The MOST HARMFUL Foods People Think Are 'Healthy' That Cause WEIGHT GAIN | Dr. William Li

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Dr William Li is a world-renowned medical doctor who is keen to help us all understand how we can use food as medicine. He returns to the podcast to talk about his latest book, Eat To Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism and Live Longer. He describes this book as an anti-diet book for people who love food. It’s a ground-breaking look at the latest science around how we can harness the power of food, to activate our innate fat-burning systems and transform our health.


Connect with Dr Li:
YouTube @DrWilliamLi

Dr Li’s book:
Eat to Beat Disease: The Body's Five Defense Systems and the Foods That Could Save Your Life
Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn fat, heal your metabolism, live longer

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DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.
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0:34: 🍏 Dr. Lee discusses common foods that people think are healthy but are actually not, and emphasizes the importance of being mindful eaters.
11:48: 🥦 Dr. Lee emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy diet that is sustainable and brings joy, rather than resorting to extreme fad interventions or diets.
23:25: 💡 There are three beverages that are considered the Holy Trinity for health: water, tea, and coffee, consumed in their elemental forms, while other beverages may introduce things that may not be good for the body.
36:56: 🚗 Fat plays a crucial role in our bodies as a cushion, an endocrine organ, and a source of important hormones.
45:00: ✨ Fat has important functions in the body, including cushioning, hormone production, energy storage, and heat generation.
58:04: 📚 Excess body fat, especially visceral fat, can be harmful to health and disrupt normal bodily functions.
1:06:33: 🍽 Certain foods can target fat cells and have various effects on fat in the body.
1:21:36: 🌶 Certain foods, like chili peppers, can activate brown fat and increase metabolism.
1:32:10: 💡 Eating certain foods and timing our meals can impact our metabolism and help burn fat.
1:47:42: 🐟 Seafood, particularly oily fish like salmon, is a healthy source of omega-3 fatty acids and can aid in weight loss.
1:58:48: 💡 Human metabolism goes through four stable phases from birth to old age, and metabolism is stable from ages 20 to 60.
2:01:12: ✨ The book 'Eat to Beat Your Diet' explains that slow metabolism is not the cause of weight gain, but rather the result of putting on fat, and that we have the power to fight body fat and improve our metabolism through lifestyle changes.
Recap by Tammy AI


What I like about these podcasts are the people that advocate foods and good health really do look good and preach what they teach ..


When I went to the eye doctor a while back, he told me I have the early stages of cataract, macular degeneration, lipid in my eyes, etc. I had no idea lipid could be possibly seen in the eyes & the early signs of diabetes. That visit opened my eyes (no pun intended) to take my health a lot more seriously and be proactive. I’ve been eating healthy, exercising more and spreading the word of how important eating well & exercising is to anyone who will listen.


My husband always snore in sleep but since he lost weight when he change his diet never snore again


I really value and appreciate all these podcasts. My challenge is trying to digest each point. It is so fast. So lots of stop and write down then continue! It would be great to at the end have a summary in bullet point of key points. So helpful.
Thank you for changing my mindset on so many matters of life. Grateful


Last year, I joined a YouTube channel called Satvic Movement & I did their “ultimate health challenge” course. It was such a delight - i felt like being re-educated into connecting with “food”, rather than “products”. It’s so incredible we have gone so off course and now need experts to tell us to eat natural food … we need to persuade humans that packages food is bad for them … I have no words


I can't convince any of my friends that artificial sweeteners are bad for u. Ppl don't want to hear that ultra processed food is bad. We need to bring cooking back into schools and change what we give our kids for lunch.


💖I drink kombucha every day - a very cold one. Sometimes water it down. Also spectacular is seltzer water plain or with a bit of pure juice added - like black currant. Plus plain water with squeezed lemon - yum so so so good💖


I loved this discussion. It was fascinating, and I learned much. I will be getting his book. Thank you both very much.


I have arthritis in my knees. My concoction is Solgar no.7(vitamin) Moringa, Tumeric, D3, calcium, fish oil. Moringa and Tumeric in powder form and the others are vitamins. Six years and never had another flare up in my knees. I don't eat foods that cause inflammation. Another benefit of Tart Cherry juice, it helps you sleep.


Let me save you some time in this 2 hour book advert (which also contains a million Youtube ads AND sponsored product ads) 1:40:00 Toms, Mushrooms, Chilli peppers, Avocado, leafy vegetables, beans, legumes etc, etc Basically, everything anyone with half a brain knows is healthy for you. No one really cares about all the science behind it. The facts remain, calorie defecit, cut out all the shit and all the bad refined sugars, keep your protein high to maintain your muscle mass, do I.F as best you can, walk or do some sort of cardio (HIIT) best for fat loss, and do at least some sort of resistance training. Do all, or at least some of this and you will lose weight. There is no magic food that is gonna do the work for you, it's the whole package you need to focus on. And the reason why people struggle is they are generally lazy or have no focus, drive, determination or discipline. Encorporate this and you will look and feel better.







The problem with these type of videos with sited studies, is that they are studied by men, on men.
Weight gain after menopause is a fact. Your metabolism changes.
As a post menopausal women who has been a lifetime athlete, and who has grown older with my female athlete friends, we see it in real life.
I have the same diet and same exercise plan as I did at 40, which was the last age that I showed no visible extra fat.
If anything, I now live even healthier than I did at 40, because now I get more sleep than I did now.
Still a spare tire and arm fat at 60.
It’s a fact that male doctors want to deny or not even address.


Thanks so much Dr Li (and Dr Chatterjee). Addressing the increase in body weight between 20 and 60 when, as you said, the body’s natural metabolism stays the same, I think (in my own experience) the most important thing you can do is keep your activity levels the same. You can’t control the stresses that life throws at you but you can keep your activity levels the same. In fact, the exercise actually helps limit the harmful effects of the stresses ( relationship, financial, health problems etc). Unfortunately most people don’t keep up their activity levels which leads to increase in body weight and all the health consequences that accompany that. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it works.


Dr, Li is very clear and concise in his descriptions, thanks very much for your discussion.


What an episode, wow, thank you so much to you and to Dr. Li. The information is framed so positively and concisely, really inspires change, thank you again! I downloaded your 5 step guide and signed up for the Friday mailing list and feel very grateful to have come across this today 🙏💗


Very interesting, but please could you add time stamps on these videos.


This is not a diet It is an adventure in enjoyable lifestyle. cheers


So I enjoyed your podcast. I feel like we have the FDA that doesn't do anything in certain regards to help Americans. Example: My girlfriend can eat seafood in her home country, truly fresh, but she can't eat seafood in the USA. Assuming preservatives.
It isn't fresh as fresh as it should be. Why can't places just freeze it naturally. I went into a store to try and find Salmon without red dye in it in USA. I can't find it.
The contamination of food is nuts. How is our FDA not pulling foods that have alternative sugars and are causing cancer and kidney failure. What do people do for food allergies, nuts, dairy, on special diets due to processing of foods. FDA, doctors, and government would not be making money if people were healthy. Crazy if you think about it?.


Some of the fruit juices don't list "sugar" per se, BUT they contain "fruit juice concentrate" -often grapes are used, to sweeten the juice while they can still label these juices as "no added sugar." Sneaky & misleading marketing at best.
