We need to talk | Pokemon Unite

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We need to talk | Pokemon Unite

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More Content:
Pokemon Unite Tier List
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Pokemon Unite Guides
Ultimate Guides

Thank you all for watching! Stay tuned and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to always be kept up to date about the newest Pokemon Unite Pokemon, Pokemon Unite Tier Lists, Pokemon Unite Balance Patches, Pokemon Unite Patches, Pokemon Unite Gameplay, Pokemon Unite Guides, Pokemon Unite Boost Emblem, Pokemon Unite Boost Emblems, and Pokemon Unite Highlights!

#pokemonunite #pokemon #crisheroes
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if you are interested in Honor of Kings I would very appreciate if you check out my new YT channel for the game


i'll keep watching your unite content until you stop.
did not expect this comment to gets that many likes, but its awesome to see the majority of these replies agree with me and will stay with Chris. CHRIS FOREVER!!!


"tough pillow to swallow" is my new favorite CrisQuote


Whenever I saw the thumbnail I immediately thought something is serious


You're honestly the reason I came back to unite, just seeing funny interactions or frustrating moments is enough of a relatable experience that most of us are thankful that it's not only us who suffer from it. Keep up the good work cris!
Unite has potential, it's just not being actively taken advantage of.


I wish we got more complex characters in unite, when was the last time we got a mechanically demanding character.


I like a more competitive experience in my games. The thing that worried me was many unite players reaction to draft.
I felt that general perception of draft was negative, and that makes me feel like player base doesn’t want to get better/have more of a challenge.
I feel that when more players get better and play the meta, more creative play is created, counter meta is found, and the game gets more interesting.

I’m not sure this perception can change, but I’ve seen it happen before in mainline pokemon games and I hope it can happen here too.


My friend list in the game is 70 % offline always😅


I’d like to see more challenge type content like you did with the starter Pokémon recently. Unite is super repetitive, the only way to spice it up, especially for content, is to do unique challenges. Also, playing with other content creators to do those challenges can be fun.


What is a huge gap in the market of Unite content creation is something similar to coaching or spectating bronzes like Flats's iconic Overwatch series, I'd love to see more of that fan interaction and fostering of community in Unite as well


You should make detailed guides on how to play every Pokemon. Not just build suggestions, but actually how to utilize each character to their fullest. (I.e. Best lane, positioning, securing, how they best fit (or don’t fit) in a team comp, the different ways you should play them based on the matchups, general skill tips, etc).


I stopped playing this game bcs my friends played HOK before it got released in global. But if they improve it more idk in a more creative way id come back more.

Edit: if you're worrying about contents, im still watch ur video bcs it is really good lol, but only on Pokemon that i like to use even before i stopped playing


Since asked for suggestion, I'm gonna write some stuff down. I am not saying these are gonna help you or anything but I hope you give a thought about them.
1. Can posting less videos per day help with the views? I wonder how many people are willing to watch 3 videos of the same creator at the same day. Even if you post 3 videos per day, is there a possibility that the third video isn't a plain gameplay?
2. I feel like your interaction with YouTube viewers during the livestream is less engaging than that with Twitch viewers.
3. I think collabs with other creators may help to gain new subscribers.
4. Is there any possibility to do series like the Road to masters, Nuzlockes, Viewers games etc.?
5. Create a signature thingy for yourself. Like a content that can only be found in this channel. (eg, Yee Haw of Spragels, Hi I'm Teeds & this is Nuts of SuperTeeds, On Mondays we do tier list and on Wednesdays we wear pink!, so & so)
6. Editing the videos. I know you do the editing and thumbnail yourself so I am not suggesting to hire someone else but maybe you could try fun editing styles from Maxikyu, Inder, Moy etc.
7. I love you Cris, bye.


I think it might be worth making collaborative videos with other content creators. I think it would have raised the views. Or something like some kind of challenges. I also think it would be possible to arrange sweepstakes or contests. Or you can make video reviews of subscribers' matches. You can also shoot videos of fast battles. On twitch, you can stream joint fights with subscribers in custom matches. Maybe you will like some of these ideas, although I understand that many of them may not suit you.


I wish we got more complex characters in unite, when was the last time we got a mechanically demanding character


I love this game and I also hate this game and I go polarized on it back and forth sometimes in the same day. I have a hard time staying positive as well and can be pretty toxic at times but.. I'm still here, still playing, and still striving to get better. I'm still excited by Unite and I want it to last a long time.


Even if i am dead i will still be watching your unite content 😂


Cris I will still be watching your videos because you are the one that made me good at game 😊


I subbed because you're relatable. Three years ago, I transitioned from a third person shooter, Garden Warfare to Unite (mainly because of the pokemon IP.) It was a struggle and a half just to play against the sweats back then while trying to play my favorite pokemon, but the first time I saw you was in a Spragles video talking about sniping the big objective when everyone else is Dead, and that's when I started learning about MOBAs that made me actively better at Unite (at the cost of insanity.) Now in present day, it's more so fighting the low quality teammates and boredom of seasonal updates, but I still like the content you make and it's good to start branching out to other games before Unite implodes on itself.


I started playing unite at release and it was the first moba I'd ever played. I was absolutely horrible but watching you and Spragels really helped me improve. Even if I never got good enough to feel confident playing higher skill mons you still helped me understand what plays make sense when and how to play different types of characters which made the game so much more fun.
I had to stop playing a few months ago for my mental health because solo q became so unbearably frustrating especially since I'm not at the skill level where I can carry every game. So I'm grateful for your content, especially DLC, showing all the insane things you experience. It scratches my Unite itch but also validates that quitting was the right decision. If they make major changes to match making I will 100% start playing again
