Can People Really Be Telekinetic?

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It's one of the coolest super powers out there: telekinesis. And if the mind really is as powerful as it's believed to be, is it possible? Trace opens his mind, and goes in search for the answer.

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Telekinesis: Facts About Mind Over Matter
"There are several claimed types of psychic powers, including precognition (knowing future events before they happen); pyrokinesis (creating fire with the mind, popularized in Stephen King's novel and film "Firestarter"); and telepathy (describing things at a remote location)."

Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

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How Ouija Boards Work
DNews Wild Card:
Real Life Superpowers


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Every now and then I can stare at my kids and make their lips stop moving.


"once u open that curiosity door, everything is possible."
some will understand tehe


So what you're saying is no?
It took you a whole 3 minutes to say no!?


Don't go killing my hopes and dreams I've belived it could happen since I was 8


telekenesis is the ability to move objects with your bodies energy. In the video talked mainly about magicians and some study done by a university. To those at DNews remember that science assists the human mind to understand our individual reality. Just because your station can not prove something does not mean that it is true. May I also remind you that for nearly four thousand years western society believed the world was flat because our earth appeared to be flat. I will say telekinesis is an interesting phenominon that amazes people who do not understand it


people call ghosts fake yet 90% of the worlds population still go to church and practice religious activities that goes back 1000s of years! Merry "christ"mas for next month


I've had real telekinetic moments while on shrooms. I was outside and I heard my friend calling to me (in my head) saying to come inside because he was scared. I went back inside and he was like DUDE I was so scared thank god you came inside! Also, if you do research into the astral world, you'll see that it's a real thing. Spiritual Native Americans used to astral project to communicate over long distances and that is also how they were such good trackers. They'd leave their body and explore the world in flight. Sounds crazy, but have you ever thought about how crazy this universe really is? I've also had other telekinetic type moments while tripping face, understanding someone completely by looking into their eyes. I definitely believe it's a real thing.


You can't prove what you've never experienced. 
Just saying that Science only explains the physical realm.
..and no i'm not crazy. 


Oh it's possible and I've done it without realizing it, but it happens so quickly and it catches me off guard. And I wish people would stop saying that it's not possible cause it is. Our brains are 100% active all the time, but we only have access to 10% of that 100. If our brains were wired differently and both halves of the brain were more connected, then we could do things we thought were a myth. Society tells us it's not possible cause they don't want us to overpower the higher people that control the world. They want us to stay dumbed down so we would do what they tell us to do, taking away our rights and beliefs. I just wanted to share what I believe


Research Nina Kulagina.

Dozens of people have captured telekinesis on camera and posted their videos on YouTube. The reason that few of them are ever taken seriously is that the actual effects that are produced are quite small, and it takes months of time, training, and dedication to be able to reproduce even a small effect on command.

Even if someone attempts telekinesis on a psi wheel and provokes a response from the wheel on their first try, that person may not be able to do it again while on camera under controlled circumstances on their second try, although they might be able to. The reason for this is because telekinesis comes from subconscious intent, rather than conscious thought, the harder you try, the less it works.

The reason it's so tricky(but not impossible) to reproduce is because inanimate objects are not connected to your peripheral nervous system, so there are no motor signals being sent to the brain if something is not working. You can see whether the psi wheel moves or not, but this is just a positive reinforcement if it does move, so the brain is more likely to trigger whatever it does to make the effect happen again.

Like any motor skill, telekinesis is most effective when you are on "auto-pilot". Your subconscious functions take care of all the work for you after repeating the same intent many many times, such as revolving a piece of paper on a needle point clockwise, or something.


Video of someone doing real Telekinesis: Hardly anyone watches it.
Clearly fake video of someone doing TK: Goes Viral.


okay this will probably be long but every time you move static electricity moves from your brain to the area you with to use at least a billion times as seconed. if you found a way to stop the movement from happening and still send the electric pulses you would build up electricity in that area(e.g the hand) build enough of it and you could probably release it by finally completing that movement. as we all know electricity can create magnets in any conductive material so maybe it is possible to move things using your mind but unless you had a gadget in your arm that lets you trap electricity instead of using it you could in fact bend spoons at the most.


There are people with telekinesis. No tricks or illusions.


The world isn't ready for telekinesis


If Darth Vader would hear you talking like that he would choke you to death


Guys it’s possible. Five minutes ago I was making an energy ball, also known as chi, when my hands started aching. Making an energy ball only requires holding your hand up, so why was my hand aching? Because of the telekinetic energy flowing through my chi. It’s real and I believe in it


I used to be a telekinetic practitioner years ago, using the psi-wheel for my sessions. I always had the psi-wheel in a glass container and practiced for 1 to 2 hours on the weekdays. 99.9% of my sessions throughout those almost 3 months were nothing but failures. The psi-wheel never wanted to move. Till one night, on July 18, 2012, after about 9 minutes of concentrating the psi-wheel finally begin to spin inside the glass container and I never use my hands! I got really excited because never throughout my sessions have I ever seen it moved till that night. I wish I could have captured it on camera but was not able to since it's not something you can do on demand. Even after moving it twice, I still had a really hard time using telekinesis. Few days after I wasn't able to move it anymore but I am convinced something interesting was going on that night.


*Makes a W shape with right hand* Wizards only fools!


While we do use 100% of our brain, I don't think science has been able to explain Acquired Savant Syndrome or at least explain why those who suffered through head trauma, why they were able to gain such skill in something they previously did not have. 


Who came to watch this after stranger thingss
