Overcoming the dangers of disposable plastic | Plastic Pollution

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Humanity’s decades-old addiction
To disposable plastic is
Choking the world’s rivers and seas
Threatening wildlife
Contaminating the food chain

The COVID-19 pandemic
Only made this problem worse
With the use of
Disposable masks
Other personal protective equipment

According to a report by
UN Environmental Program
On Plastic pollution Leakage

The pollution in aquatic ecosystems
Has grown sharply in recent years and
Is projected to more than double by 2030

It will have dire consequences for
Human health
The global economy
Biodiversity and the climate

To break your addiction to plastic
Take these simple steps
Steer clear of plastic gloves
Avoid Plastic toiletries
Say no to plastic when you’re shopping
Stop smoking

This is a public service message
From TEU Global

#plasticpollution #ecosystem #covid19impact #plasticaddict #disposibe #biodiversity #climatechange #climatecrisis #globalwarming #teuglobal
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