How to Know If You're Psychic | Psychic Abilities

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How do you know if you're a psychic? Well, I suppose the very simple answer
is you know if you are or not. But let me be a little bit more specific.

Now, psychic covers a huge range of abilities. I know because I have very,
very long time in this field that knowledge of the future is very, very
rare. However, there are many other aspects of being psychic per se.

The most common one is, and it startles some people, telepathy. Telepathy
is every human's basic ability to communicate.

How does that manifest in the modern world? Very, very simply. You think
about your best friend and they telephone. And everybody thinks that's quite
extraordinary. Or you hear... you think of somebody who you haven't heard
from a long time. You get a letter the next day.

And that seems to be all very extraordinary. Well, it isn't really. Fits the
bond also that mothers and children have. But it is a basic ability. We have
put it to one side in the modern world. But hat is the most basic.

A lot of people say and I'll come... I'll discuss that point later. A lot
of people say... let's take, for example, 9/11. A great many after the fact
said, 'Oh I saw something like that.' Or not. Now, I don't know if they did
or not because there isn't necessarily documented proof.

There is over the ages though, people who only have say, one psychic
experience. It tends to be a tragedy, a disaster. A plane crash or
something. They get nothing else at all.

Another, should we say ability, is sometimes when somebody has... is very,
very close to you. A close, close relative and they have passed over. Died.
You have not yet heard that news. Some people see that person. They come
and shall we say visit them in some form or other.

They probably don't speak. They might appear at the end of the bed. Or...
people tend not to be as alarmed as one might be about that. And then they
learn the next day at that exact moment the person passed away. Now, I'm not
saying that is a usual aspect. It happens.

So is one psychic or not? I think though as I said, the basic answer is you
probably know if your abilities are a little above average or not.
Рекомендации по теме

When I fall asleep or day dream I see things in the future and it happens the next day most of the time


the deja vu effect happens to me a lot. i swear that i knew this moment or this happened to me before..or i thought about it some days ago


When someone is sad i can actually feel the pain my self. They dont even have to look sad at all, i can just sense it.


When I was 11 my best friend passed at 5am. I woke up suddenly at the exact moment and I immediately knew that she was gone. I felt extreme peace and I know that she did too. I went back to sleep and heard the news the next day, but I knew already. I do have experiences like this but none so intense and certain.


I think I can tell the future because when I have a dream the next day my dream is real


I get dreams that comes true! This is how I found out my husband cheated, my mom's friend died, and that my future child will be a girl. Weird but I'm still not willing to let go lol


The craziest psychic experience I've ever had (well 2 of them) was once when I was 3, my mom was leaving for work, my back was turned to her and I said "watch out for the red car, mommy" and she ended up getting t-boned by a red truck on her way home. When I was 5, I looked at a picture of my great-grandma and said "I've met her mom. She wants to come back home to you" and my mom said "honey, she died 3 years before you were born" so I mean this shit's crazy and I definitely think people have the ability and don't even know it.


I'm psychic but I'm not like "this and this will happen no doubt in my mind!" It's more like I have a strong feeling that something will happen and most of the time it does and I just make the prediction out of nowhere. It runs on my moms side of the family
Here's some of my psychic stories

When my mom was pregnant with me, the doctors said I would be born sometime in April. My grandma then said "no, she will be born on May 7th" and she was right, I was born on May 7th

When I was little about 6 years old, I woke up for school, without an alarm or anything. And I thought to my self, I bet it's 7:15. So I went to my kitchen, looked at the time on the oven, and it was 7:15

When I was in fifth grade, on a Tuesday someone had vandalized the school. Out of no where I predicted that no more than a week later we'd have a real lockdown. A week later, on a Tuesday, we had a real lock down because there was a nearby shooting.

Last year in 6th grade i was walking around the playground and saw the fire alarm. I made a prediction that we'd have a fire drill. Later that day we had an unexpected fire drill.

Last year in 2014 during fall or summer, I made a prediction that during the winter we wouldn't get much snow, and that itd just be a little cold. That winter we barely got any snow and it was just a little cold.

So those are some of my psychic stories.


I told my high school gf I had a “dream” one night we had a house full of children but the home we were living in felt very familiar. 8 years later we’re married with 4 children and we moved into her grandparents home .


I always get this feeling where i feel something is going to happen and it ends up happening


OMG I'm psychic because I said I was going to eat lunch and I


I have a super mind i remember evrything from my childhood since i was born xD


I get premonitions in my dreams. It doesn't feel like a regular dream. You wake up feeling like it actually happened all the physical feelings from the dream. I'm also an empath and I can hear and smell things when there is nothing around that should have a scent


I imagine things happening, and a few minutes after it actually happens.. Does this mean I'm sorta a psychic? I kinda can tell what's gonna happen


mine come in fleeting thoughts moments/minutes before, car accident, someone choking, something happening, etc. I don't try to rationalize these thoughts and they come out of nowhere (not really controllable) but happens often


Hi, I recently uploaded a video with my brother who thinks he could be psychic. It would mean a lot if you watched the video and maybe give feedback on your thoughts about brads experiences.


I only get weird coincidences that happen after I joke about it. Sometimes I have some sort of daydream where I’m ‘observing, ’ something and it happens quite a little bit later. I can’t talk about it because people would normally think that I’m crazy but I see things happening all the time and i see it a second time in real life . Like a conversation or small motions that I pick up on when I look around a room, mostly things that are in my peripheral vision. I don’t know what to call it and my brain is confusing me .


i can always feel when someone or something is going to pass away. I've had it with my grandpa and all my pets. I hate it and i've been trying to close myself off from it. On the other hand, i've had alot of positive experiences as well, which keep my intrest in spirituality or psychich abilities. But i wouldn't want to delve into it as much as when i was a kid


I think I am psychic because I have had many dejavu moments and actually avoided one car crash because I knew what would happen next I acted or should I say my body acted instinctively as a self preservation mechanism against harm. This has happen to me even dealing with the paranormal.


I've been having dreams that come true for the past 7 months and about 10 dreams now that happen the next day, I knew things seconds before they happen, I sometimes phone a friend and they say they were just about to phone me, sometimes a song pops in my head and then I sing it then my mom turns on the radio and it's the same song at the same point I'm singing it at, I sometimes gets (all of a sudden anxious), and I can sense when the air is full of energy (can sense when a ghost is around) and they never come unless I'm home alone it's like there attracted to me. No psychic experiences really happened to any of my family members but anyway, ANYONE TELL ME AM I A PSYCHIC?
