How To Keep A Woman Interested In You

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Hey guys, welcome back to my channel. For those of you who are new, welcome! I’m Kate Spring, a dating and relationship coach from the West Coast of Canada and today I want to share with you some of the easiest ways that you can keep a woman interested in you when you’ve just started seeing each other.
Before we get started, as always, make sure that you subscribe to my channel, if you haven’t already, and post all of your questions and comments in the comments section below and I’ll be sure to get back to you, personally, as soon as I can.
Quick question, when you’re trying to spark a woman’s interest, do you give her all of your attention? Or do you make her miss you by playing a little hard to get? Take the poll and let’s see what the majority is up to.
In order for you to keep a woman interested in you, we need to look a very specific component of attraction, and for women, one of the driving forces of attraction is building an emotional connection. When you first meet a woman, and you’re getting to know one another, it’s great to have similarities. Seeing if you have similar interests, hobbies, taste in books, television, and movies, etc. That is all great. Sharing similar interests on these topics is a great foundation upon which to build a friendship, but building an emotional connection will aid in boosting attraction and contribute to longevity in a relationship.
So how do you make the right kind of connection with a woman that goes deeper than the surface? You do so by drawing parallels between your lives, which can include your family, friends, motivations, and values, etc. These is the stimulus that lure women in to your charm. Connections aren’t built on surface material, they happen when we’re able to dig deep with people in a way that doesn’t seem pushy, invasive or probing. Which has a lot to do with conversation, body language and confidence.

1. Have the confidence to be yourself:
The best thing that you can do before you begin to make a connection with a woman is to have the confidence to be yourself. Nothing says thirsty quite like trying to please everyone. The need to be liked by everyone is a noble aspiration, but an unrealistic one. In dating, one of the best qualities that you can have in your arsenal is being somewhat self-assured, which means that you’re confident in your character and abilities. Having a pleasurable, strong, and amazing connection with someone, or anyone, is dictated by your relationship with yourself. If you are always trying to fit in and please everyone around you, your real self might get lost along the way. So be yourself because the authentic version of yourself is going to be the version of you that thrives and attracts the most genuine interest from women.

2. Ask Open Ended Questions:
If you want women to open up to you and connect, you have to ask the right questions. Conversation is key here. When you’re trying to get to know a woman, asking questions like, “what do you do for work?” is a great place to start. But where conversations remain on the surface level is if it goes on to describe the facts about a person’s job. Say your girl is a nurse and you ask her what hospital she works at, and then what floor, and/or specialization that she has. Instead, ask her why she got into nursing. Find out her reason for choosing that field and you will get a clearer insight into this woman’s values and motivations in life. She will also feel more comfortable talking and sharing with you when she feels like you are genuinely interested in her with your unique line of questioning.
Another great way to build connections is to talk about your family and friends and comment on similarities. If she says something about how her best friend is really into cross fit, or her friend is vegetarian, you could say the phrase, “that reminds me of…” and then you draw a parallel to your life. Your response could look something like this, “Oh, no way. My brother is really into crossfit. He’s always trying to make me try it.”
With that being said, it’s important for you to understand the idea of give and take. You want to give a woman your full attention when you’re face to face as well as information, but what you don’t want to do is overdo it, which is where a lot of men falter. You see, part of being confident is knowing that attraction and keeping a woman interested in you takes time to achieve.

Рекомендации по теме

Everyone. Turn your focus inwards. Be the best you that you can be. Only then will someone become and stay interested in you. Universal advice for anyone.


Kate I really like your message, we as men should look at relationships as a marathon and not a sprint, being patient and confident


They say ‘don’t ask fish for advice on catching fish, ask a fisherman’ but you’ve proved that analogy to be flawed. Your words are legit and I preach the same principles aswell. Glad to see a fellow Vic dating coach. Keep droppin the knowledge Kate


This is how the comment section on this channel goes. Kate: guys don't act needy and desperate. Guys: send Kate a zillion comments that are needy and desperate.


Almost everyone is looking for “committed relationship.” Most people sense that this is what they need, and people talk and read about “relationship” incessantly. But for all our talk about “commitment, ” we are sabotaged by our assumptions before we begin. We assume that the single ingredient that we need for “relationship, ” the one thing it cannot do without, is romance. But in fact, the essential ingredients for relationship are affection and commitment. If we look clearly, we begin to see that romance is a completely different energy system, a completely distinct set of values, from love and commitment. If it is romance that we seek, it is romance that we shall have—but not commitment and not relationship.


your vids are short, concise and to the point. Keep it up Kate.


Asking different types of non-standard questions, playful banter and being genuine. Always works for me. If you can improve her life in many ways she’ll be with you for life.


This is genuinely good advice, good to know that not everything is complete new to me. But keeping the suspense is very much a good one


There was a guy on a date next to me at a sushi bar today and he was trying to establish similarities with this girl but it seemed so superficial. In fact it would have been more interesting if he had other interests that she's not familiar with. He basically established that they were both boring people and the conversation kind of died out.


I'm older now and have had my share of suffering from relationships for no good reason and this question is funny to me now because the answer is to have a life, be your best and have hobbies and interests. Maintain all of that along with boundaries and be playful. If she's not on board, she doesn't like you, at least for now lol and you gotta be ok with that, so keep living your life and date someone else that's in your orbit.


You look fantastic with that hair color too. I really enjoy the orderly way you present all the steps and examples, so much easier to understand. Thanks again 🙌🏻.


I think this women knows what she's doing, I'm already in love with her, lol.


Alright, I really need help here. Me and this girl are I guess...ghosting? Like I'll spend a month or more getting over her and shell message me on facebook, we'll talk and all these feelings come back. Then theres a time a few months back where she gets really close to me (invades my personal space) when our friends gather and when I turn around and take a few steps she grabs my arm to get my attention. So I look up what those means, and it pretty much says she likes me right? So a few weeks I ask her to a date and she turns me down saying she wants to focus on her schooling, but if the right guy can impress her shell think about dating. Soo really confused here and I dont know if shes just really friendly or am I missing something or misunderstanding things. And yes, I like her.


Damn! Love the hair Kate, and as always, excellent video. Keep up the encouraging work!


Sorry for being forward but your beauty takes my breath away ❤ hello from London England x


I never had a girlfriend but most of my friends are and have been females. In fact if you and I got to know each other I feel like we would become good friends. You seem to be a nice and kind person and you're quite attractive too. Anyway, I had a friend who was a girl and we hung out with as friends and she wanted to have sex. I rejected and explained to her about being a very Christian person, but she didn't take kindly to my answer, and we spit our ways over this. I was sad this happened because this might have turned into a good relationship at some point. This kind of came to mind at around 4:50 in the video.


Shame you weren't there when I was young.. great advice Kate 🙂


I highly appreciated the tips within this video. Likewise, these principles may not be effective at every situation and I’ll try my very best.


This was great information you are helping me get through rough times understanding what I should be doing more of, thank you Kate!


Thank you for cutting the chase and keeping your videos short and to the
