3 Signs to know it is Your Twin Flame #Shorts

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My 3 C’s are…

1. Consciousness: You awaken each other’s true essence and become aware of your divinity.

2. Connection: The love is equally felt on both sides and exists beyond space and time.

3. Community: You heal your ancestors, as well as your children through the powerful forces of your union.


Very true. I've experienced. We can feel each other's energy. Crazy connection.


💯💯💯💯 Commonality- Parallel realities 💯💯💯💯 Chemistry-Connection aligns 💯💯💯Chaos- triggering reflective growth💯💯💯💯 Nuff said. Thank you guru🙏🏾


I never thought this was real until it happened to me. Honestly this is mind blowing. It’s just a theory but it turned out to be true. The day I met my partner we couldn’t say anything for a few seconds. It felt like we knew each other from a past life or something. There was a spark that I never had with anyone and probably never will have. I for one am glad I met my twin flame 🔥 🔥


He triggered me but in a good way i started to take care of myself abit more than i ever did, its like this passion this fire had lit up in me after talking to him and he seems to be healing too i hope so i wish he wasnt too quiet about his pain but i understood


I met my TF back in 2011. The connection we had from that moment til now has been surreal! Im in awe about this TF journey!


I listened to this a unhealthy amount of time because i agree with ever word😮😮😮 it can be draining though, and you want to leave but its like leaving yourself


It is all happened in my this twin flame. You have no idea how our couple’s therapist kept commenting that me and his connection is very rare. She emphasized “ very”. However, we broke again 1.5 year ago, it caused the most unbelievable pain I ever felt in my entire life. I run away, because this time I finally realized what he showed up in my life meant. He is the mirror of myself. I finally facing what I liked and didn’t want to faced about myself, I saw me and him were exactly the same, the hardest thing is for me to saw what we both lacking are the same. We both deeply unconsciously shamed and insecured are all the same. Even we broke up I can receive signals that shows what he is doing and thinking. We would do the same thing at the same time even we broke up and doesn’t have any contact. We both don’t do social media, and this time of broke up made me seeing all of those numbers like crazy. I never seeing those numbers in my past 46 years. I never know this is even real. I never heard about twin flame until we knew something is very odd and until this break up. Because this break up I know I probably has to be done with him, I know I have to cut the tie. I know I will leave this part of my soul, that pain caused my true self awaking journey, I went on this growing path, living alone, build myself. He sent me a gift last year thanksgiving, I felt he poked my wound again and I bled badly again. I never respond to him this time, because I lost trust in him, this toxic push and pull cycle will not serve me and my soul, if he can’t spiritually awakened, he will forever playing his mind game on this connection and think he can challenge the law of the universe.


The sad irony is a relationship with a person with narcissistic traits also has these 3 C's and you think it's a twin then they drain your lifeforce.


Twin Flame is sorta relationship between either
Dismissive-avoidant and Fearful-Avoidant or
Anxious and Dismissive-avoidant or maybe anxious and Fearful-Avoidant. Both love each other, but the subconscious and unconscious fear interferes, hence the chaos and the push and pull. Until both decide to love beyond fear, it will only push them further apart.


This is true...I am awaiting union with my twinflame.I hope I reunite with my DM before the end of 2023 and I also pray the same for those in separation..❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Love and peace🧚‍♀️💕🙌🎁🙇🌱🧚‍♂️🧿🧿🪄🍀♾️💫


You have a beautiful voice, beautiful smile, you speak that which is right with love x


I strongly claim the +ve energy of universe🤞🏻😇🙌🏻🧿ॐ नमः पार्वती पतये हर हर महादेव शंभू शंभू🕉️🔱🙌🏻🙏🏻😇🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿


My twin flame is in another country. I will wait for him. Your words are true. Thanks universe


So much chemistry so magical! And caos we trigger each other! ❤️💫✨


This resonates with me because me and my specific person are twinflame thank you God for showing me this sign in Jesus name amen ❤️🙏🙏🙏


Mine is the literal male version of me. It is so strange.


Yes we are connected in every way this rings true for me


Amazing 💫💕✨ when they come together it like heaven is say yes to this connection


Amazing. I was just thinking about someone I’m recently dating and I ask God is this my twin flame, opened YouTube and this video popped up- yeah he is 😊, thank you 🙏🏽 Lord. I’ve experienced all three
