How To Stop Attracting Narcissists - Top 5 Tips | Romantic Relationship Advice

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Rebuilding Trust & Overcoming Jealousy in your Relationships Course:

Do you often wind up in the same type of abusive relationship? have you identified narcissistic patterns in your partners? Do you want to stay away from narcissists and build a loving, balanced relationship?... By following these tips, you will be able to break your patterns and work towards building meaningful, harmonious relationships.


Chapter timings:

00:00 - Intro
00:39 - Improve your internal dialogue
03:18 - Have boundaries
04:26 - Asserting your boundaries
05:29 - Knowing your needs and meeting them
08:34 - Learning to trust yourself


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This is the best explanation I have ever heard. I have never resonated with the "victim-blaming" explanation I keep hearing in certain communities. This makes so much more sense.


“It’s asserting your boundaries over all the small things daily, not just the big stuff’ and deny any love bombing as a way of meeting your needs. Yes thank you


If you have boundaries, narcissists will not come for you. If you have developed boundaries, relationships with narcissists will end. There can not be any real love with a narcissist, because love requires a lot of the word no. If you can not say no, there is no real love. I learned the hard way and it was worth it. My relationship with a narcissist taught me to set and maintain boundaries in a hostile hurt so bad, but it was worth it.


So true. I only really learned about narcissism from my last relationship. Then I realised I had a narcissistic parent and looking back saw how small they made me feel and how I always felt like a burden. The narcissist made me feel so important and loved, but used and manipulated me at the same time. I didn't know about boundaries and red flags, but I am well aware now - so at least I learned something in the relationship. It's just hard to trust myself now, but I'm working on it. :)


This took me years to learn, especially staying away from victim narcissists (the ones who are often misdiagnosed as borderlines). The grandiose ones are easier to spot.

But I've learnt and they are not reaching out to me like before. I look more calm and less nervous these days, not the same narc magnet as before.


I am very greatful this topic came up 🙏
I left a few weeks ago a toxic relationship with a narcistic DA and realised how he destroyed me.
I lost myself and forgot what a healthy relationship and what love feels like... I am strictly on no contact now, but I am very devastated and traumatised...
Its coming up so much pain 😔


I had a narcissistic mother and keep attracting these type of men into my life, bingeing all your videos to help me break this cycle, thanks for all the information you keep producing, you are saving me from drowning into a pool of self pity, I have hope now xxx


Recovering from codependent tendencies is a process. I’ve come a long way, but occasionally I draw the Narc card. I just put it back in the deck quickly theses days, vs. playing the whole game with it. Self trust, , even in the difficult moments is very key. Enjoyed the message ❤️


2:02 omg the narc in my life is named Bob so my face was like 😳🤭😧😮😂🤣


it's subconscious programming we get since childhood, and then we wonder we go into adulthood with harsh criticism in our minds, the damage is debilitating for children of Narcissistic parents....


Thank you for finally addressing narcissism on this channel! Looking forward to seeing more content About it :))


Loved this daily video . Thought of something listening to number 5 trusting your self- how can we get to know the difference between seeing red flags and maybe being avoidant and just not letting anyone in. I seem to ping pong between chasing someone and then keeping them at arms length out of fear.


Thank you. This is good advice I am sure, but sometimes not so effective. There are often situations where narcissist is in a position of power and its impossible to apply any biundaries. For example, if you try ignoring the love-bombing you get the wrath.
Also, saying that we somehow "attract" narcs is very self accusatory.


Thanks for this advice. I was being run over because I didn't assert my boundaries well enough.

Note to self, today's recommendation is Rebuilding Trust and Overcoming Jealousy Course!


Omg I needed this so much! Thank you- from the bottom of my heart!


Something's different about her this video, more casual and relaxed.
🎯 as always


Bob is not a narcissist 😂😂 he is a good guy! But on a side note great points and will help me in dealing with my narcissistic parent


I just discovered your channel, thank you for doing these. ❤


There's this Narcissism Pandemic going on in the entire world!


Thank you for this! Recently left narc husband finally. Would love if you did a class on this.
