A Minimalist Approach to Spending - How much money do you really need?

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Being a minimalist has completely changed my attitude towards spending. I've reassessed how much money I really need to live a happy and fulfilled life. Turns out, its not as much as I thought.

By being intentional with my money, embracing slow living and avoiding buying things society dictates we 'need', I've completely transformed my life.

As always, thank you so much for watching. All my love xxx








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Living tiny really saved my life during the pandemic. My partner and I both were without an income almost overnight. I'm so thankful for my tiny little bus, which was able to provide us a places to live while we navigated resorting our lives. It also allowed us to keep our little space while moving to a new city in a new state to pursue new careers. I'm so, so thankful for tiny life!


It’s so lovely to find a channel that I can relate to. Veganism, minimalism, mindfulness and intentional living. 💚 all the things I am passionate about. We are mortgage free and empty nesters but with the cost of living and fuel rises we are trying to save money wherever we can.


This episode has so much genuine caring about your viewers well being. I felt like a very wise good friend was talking to me from her heart. Thank you so much for the warmth and genuineness of your words.


Over the last 4-5 years, I have embraced my version of minimalism: only buying and having things that are useful or enrich my life. I’m not extreme, but intentional about what I spend money on and store in my home.

I live in a 988 sq foot home. We were looking at those around 700 sq feet, but we offered 37% less than the asking price and got it. (Such a low price being accepted is unusual in the U.S.) And it came with energy efficient heating and cooling.

We don’t have a car payment, credit cards or other loans. We rarely eat at restaurants. We do free or low cost activities. We grow some of our own food (and plan to do more next year), canning extra.

As a result I only have to work 22 hours a week to support myself and my family. Time is valuable!


I do not think I am a minimalist, but I do live simple, and I did live simple from very early in my life, so now in my 40, I need only to work part-time (20) because all is paid for, including my normal size house 90 metros square (we are 3), my small car, my education. Is so good to be in need to work part-time, I can run the house well, do other things, and be present in my child's life. my husband does not need either work full time, even though he is doing right now 32 hours. living simple, free for shopping every day, and having loads of stuff that I do not really need is just so liberating. I am teaching my child to think "do you want it or you do you need it".


It’s remarkable how similar the landscapes are in Nova Scotia and Scotland. It’s no surprise the Scots settled there.


We have embraced a more intentional frugal lifestyle over the last few years as with everything that’s gone on it made what matters in life much clearer. I love the outdoors which does require spending money on equipment and clothing. I don’t mind paying more for sustainable, repairable clothing and footwear, brands like Vivobarefoot resole walking boots for a reasonable cost which works out cheaper than buying a new pair each year. Clothing brands like Paramo and Alpkit offer repair services. We’ve been batch cooking and freezing meals, enjoying our local area more than driving to national parks and getting into foraging, free food tastes amazing.
I know there are many people in unavoidable difficult financial positions but I also feel many of the people now struggling, who earn good salaries are often a victim of lifestyle inflation and living beyond their means for several years, prioritising cars, bigger houses, holidays before building an emergency fund to weather situations like we’re facing. Hope that doesn’t sound too pithy, and truly hope the government here in the UK do some to ease the pressure on those feeling it most.


I have been watching your videos before bed & they bring me such comfort in helping me because my anxiety seems to increase before (because I start worrying ). Your videos are special and I enjoy them so much.


Hi Molly, just found your channel a few days ago and love your content. I've been on a minimalist journey for over 10 years which enabled me to retire early 2 years ago from teaching. Your channel is different to all the other minimalist and slow living channels that I've been watching. Your authenticity shines through and the footage of your beautiful location is very soothing to watch. Thanks for sharing your minimalist approach to spending in this video 🙏🐾🥾


Whatever your immediate needs are, also having a cushion to save time, getting out of a bad situation, and survival money is the money you really need.


How I wish I'd known about minimalism 20-30 years ago. It was just something I didn't know was even an option. But better late than never I guess. Always enjoy the scenes you capture on your camera.


I recently retired and reduced my monthly available cash by more than half. I has been an interesting process to reduce my spending and try not to worry. I plan meals carefully based on what is on sale for the week and any leftover produce I dehydrate so that it doesn't go to waste. I have also started to work on repurposing items I no longer use, especially not throwing something out but repairing or altering for different use. It has been a fun creative process that keeps me busy.


Such a beautiful place you live, thank you for sharing your beautiful nature with us. I love your intentional living and spending message. Oh and I’m going to try those banana and peanut butter cookies tomorrow.


Thank you for this video. I live in Poland and I'm a sole trader (which currently isn't easy). For some time now I've been terrified how much money I spend only on bills, taxes, rent etc. I never buy a lot of clothes, but thanks to you I'm now looking for good quality and what I actually need instead of buying something cheap in a mall and often not even wearing it. And I really want to try a minimalist wardrobe. Also, just wanted to say that I've started to watch your videos about two weeks ago and honestly they are my escape from the world. I grew up close to nature and now I live in a city and I'm exhausted. Content you create is really interesting, honest and beautiful. And I love your dog! 😀So thank you Molly! 😊❤


I'm so pleased I found your channel. Your videos are so calming and inspiring. Subscribed and found your blog. Thanks for sharing! xx


Afternoony. New to your channel. Loving your content - Thank you for sharing. I dream of escaping to the highlands, losing myself in the wilderness! We are a family of 5. Though far from living a minimalist life, we have made many positive changes to our living & spending. Far more mindful in our doing & being. We make the best of all we have & our life is so much richer for it! Wishing you a lovely day & I look forward to your next video xx


Thanks for the book advice. Definitely going to read it 🙂 This year I grew vegetables and herbs in my garden and it helped me save a little ammount of. I am already planning what to plant next year🌿


Hello Molly thank you for sharing your day and your thoughts on being more intentional with money. We too try to be more intentional about our spending. 🙂🧡💚


I just love your talks! So pleasant and comforting. Thank you for sharing.


Great video and very inspiring. I love Boho Beautiful as well. Definitely focusing more on a minimalist lifestyle now. I totally relate to you spending more on clothes for better quality to avoid Fast Fashion. I did the same. I prefer to shop locally supporting the independent shops on my high street for food to keep them in business too. I also joined my local library last week and am enjoying books from there. Thank you for sharing this video and tips on how you manage your money with the changes to our bills/outgoings in Scotland.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🌿💕
