How to Stop Wasting Your Life - Carl Jung as Therapist

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My favourite Jung's quote: The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.


Compulsive SEEKING OF KNOWLEDGE is another way to dissociate from Life. I'd take pride in how much "knowledge" I had acquired and gave advice to everybody I had opportunity to. Then I "woke up" to the realization that although I was super-knowledgeable, I was only regurgitating a lot of "data" from other sources. What I needed was Wisdom, not "data". I was actually using the "seeking of knowledge" to avoid getting to know myself. "KNOW THYSELF"! We all need to get honest and face the evil within ourselves that we've avoided recognizing for far too long.


Yep, I’ve woken up, and I’m nearly 45 years old, don’t waste your life. Become the best version of who you want to be, and a role model for humanity. Don’t judge someone, only on the love they possess, and the inner child they once were, before the world, took that away.


I hope everyone who's going through a difficult time makes it through the end and finds peace.


How to Stop Wasting Your Life

Psychological Insights
1:32 Insight 1: Life is hard, and only through a strengthened character do we have any chance of living a good life.
2:51 Insight 2: Our problems exist in the present, and present problems cannot be solved by digging into our past.

Actionable Steps
3:55 Face up to your shadows. Acknowledge your flaws.
6:16 One way to become conscious of your shadow is to observe the shadows of others.
6:39 Another is to reflect on the motives for your actions.
7:05 Find a meaning to your life.
10:09 The void of living a meaningless life cannot be filled by material things or experiences, but knowing that you are making a difference.


"Problems in the present are not solved by digging into the past. People like to believe that only when they have determined *why* they are the way they are can they move forward in life, but Jung believed that an obsessive fixation on the past is only an avoidance tactic to avoid the difficult task of facing up what needs to be done now."

Damn, this explains so much about people lol...


Oh how badly we need thinkers like Carl Jung in our world today. What a masterclass of wisdom.


Growing up with divorced parents who left to work in other countries and left me by myself at the age of 14, extreme acnee, a chest deformity, self-harm scars, it was only natural that I became extremely anxious and depressed. Obviously, I knew that I had to "work on myself", but nothing ever worked. It felt like I was going deeper and deeper into depression, I hated my parents, I hated my bullies, I hated my family, I hated myself and the things I did, or didn't do, too much to be able to change. Only after I stared reading psychotherapy was I able to see how truly miserable my thinking was, to see how much I was running away from life, letting my chance at existence slip all because I had a lonely and anxious childhood. I blamed my bullies for barely going to school because of them, blaming my parents for making all the wrong decisions regarding my chest deformity and acnee, blaming myself for giving in and self-harming to the point of not being able to wear t-shirts during summer. I was living in the past the whole time, and I couldn't even realize how miserable that made me.

It's extremely hard to let go of the hatred, especially when it originates from your childhood, the time of your life when you're most fragile. No matter how good you have it, how much muscle you put on, how successful you are, you will always ask yourself how would the person in front of you treat that anxious kid.


The paintings selected to accompany these videos never cease to impress. Great job!


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 3 months ago about self development. Now I have 246 subs and almost > 95 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place.


This is why retired men, especially, get depressed when they retire unless they find another purposeful meaning in life besides work. Same goes for those who can no longer work because of disability. Even having a pet to care for is enough to give your life purpose


Depression is telling you that you're not getting enough 'physical' stimulation.
Anxiety is telling you that you're getting too much 'mental' stimulation.
Not surprising when all we do is lay around absorbing sounds and flashing images for most of the day.
Peace 🙏🏼


I was highly neurotic, socially anxious, and severely depressed. My own suffering was a blessing in disguise — I knew at some point that I'll have to make a change. And now, I have moments of gratefulness that I've been able to cure myself of neurosis. The bliss that you're experiencing after you heal yourself of mental illness... I have no words to describe it.


I find the best way to get over everything is to do things for yourself. Learn to cook good food. If you like steak, learn to cook it the best way for you. A good meal that you've labored over is self fulfillment. I also find that a nice cigar and a glass of liquor, along with an hour or two alone to enjoy them, brings me relief and happiness. Doing things for others all the time is fulfilling but it leaves a void, especially if there's no one doing anything for you. So self love should be first and foremost to happiness. You're purpose in life is you because if you're broken then nobody needs you anyways.


I'm a teenager. And months until now I've been digging up about my childhood trauma and the effect my "narcissist" mother has on me, even when I'm technically still in my childhood.

Thank you for making this video. Without this I would've continuously blamed my mother for things I'm not even sure I remember vividly. Yes, my mother's verbal abuse is daily routine, whether or not she has ulterior motives. But if I don't proactively take the steering wheel of my own life, I could actually lose my life to my own incompetence.

Thank you, this realization worths more than subscribes, likes and shares. I don't know how to pay you back but God knows. God bless you ❤️👍🏼


I’ve been obsessed with self improvement most of my life. I never felt good enough for my parents. I didn’t understand that their inability to love me and be there for me was their shortcoming and not mine. I became fixated on fixing what I perceived was wrong with me. I did 10 years of psychotherapy. Numerous Myers Briggs and Enneagram workshops. Endless self help books. Loads of courses. Spent thousands of pounds. All along avoiding the real question “what if you’re fine just the way you are”. So much time and money I could have put in to others things. It’s taken me a long time to accept that I don’t have to earn the right to exist. And if I want to earn enough money just to pay my bills and live a comfortable life and all I want to do with my time is read books and walk in the woods and hang out with the people I love them that’s enough. We’re given this constant message that if we’re not productive enough or happy all the time we must buy this product or buy this book or follow this FB group, etc etc, get this side hustle, improve our follower count. All a distraction from actually living. Capitalism doesn’t want a contented populace because a content person doesn’t buy things. Capitalism creates a constant need where none exists. We think we can’t be happy until we have it all. It’s a lie. All we need is a warm, dry home, some sunshine, some nice food and clean water and a hot shower. And people we love to share our time with. That’s it.


"Embrace the suck, " right? Move towards the hard things, the pile of snakes that I've been neglecting, and face the dragon. I've heard that "this is the way." I've experienced it too. But comfort and sloth are so seductive and slippery, so one sin quickly spirals downward into another.


Stop listening to politicians and anyone who makes money telling you things without giving you specific solutions to end why we are slaves in a trance.


Acknowledging and confronting my "shadow personality" was/is the most liberating thing I ever did. I no longer fear my weaknesses and insecurities. When I start to gravitate toward negative thoughts, I pull myself back mentally and redirect my mind to honest self evaluation. Ex: Instead of thinking "That person is rude and mean spirited." I think; "I've probably said or acted the same way to people in my life." Being honest with ourselves will save us from self-loathing and humiliation.
