HOW TO SHOWER PROPERLY | Shower Routine & Hygiene Routine

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0:00 intro
0:23 how often should you take a shower?
1:11 temperature of water you should use to shower
1:50 first thing to clean when you shower
2:04 wash and condition your hair
2:56 cleaning and shaving armpits
4:32 rinse hair conditioner
4:42 avoiding back acne
5:09 post hair washing care
5:38 do I shower every day?
6:02 face wash
6:!9 possible chest acne cause
6:57 body wash
7:01 bar soap vs shower gel
7:57 how i use my bar soap
8:18 deep clean soap recommendation
8:43 every day soap recommendation
9:09 moisturize skin with shea butter
9:14 should you use scented body washes?
9:36 common places missed when showering
10:38 cleaning your feet
10:57 exfoliation
11:18 the two types of exfoliates and which to use
13:01 how often do you need to exfoliate?
13:20 shaving
13:24 why I don't use shaving cream
14:08 cleaning underneath your nails
14:59 cleaning your feet
15:47 conclusion


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tags: HOW TO SHOWER PROPERLY,how to take a shower,my shower routine,shower routine,shower routines,shower routines body care,shower routines feminine hygiene,shower routines hygiene,shower routines feminine hygiene 2020,shower routines hair care,winter shower routine,morning shower routine,hygiene,hygiene routine,feminine hygiene routine,feminine hygiene,body care routine,feminine hygiene tips,shower routines tiktok,spring shower routine,summer shower routine
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Let's remember that personal hygiene isn't just for girls/women! It's important to educate boys about this as well. After all, we are all humans with the same needs :)


It is important that you cover these topics. So many young girls (maybe even women) didn't have their mothers/parents help them with these tips. I use all these tips and have taught my young daughter the same, but I know MANY who follow minimal hygiene practices and it shows. It's not a fun topic, but def an important one. Great video!!! PS I shower before bed no matter how late or exhausted I am. ☺️


For a single dad that's new to this. Can you show us a close-up of how you attach the claw clip? Maybe a rebuk review of different clip types. For my 8 y.o. daughter with long hair. Just started using some of your routines/ product recommendations, thanks!


As a single child, no parents and siblings, I badly need this. I just got out of an orphanage 2 years ago. Thanks for this.


Another good idea is take a quick shower just with water either in the morning or evening because sometimes you sweat over night so it’s good to have a quick rinse in the morning if you showered with soap the evening before or visa versa


Girl i have depression since 2012, i was eleven and eventually went through that phase of not wanting to take showers and now im not sure i know how to do it.
This video literally changed my life.
Thank you ♥


As someone who wasn't really taught about personal hygiene and has struggled with depression for most of my life, this was helpful ❤ Thank you for sharing these tips


So glad I found your page!! As a young 19yr old I was never taught how to properly shower. I came across your tik tok, which has a lot of hair care routine that has helped me so much. I didn’t know how bad I was damaging my hair until you made me realize how amazing healthy hair can really be. Now I’m using products that make my hair look amazing, I have always dreamed about have long beautiful Silky hair💕. You have given me so many tips to always be fresh and take care of myself. I have unlocked a new way of loving myself. These tips will definitely be great when I have my own kids in the future. Thank you for sharing. 🥰


My guess is most people, even young ones, knows how to shower in a way that suits their needs? Something they should be taught is how to not waste water, how to be mindful when choosing soaps etc, how to pick sustainable habits. We need to think about our earth if we want to keep it 🌸


1. the amount of times you shower depends on your skin type but its better to shower every 1 or 2 days.
2. shower with lukewarm water!!
3. wash your hair first
4. when using shampoo, just clean your roots and scalp because thats where all the oil builds up not your roots.
5. when conditioning, you want to apply on the mid length of your hair to the ends and leave it there for 2 or 3 minutes.
6. while waiting for your conditioner, just wash your armpits with your HANDS loofas and stuff like that just harbor bacteria.
7. while cleaning your armpits, use castile soap DILUTED to get rid of your deodorant residue so your pores dont get clogged or in-grown hairs. it can also clog your razor!
8. dont use a wash cloths, loofas, body brushes and stuff like that. they harbor bacteria which gives you acne and other bad stuff. just use your HANDS.
9. apply your soap directly to your hand and rub it on your body. oh and after rinsing the soap, you can just shave your armpits
10. WASH YOUR BODY *AFTER* CONDITIONING! or you'll get back acne and just acne on your body in general. and it can also clog your pores.
11. put your hair in a clip or towel while lathering your body or your hair will pick up some of the body soap making your hair dry.
12. wash your face before washing your body.
13. bar soap doesnt harbor bacteria!
14. use irish spring if you are really really dirty and avoid it if you have sensitive skin at all costs!
15. after using irish spring use shade butter
16. places you forget to clean: behind your ears, in between rolls, underneath your knees, in-between your fingers, in-between your toes, and in your belly button!
17: Clean your feet last!

im too lazy to write everything else...


**Caribbean people left the chat**
This definitely depends on the environment. For us islanders, nothing less than showering twice a day is the norm. A healthy dose of lotion after a nice shower morning and evening works just fine.

Thank you for this video!! Informative as usual!!


I just finished showering and used this whole routine and it helped me so much I feel so much cleaner. I will use these tips more often!


girl you have literally saved my life in all the categories of beauty 🥰


These are really good tips, buy I do feel like it will depend on each person and their lifestyle. For me I cannot shower at night because of work, I get home 1130/1200 at night which is way too late. I prefer to wash my hair morning/early afternoon on my day off after a workout. I have trained my hair to the point I only have to wash it every 7 to 10 days before it gets oily.


I shower before bed without fail.
My friends think I'm nuts because even if we get back from a night out and I'm drunk, I always take my makeup off, shower and brush my teeth before bed 😂


i love videos like these, especially i grew up in an abusive household where i wasn’t taught this. im 13, im still growing. but, it makes me happy that it isn’t treated like everyone knows it, because some people dont. i sadly didn’t and i’ve been getting better at it the past year :))

kudos to all the lovely creators helping others 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I dont watch many beauty experts but she really sounds she knows what she is talking about. I like the way she uses medical evidence research to back her statements which merits her opinions.


Oh girl. I agree with you on overly fragranced body washes or gels. Because as someone with eczema I am okay with fragranced soaps or body washes I do use washes for my eczema too. I prefer using body washes which are lightly scented and not overpowering, and making sure they’re good for my eczema. I use Kirkland bar soap and it’s amazing for people with sensitive skin, and eczema. They have the original scent which is my favorite, the fragrance free, and aloe vera.


I grew up with my Grandmother. And everyone at the house had to take a shower two time a day. One in the morning and one at night. As an adult I continue that same shower routine and I love it . Everyone is different and have the right choose what is the best shower routine for them .


Thank you so much, even as a person told by my mother how to keep up hygiene it’s so nice to have someone directly explain these things <3
