Schizophrenia in Women – Role of Estrogen and Novel Treatments - Prof Jayashri Kulkarni

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Estrogen is a neuroprotective agent and the estrogen protection hypothesis is implicated in the development of schizophrenia in women. In women estrogen delays the onset of schizophrenia. In the peri-menopausal period, fading estrogen secretion in vulnerable women can increase the risk of schizophrenia.

The ADEPT trial showed that the addition of transdermal estrogen (100 or 200 mcg) to antipsychotic therapy improved symptoms of schizophrenia.
Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM's) such as Raloxifene exerts similar neurotransmitter effects to estradiol within the brain, while acting primarily as an estrogen antagonist in breast tissue and the endometrium. In women with refractory schizophrenia, raloxifene is a promising, well-tolerated agent that has potential application in clinical practice.
Thus, schizophrenia in women has a strong hormonal basis and should be taken into account in clinical practice.

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6 IVF cycles, 1 miscarriage, 1 abortion in 2, 5 years gave me schizophrenia at 40. Its probably the severe decrease in estrogen as I only took progestone and other egg stimulation hormones and constant anesthesia. Now that the hormones stopped because I am 6 months pregnant the psychosis also stopped after 2, 5 years of psychosis hell that I wasnt aware of.


Well actually once any doctors office sees my list of medications I personally feel they don't even listen to what I have to say
Or my concerns or they don't feel it necessary to listen to my feedback .
I take the meds.
If I didn't take them that's concerning
But besides those 7 to 10 days I think I have more self control and a better over all attitude and outlook than 90% of people because of the insight I have to have to battle the borderline traits

I am an addictions counselor and I know how to advocate and they don't listen .
Unless I pull the ethical safety risk children ... Card .. they want no parts of listening.


My ex fiance right before she left me for someone else said she thinks she is schizophrenic. She's 50 and probably going through menopause. She definitely changed quickly. Became cold and no intimicacy and broke off our engagement. Part of that was probably the affair the other part menopause. Had no idea women could get schizophrenia at 50 years old. But her having other mental health issues it doesn't surprise me. If she hadn't kicked me out for another man I would of stuck by her. Looks like I dodged a bullet


Very interesting. Mirena can cause hormonal imbalance so I'm suprised you would prescribe it to balance hormones. I had the Mirena and it messed up my body in more ways than 1. I have heard that wild yam extract balances hormones without causing an imbalance. Plus it helps the body produce it's own hormones, instead of taking hormone medication which are a lot more intense to the body, and the body becomes dependent on the hormone medication instead of producing the hormone itself.


I have BPD and pmdd and it is scarey and destabilizing
I have got a hold of BPD for most part but week before my period I am psychotic and plan to have someone keep my kids and limit my contact with others .... It's awful... The rage ... Don't talk for most part....then depression then very horny for lack of a better word can't sleep start my pd next day I feel great. Confident energetic content productive for a week or so then get lethargic then ugly week then pd great then ok for few days
I take 4 meds for mental health


Could this work for someone who developed schizophrenia at 60? Is it worth trying?
