How Much Money You Need To Save By EVERY AGE

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I had $25k saved up debt free by 25 but I got sick at 25 and had to use all that money on doctor visits/tests/medicine. Now I have to start back from 0, it sucks so bad but I’m glad to still be here and I’ll keep grinding to build my wealth back up. It’s gonna take me a while but I’m not giving up.


I was very lucky that my father-in-law suggested maxing out Roth IRAs in our 20s with extra cashflow; it’s near criminal that this isn’t taught in public school


24 years old, extremely glad I’m getting into this now, from 18-23 I have made some poor financial decisions 😂


I'm 27 and I just started a decent paying job last year. So far I have 10k in savings in a high yield account, and I also started my 401k. Being financially responsible really makes a difference.


Nobody can become financially successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals. you have to contend with inflation, recession, decisions from the Feds and all. I was able to increase my portfolio by $289k in months. You have to seek for help in the right places.


Inflation is far more harmful to individuals than a collapsing stock or property market because it directly affects people's cost of living, which they immediately feel. It is not surprising that the current market sentiment is extremely pessimistic. In today's economy, assistance is critical if we are to survive.


I’m 26 (27 in Nov), and had 15k in savings in 5% APY account. That 15k has dropped to 5k due to major car problems, killing ALL consumer debt, and career changing. It’s bittersweet but having that money ready was a great feeling.


Investing in alternative income streams that are independent of the government should be the top priority for everyone right now. especially given the global economic crisis we are currently experiencing. Stocks, gold, silver, and virtual currencies are still attractive investments at the moment.


I wish i would have seen this video 20 years ago. I’m 42 now, so I’m having a late start at fixing my finances…but better late than never 😊 Thanks!


So far so good.

25 with 140K in securities, no debt, paid off car. Once I get my housing figured out, I’m on a great path.


I’m 29 years old and have been aggressively saving over 50% of my income for the last 5 years. I drive a beat up Honda with over 270, 000 miles on it. At the rate I’m going I should be able to retire by the age of 40, just have to keep on track.


I started saving and investing in 1989 at the age of 20... my father forced me to start. I love that man today!!!
I am 54 today and have 2.2 million in my retirement account, 135k liquid and I trade securities with 50-55k


I'm definitely an outlier, have $600k in CASH, no 401k, etc, no debt. I love when online banks pay 5% interest, the interest pays all my monthly bills.


Currently working overseas but will return to my home country in the near future. I'm a landlord. I invested in property at the age of 22. Value has soared and renting out. Will live on the rental income I receive and live with my aging parents for the time being. At 60 I can withdrawal from my superannuation (401(k)). Have savings and eligible for the Australian pension at 63. In the future I may downsize, sell the property and buy cheaper property and add the left over money from the sale to savings. Lots of options for me. The way I see it if you have $1m at some point, that’d be enough to create a portfolio that would pay you between 50k-70k in dividend income.


So helpful! With so many financial experts throwing around arbitrary numbers, your clear, concise guideposts take all the unneeded stress out of the game.🙂


Good to know at 19 with 10k in savings I’m doing good 😂. Social media can definitely be toxic and make you feel like you’re behind but just keep doing your best and never give up. I hope everyone here succeeds and accomplishes their dreams including my self 🙏


I'm 39, 401k with over 500k, net worth 660k, no college degree, no student loan debt. Public servant. Not rich, just middle class. Didn't have a car note till I was 34.


I’m 36 and wife 37 with current net worth of ~$1.1 mil. 6 years ago, we had 70k student loan, 25k car loans, 15k personal loan, 10k+ credit cards. Road to wealth started by paying all these black holes. We’re fortunate enough to make 6fig incomes but we also live in CA where EVERYTHING is expensive. It’s going to be painful getting started but once you see the debt actually going down, it becomes addicting! Best of luck to everyone with your financial journey!


This was soul crushing, but at least I can still try turning thinks around. Thank you; I needed to hear this.


Definitely agree with working toward promotion goals. I would make sure to overshoot these median numbers to account for inflation. I am constantly working to increase my contribution rates. A few times a year I will make adjustments to my portfolio.
