How to STOP Wasting Your Life

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guys the most important thing is that you won't become better if you only watch motivational videos, you need to work hard and smart!


“Don’t be mad about the results you didn’t make from the work you never did” absolutely beautifully said. Thank you for giving me the quote of year.


When I started uploading videos every day and working out twice a day I realized how much time I was normally wasting on BS before, while convincing myself I was being "productive"... Thank you for the great video


Since discovering your channel, my motivation to create content has soared. Your authentic approach and unwavering passion radiate in every video you produce, inspiring me greatly.


Whenever I feel down, I come here and watch some of Ruri's videos. I'm pretty sure Ruri is an old soul, I feel so impressed to see such a young girl with such a powerful mindset, such determination. It inspires me. I'm in a really nice, comfortable, well-paying job that took a lot of effort and made me mentally ill, and when I think about just sitting around and being comfortable the rest of my life in a job that I don't like, I know I would have a miserable life. This year I decided to go get the life I want, I refuse to have a miserable life at a job I don't even have for the right reasons. Thank you so much Ruri, you opened my eyes this year, I don't feel like it's too late for me anymore. :)


"Stop telling people your plans" is very underrated advice. When I was first going into college I told everyone that I was going to be a computer engineer with a minor in German. I said it so many times that I believed that the goal would just manifest itself with little work on my part. I didn't really do anything those first two years and left college defeated and unmotivated. It took some time, but I learned my lesson after that and now let the future me enjoy the fruits of my hard work now. I keep my goals bottled within me and use the them as the motivation for what I do. Telling others all our it just sucks the motivation out if us so we end up talking or than actually doing.


Ways to Not Waste Your Life
Believe. ...
Know where you're headed. ...
Pursue the right success. ...
Value relationships above all. ...
Happiness is found internally. ...
Live in the moment. ...
Defer short-term thrills in favor of long-term rewards. ...
Always continue learning.


*"Childs blames the circumstances, but man changes their circumstances."*
*No matter if the work you did today is not perfect, what matter is that you did what you needed to do to grow, thanks Ruri, keep grinding 💪*


"Nothing is a priority when everything is a priority" 👏🏻


I retired from working for a living when I turned 42. I started doing jobs I "always wanted to try" from then until 6 years ago. Now I just play games and do daily exercises regularly. If I had been able to catch these videos when I was in my teens, I can't imagine how different my life would have been. I am jealous of how strong you have made your mind! I know your parents must be pleased with your progress. I am just amazed by your self determination (and I have been surrounded by successful people for the majority of my life). You go girl! We are all rooting for you!


Ruri, thank you so much for your advises, I live in a third-world country, I finished university and I realized my lack of job options, I learned english to have more chances and I got a job that pay the bills but I am about to turn 30, I realized I wanted more and all those worries of being to late for me to do anything else, I am just letting them go, I watch your videos and I feel like I really should do more, more for the future me, for my family, may be for my future kids. I've been studying on my own Italian, French and Japanese, I can speak whit some fluency except for Japanese, that one is really hard but I won't give up. I just want to thank you, you really inspired me. 🌻


It's not always in our control though. Sometimes, you work hard and do everything right and something external intervenes and you don't get the result you should have had. Working hard usually pays, and i firmly believe in it, but something, there are unfortunate chains of events that can bring the hardest working, more resilient person down. Don't beat yourself up. Take a break. Don't give up. 👍


"It takes courage to say NO to people and actually do what you believe in". This can manifest in many ways not only literally saying "No" to a request, but also saying no mentally and metaphorically. Mentally say NO to consuming unwanted content on social media, mentally say NO to "friends" who add 0 value to your life, mentally say NO to traditions you no longer want to follow, mentally say NO to habits you want to break, etc.

It isn't only about saying NO to people who make you an offer or ask for something from you, it's also about saying NO to yourself in order to start seeing the changes you want to see in your life that will allow for progress and self-improvement.

Fantastic video as always, Ruri. 🖖


I sincerely appreciate your effort and where you've come, Ruri. I've been following you for a long time and it's great to see how much you've improved day by day. 🎉

I've been trying to change my mindset for a while. I try to get rid of the pressure of being successful and the fear of failure and focus on what I want to have tried in this life. Thank you for your inspiration when I get tired on the road. ❤


These episodes seem to always come during time I need it most! Ty & Bless You Ultima!


Your videos always come to me at the right time. I was feeling low and worthless and after watching your video I feel like working again. Thank youuu.


I love this. I don't want an ordinary life, I want an extraordinary life. When I tell this to my friends they always ask me "why?" It's really annoying to want something more only to have your friends tell you you need to just be happy with average and normal.


thanks for your videos, Ruri. i feel how they help me to grow up as a person. keep up your priceless work! we can reach anything even if it seems impossible


Amazing to hear someone who speaks in the language of the identity I’m working to build. 🙏
Encouraging to not be alone in this journey. Until I found your channel, I thought I was.
