gyms, moves etc too. Thanks for this video, really helps inspire how to improve things


About whitney, bayleef also does an incredible job against her.
To me, whitney was a breath of fresh air after falkner and bugsy 🤣🤣


I think Unown could be usable on Morty's team if it was always ghost and it was an M for Morty, and it held a Choice Specs


Your team for Bugsy is just what I was thinking for him! I like all of your ideas, though!


Snubble on Whitney’s team ( a second Pokémon that would be retroactively become a fairy type) lends credence to the idea that had Whitney been introduced gen 6 or later she’d have been a fairy type specialist. Though that’d mean she’d lose Miltank which is kind of the Pokemon that makes Whitney, Whitney.


Fun fact: In the spaceworld beta, Bugsy's team consisted of a lvl 20 Pinsir with Vice Grip, Fury Cutter, Focus Energy, and Seismic Toss, a lvl 18 Ledian with Agility, Quick Attack, Bite, and Psybeam, and a lvl 16 Metapod with Tackle, String Shot, and Harden.


MandJTV did this idea as well, but it’s great to hear other people share their take on it!


5:58 I like that you have the daytime and nighttime bugs. It showcases the day night changes in environment


Its about time the Johto leaders got a proper glow up


You're smoking something, Furret is fluffy and cute which would perfectly suit a girl who cries to losing.
