The symptoms of Schizophrenia

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Thank you so much Dr. Marks. My son has schizophrenia, and I appreciate your content so much. He watches some too.


I have experienced things that doctors describe as being a part of psychosis but not schizophrenia, yet it’s hard for me to put into words and often times I don’t even realize how detached I am from reality because I don’t tell people


Yes that sounds like the correct diagnosis given to a family member. They don’t seem to get better with time.


They diagnosed my with postschizophrenic Depression, addet to my schizophrenia, becouse I have no emotions and kognitive Symtoms; just when im not in the very psychotic phases... any thoughts or expiriances wit this.

All with this illness or other psyciatiric problem, feel hugget - better times can come, even after years❤


I spent 15yrs of my life believing i was a schizo and 2yrs taking medicines for this illness, by the time I was 26 I wanted to end my life and then something me stopped the violence.. I wondered who it was then, but then I didn't go through it I was sent to the pyschward and I didn't remember what had happened to me but I'm 32 now and I've been reading and listening to the Bible since I was 29yrs of age but I will mention that soon so in that time when I was 26 I think I felt the holy spirit in that situation where I was going to take my life, He stopped me from wrongfully taking the gift He gave to me. I couldn't explain it until I was 29 when covid began and it hit me in 2022 around January I got hit with covid 19 and it put me in a coma for 2 weeks and I saw a lot of things that happening today now and I heard this voice in the coma and that scared me, but I also saw my loved ones flashing through my mind. I remember hearing from the darkness of the deep and He said "Not Yet" in a loud whispering Gentle voice but it was a deep voice, man I've never would have known until I began reading the Bible and taking notes but I don't believe in this Schizophrenia anymore because 1. The drugs were ruining my brain function and 2. When I began talking to God about my problems and he listened and it is said that God works through you and I understood Him. Those voices you hear are just you allowing the enemy to enter your Kingdom (Mind & Heart) and twist your thoughts into something bad, I then started to think of them as spiritual attacks from the enemy and when I read books like proverbs and psalms it felt like I was equipping his Armor and then I found the sword Matthew 5:3-14 whew I still need to find the others but talking to strangers who need to escape this world's prison and start socializing more soon we won't have access to the internet and our money won't matter anymore yall need to pick up the sword too if you want to wake up again.


So many people running around calling people this without the knowledge of sed diease or knowledge of sed person, all awhile they themselves, fit the bill all, too well! A lot of times people end up like this thru strong heavy drug & alcohal abuse. My adopted family have a few. They also have quite a few narcissitic personality disorder. With a family containing the two one caused the other. Glad I escaped their unstableness at 16 and gained full freedom at 19! I'll pay for them!✊🏿


Diagnosed in 2017, 8 antipsychotics later now on clozapine and back to "normal."


Why so few professionals address the massive overlap of BP BPD Schizophrenia ADHD and Autism is....interesting. Even autism and anorexia. After such huge overlap is spotted, a lot of other things ensue


I don't have schizophrenia myself, but I have been in relationships with 2 woman with this illness, and something that really annoys me is how many still believe that people with schizophrenia also has multiple personalities🤔


What do you mean by "Pure" schizophrenia???
There's different types???


As a hypochondriac I think I am schizophrenic. And I am terrified if I truly have schizophrenia...


I wake up talking to people every night. When I'm in a supermarket I either retract and freeze or become erratic and irregular. My family thought it was autism but we ain't sure. I feel more comfortable playing another character than myself. Me n my brother was a recipient to abuse from father n I feel this may have caused it.


schizoaffective disorder is the jackpot, huh? my late partner lost his battle with it 3.29.20.
the depression, coupled with the delusions and all the other symptoms of psychosis, was too much I guess. I miss him, and thank God that my mental health is screwed up in a totally different way.


My late brother was diagnosed as a late teen and spent the rest of his shortened life being a test case for multiple meds. And he knew when he was “off”. Rest in peace dear brother…


So I get zoned out so often to where I see and hear things that aren’t there. I don’t know if it’s schizophrenia because of how zoned out I am or if I’m just paranoid…


Can you have anxiety without depression? My nurse practitioner keeps putting me on different Anti depression medications, and I keep having really bad reactions. I was on effexor for 3 years and got to where I didn't want to get out of bed, I got myself off them and felt normal again and started my hobbies again, and now im on Lexapro and I feel so depressed and don't want to do anything.


but how do you make someone realize they need help ?


What is schizoaffective disorder? How is it different from bi polar or schizophrenia?


I love your knowledge! Where are you located? I have a son on the spectrum


I only know one person who got well with medicine. What are treatments?
