22 Common Foods That Will Kill Your Dog

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This video shows 22 Human foods that can be toxic to your dogs.

You know how dogs get super excited when they see you eating something? They activate those super adorable puppy eyes that instantly make you want to share some of your food with them. Well, you should be careful about that.

Dogs have voracious appetites and different metabolisms from us. Therefore, certain foods that are really healthy for us can prove harmful to our furry friends. Moreover, dogs don’t know when to stop eating, so they can swallow large quantities of foods that are toxic for them.

In today’s video, we will talk about 22 foods that can kill your dog if eaten in large quantities. Keep these foods out of your little pals’ reach and everything will be alright.

Intro - 0:00
1. Avocados - 00:54
2. Garlic - 01:26
3. Macadamia Nuts - 01:51
4. Chocolate - 02:30
5. Xylitol - 03:12
6. Yeast - 03:52
7. Cooked Bones - 04:23
8. Raisins and grapes - 04:51
9. Caffeine - 05:14
10. Rhubarb - 05:54
11. Leeks and Onions - 06:30
12. Alcohol - 06:56
13. Salt - 07:34
14. Citrus oil - 08:08
15. Dairy - 08:39
16. Cat Food - 09:00
17. Bacon - 09:42
18. Tobacco - 10:25
19. Nutmeg - 11:28
20. Peaches - 11:50
21. Mustard - 12:13
22. Fat trimmings - 12:38


Foods Toxic to Dogs
Foods Poisonous to Dogs
Foods Fatal to Dogs
Foods bad for dogs
Foods dangerous for dogs
Foods harmful for dogs
Foods That can kill Dogs
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I was so sad when watching this video; . I felt so bad but thank you for the comments they really cheered me up. I fed my dog half of these things, and he’s still around. WOOF…


My uncle had a fruit farm. His dog ate all kinds of fruit, cherries, pears, peaches and yes grapes. As kids we would toss the dog grapes and he would catch them in the air. It was a farm dog some it was always outside, never ate store bought food and lived to 14 years of age


My dog ate a whole box of Walmart chocalate muffins in 2022 but he survived and was perfectly fine, still perfectly fine this year which is still weird to me


A dog will be a dog with or with out a human demands to survive
My 10 dogs eat what they want,
I havent bought dog food in 8 years n they happily active eating what i eat, all they need is love


1. Avocados
2. Garlic
3. Macademia nuts
4. Chocolate
5. Xylitol
6. Yeast
7. Cooked Bones
8. Raisins & Grapes
9. Caffiene
10. Rhubarb
11. Leeks & onions
12. Alcohol
13. Salt
14. Citrus oil (or any essential oil)
15. Dairy
16. Cat food
17. Bacon
18. Tabacco
19. Nutmeg
20. Peaches
21. Mustard
22. Fat trimmings


We had a yellow lab that ate everything we ate. She even drank coffee with milk. She lived almost 15 years and had a very happy life.


An ex-farmer here that worked and bred sheepdogs and the main food that I feed them was sheepmeat or beef. The dogs lived 15-18 years and were still interested in working. If I feed them dog biscuits they were made mainly of dried meat and fat. 😊


My dogs have eaten almost all of the foods mentioned. And both of my sweet fur babies are happy and healthy as ever!! However don’t just go around feeding your dogs different foods, because you can’t ever know if it will slowly damage one of your dog’s organs and it could be severely hurtful for your dog’s immune system. So to prevent this from happening you can still feed your dog human food and table scraps, just be sure to do some research before giving your dog any food. Because dogs can consume and digest things better than other dogs depending on their size, weight, and breed just like us humans consume things better than others.

Edit: also, please don’t put hate and conflict in the comments because what I said is very true and will help your dog’s immune system.


How on earth do all these street dogs you see in the news reports survive, eating anything that comes their way?


I don't know what to believe anymore watching this video


Thank you very much. This was so helpful.


Thank you so very much for this video, I discovered three foods that I was giving to my dogs but no longer will, THANK YOU


I had several dogs where there were some avocado trees, they eat all the fallen avocados(and grapes and some nuts), peeling them and leaving the pit, they were happy dogs, all of them living long, happy and healthy lives.


Here in kenya there are many avocados.. we take no meal without avocados, not even our dogs and its been working great.


Very informative! Why are so many comments on this video trying to "prove" this information "wrong" or "didn't apply to them"? ie. "My dog ate ____ all the time and lived to be 15 yrs old" Now that we know better, we should DO better, right?


Garlic healed my dog from arthritis, he is 12, couldn’t walk anymore but thanks to the garlic he is now running everyday


Garlic is as good for your dogs as it is for us. Studies showed that it takes about 50 cloves twice a day for it to be toxic. Well that would make me sick too!!! A little is good for them. 💞


One tip : my dog was diagnosed with a heart murmur a few years ago. I started giving him 1/2 of one of my 1200 omega 3 oil capsule on his food each day. At his next yearly check up it had reduced and 12 months later it had disappeared altogether. This is 6 years ago now and he is 14 yrs old this July and still all clear. He has no joint or mobility problems either and runs in from the garden like an Exocet missile!


This video will help my parents to know what to let my dog allow or not allow to eat, thank you HealthNormal😊


I have a Jack Russell. She loves milk, a small amount. She knows when i drink it and barks wanting some too. She gets blueberries in her salmon and peas kibble for breakfast every morning. Hoping the antioxidants in the blueberries keep her cancer free for life.
