Schizophrenia | 4 Traits You Need to Know

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In our MedCircle video series, leading child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Domenick Sportelli breaks down crucial and foundational information about schizophrenia - from the causes, triggers, and symptoms, all the way to the diagnostic process, treatment options, and long-term outcomes.

In this video, he discusses the 4 schizophrenia symptoms you need to know. Schizophrenia symptoms are often severe and debilitating, but with the right education and treatment, a significant portion of those living with schizophrenia can lead a functional, productive life. Being correctly informed makes all the difference.

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I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder when I was 21. I’ve been hospitalized several times. I’m scared to tell people I have it because there is such a stigma around it. I hear voices everyday but I’ve learned to understand the illness on meds and most people don’t know I have it. Education is so important


One correction -- "Their family doesn't want them"....that actually made me upset. I'm in Alberta Canada and I haven't known my sons whereabouts for over a month. He is 29 and was diagnosed in 2017 as schizophrenic, was on risperidone for a short while but went off meds on his own accord. When covid 19 came into the picture he lost his job and went completely sideways. He checked himself into a hospital and they released him within 3 days, , , , because they didn't want beds taken up during Covid. They discharged him and he hasn't been seen since. Because he's 29 no one will give me any information, not the police, the hospitals, the homeless shelters --because of the privacy act. I am completely broken knowing he is out on the streets. I search for him and it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I don't know if he's dead or alive and my poor son is out there totally paranoid and confused. God! mental illness is a curse. My son has a loving home that wants to help him and because of our 'system' I can't even help him do that. THAT is why people don't get the help and end up homeless. The resources they offer while they kick them out of the hospital are a complete JOKE. I'm so disheartened.


I have schizophrenia and it is a true struggle. Good to know people are becoming nicer to people with mental illness, that we can be apart of society if we want to.


There is always hope. A friend of mine is an engineer and was a university lecturer for 30 years. He is on treatment. Is happily married for 30 years. My friend for 40 years. The nicest person I know with impeccable manners. He is brilliant.


As a psychology major, I appreciate these videos. Anyone who is battling with this or any mental illness I truly do pray that you overcome this.


I am the daughter of a schizophrenic mom. I was always being tested, and people would think you could get it by talking to someone. they would just avoid her. And me I was always shunned for it too. Like I was contaminated. The way we look at mental health has gotta change. Really isolates people who have it and the family members who live with them


My mom had schizophrenia. She was a kind sweet loving person, very bright and very funny She was also neglectful, detached, messy, checked out alot.


I was diagnosed at 13 I will be 30 soon I’m crying watching this video because I’m comforted that people are starting to speak about this mental disorder and educating others


That dog must learn so much hanging out and listening to all these professionals talk all the time.


Psychosis is the worst experience I’ve ever had it’s a living hell… I remember hearing so many voices pointing out my flaws constantly. I don’t wish it upon no one, not even my worst enemy.


My mother was a very happy smiling beautiful lady that would hide her mental illness behind her smile for years. She was a beautiful person she loved her family and her children, grand children, and 1 great grandchild. Our family didn’t realize that she had been planning on taking her life for a long time we just thought she would get depressed and make remarks about not being here or dying. She was 67 and took her life on July 27, 2021. Oh by the way my daddy took her to get help and medication after she took sleeping pills to not wake up in May of 2020 but SELF PRIDE kept her from taking the medicine. Mama was in denial and refused to accept that she had Schizophrenic. I’m 44 and I cry over the lose of my mama. So please if you all know someone who has a mental illness or disorder see that they get help and love them no matter what.


My son was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 2013. He was 27. He had suffered in silence since he was 23. He spent 6 years in the Air Force a tour in Iraq and while in the Air Force he got his BS in computer science. He was a programmer. He is treatment resistant. The medications do stop the tactile hallucinations but, he still hears voices and has delusions. He never is free from symptoms. I wish they would try different meds. He was conserved in 2016 and currently lives on his own however, I am very involved with his care and provide a lot of support.


"One of the most misunderstood diagnoses"


Seems so true. Psychotic without drugs. But you don’t have to have schizophrenia to be psychotic. And there’s no reason to be ashamed of your illness. Your illness doesn’t define you. Love you all.


My sister just died less than 2 weeks before her 70th birthday. Only one family member cared. She suffered her whole life from schizophrenia and was never diagnosed or recieved treatment. She was homeless for over 10 years. She ended up dying from starvation because she could no longer swallow and refused to see a dr. She was beautiful when she was young and had a heart of gold.

It only takes someone to care to help another.

It is a very difficult disorder.😢


How about a better camera placement? I feel like I'm trying to watch from another room.


Dang, this is spot on for my diagnosis. Going through schizophrenia is life changing. I had all these symptoms. Previously, always had good mental health and never thought this would happen to me. I was diagnosed with acute paranoid schizophrenia after a major seizure. So, so grateful for the psychiatrists who knew exactly how to manage my mental health & saw me through to recovery 😊🙏


My daughter came home for Thanksgiving, she was 30 lbs lighter and very very delusional. She's 20, and family has lots of mental issues. But she is extremely unwilling to seek help. Thank you for your amazing information my family really appreciates this.


I am a 20 year old person living with schizophrenia. New to diagnosis and in hospital as we speak. Thank you for this info. Clozapine has been my savouir
