Did Jesus Claim to Be God? | jesus | uthman ibn farooq

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speaker : uthman ibn farooq
#podcast #jesus #bible
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Taqiyah alert! Read the statement I am in context. Jesus sais this in context of being before abraham. The greek there is odd as one expects before abraham was is was. But by stating I am He claims not only being earlier bit being God. The blind man however just sais that he is not someone different then the previously blind man. AND THE SHEIK KNOWS THAT!


Read Bible Context wise... please don't use your stupid mindset...If we interpret Quran like you...you will get heartache.


Sheik please read the whole bible.
Here JEHOVAH calls Jesus God
Hebrew 1:8
 unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

If you doubt the bible
Jesus is co creator in the quran
God in the quaran ..God of the people of the book.
Jesus is Lord in the quran
Jesus is messiah in the quran
Jesus is the Word of God in the quran.

Don't forget each muslim will pass hell.

Remember the criminal on the cross, Jesus❤ took the criminal straight past hell into heaven no questions asked of him about his deeds.
If Jesus can do it for the criminal imagine what he can do for you


You know whats interesting,
Jesus is never directly called GOD in the bible but you know what he is directly called
Mathew 21:11 "This is jesus of Nazareth, a prophet of god" 😅


Prophet Mohammad did not even know where he would go after death? So how can you tell if you're going to heaven? The teaching of Jesus Christ says I take you to heaven.


Bro totally missed the context as usual.


I want one ans from Muslim Community that...How Quran writer says that Christ never died after 600 years later?who wrote the Quran was not present at the time of Christ.

Jesus Christ himself, after his resurrection, appears to the disciples and says, I am alive...and the writer of the Qur'an writes, like a madman, that someone else was killed instead of Jesus Christ...Does God joke with people? If you want to get the right information about Jesus Christ, carefully start reading the Bible to get the right teaching...The teaching of Jesus Christ also says, Love your enemy...but Quran says, do not befriend Christian and Jew. Your Quran teaches you to deceive people. Playing games with whom, you are ahead of people.


No he didnt.why worship a mere man instead of the true one god who sent moses and abraham


Sheikh Uthman needs to understand that the Greek word for ‘I am’ refers to the Hebrew which Jesus spoke. (Jesus spoke Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew). When the blind man says ‘I am’ he isn’t claiming to be God, in John 9:8 the people who saw the blind man asked if he was the same blind man who was begging for money, which he responded, ‘I am’. It ultimately depends on the context. Blind man says ‘I am the beggar’ while Jesus says ‘I am before Abraham’. The Jews knew full well what Jesus was saying, so they picked up stones to stone Him for claiming to be God. And for that one guy saying Matthew 21:11 says Jesus is a prophet, yes, Jesus is a prophet, but it never said that He isn’t more than a prophet.


It’s crazy how literal he’s taking everything. If we took the Quran literally, there would be the same issues. There’s context in language. The context matters the most


I respect you brother as a man created by God but you are wrong.
What about John 10:30 where Jesus says -, "I and the father are one". Stop cherry picking verses of the bible to try and misinform people that aren't educated about the Christian faith.


The Whole reason Jesus was crucified is because he was claiming to be God and the Jews wanted him killed for blasphemy. Youre rejecting Islam if you say that Jesus did not refer to himself as God because that was the whole reason he was put on the cross. Muslims believe he didn’t actually die on the cross but he was put on the cross for referring to himself as god andmaking himself equal to god and


The devil knows the scripture just as us. But the devil always deceives us [make us deny] that one word or truth that can bring us back to the Heavenly Father since the beginning with Eve he's done that. You need the wisdom/ understanding of God to grasp everything from HIM.


Secondly the distinction between Lord and God has to do with the covenent of the old testament and is a rethorical device of paul to make a distinction between Father and Son. Both are divine titles. Secondly in for example 2 peter 1 and romans 9 vs 5 Jesus is called God.


The person who is saying that Jesus is not the God but is a prophet. Let me make this Clear Jesus Christ of Nazareth existed long before the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him was ever existed like 100million years before Mohammad peace be upon him existed. And John lived with Jesus for 3years and 6months and now comes the best part. Since the Qur'an was written many more years after the Gospel of John . It's clear that the Mohammad peace be upon him took the reference of the Gospel of John and wrote the Qur'an. And no prophet in the Bible was knowing about his death and how he is going to die for the mankind
