Can You Win Your Ex Back If You CHEATED?

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If you cheated, you probably think that your relationship is over even though you desperately hope that’s not the case. What can you do to make it up to your ex and win that second chance that you deserve? Is it even possible?

Well first off, I want to offer you some hope. It IS possible to get your ex back even if you cheated on them. It happens all the time. People don’t want to admit that they’d forgive a cheater because they feel ashamed but it’s WAY more common than you think.

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The breakup just happened. During the first 2 months of us dating, I was messaging another girl at the time. I asked her to a coffee date and we started kissing. I messaged her for a day after, but I knew it was wrong and I cut off talking to that person. I never told my girlfriend at the time, and 5 years into our relationship, yesterday, the other person messaged my girlfriend telling her what happened and showed her our messages. We are broken up, and I’m ashamed of myself for never being honest and I’m so lost without my girlfriend and I just want her back and I want a new start. We have talked twice since then in person since we live together, but it’s a difficult thing to live through and I hate that I inflicted so much pain and dishonesty onto her.


4:50 I was able to keep her by staying around her and being reassuring. That got me an extra 8 months with her. But eventually she couldn’t get past it, and left


My girlfriend broke up with me and 3 days later i had a one night stand… a week later i reconcile with my girlfriend and we slept together… i ended up telling her about my hook up and it broke her heart. She feels betrayed and uncared for. Not sure where to go from here… i never wanted us to break up in the first place.. my one night stand was me just coping from being hurt confused and lost


My first told me about it, I encouraged her not to give up so quickly on him because of the fact that people make mistakes. However, when he showed that he wasn’t gonna be honest with her and then he started neglecting her. That was a very clear science she should have left him. It sucks. It took her so long to leave him, but at least she left him. And over the last couple years I’ve been able to help her get her her smile back and I’ve been able to show her the love she truly deserves. The phrase “a cheater cheater“ said very often but in most cases, it’s just not true in some cases it is because some people don’t want to be better some people only care about themselves. But that’s why I always say to people just figure out if they are willing to change and if they make it clear, they aren’t well then you know what to do.


I cheated on him last week he but I can’t stop chatting him is so draining, he kept saying I should give him space, so for this I will I really want him back


I still haven’t talked to my ex in person about it. It’s been 3 months. I had to move back to my parents home and she refused to see me in person. She said in the future she will talk to me but right now we aren’t even talking. I don’t know what to do


Yes no more questions. Work on yourself. Hit the gym. Find a passion.


last month me and my ex texted a little, she so angry with me and told me leave her alone, then blocked me but after 10 days she unblocked again, still ignoring my texts messages, what should i do, it’s been 7 months


Worst mistake of my Life. I wish I never texted that girl. I miss my woman . She is a woman I want to marry and the only woman for me. I told myself if I can't get her back I will stay single forever and be married to God. I will update you guys if we work things out. We broke our apartment lease but we are still talking . She says she loves me and thinks it can work but she needs time but she says I need to work on changing. I'm terrified of her finding someone else… but she says she still has feelings for me but idk what to do. I feel like the door is open if I play my cards right.


I did cheated but i understand my mistake and i do really lover her. But she is with this dont care attitude and i dont know what to do.


I cheated 😔 She dumped me last summer ‘23. We were together 2 years and I still love her. We ran into each other at a hockey game the other day. I haven’t seen her in 8 months. I texted after and she replied a couple days later, but is this hopeful or hopeless? Last time we talked she was upset. Said we’d never get back together or be friends yet we’re ok to contact each other now. I’m being patient with her and keeping conversations light and upbeat sometimes funny. Are my chances slim? The goal is to get her back!


Hi Brad, you make a lot of content about how to get back together with your ex. But for cases that we were cheated on, how do we know if we should accept them back? Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.


Hey Brad I talked to girls behind my girlfriends back for 2 years she forgave me and I love her so much still and I ended up looking at other girls on social media which she found out 3 months after she forgave me and she feels so betrayed and do you think I will ever be able to be friends with her or even start a relationship again I know I’ll change and it won’t happen again so what do you think I can do


I left a comment on 9 signs your ex will come back. May I please get a response. Thank you for your content.


You would of thought I cheated on her by the way my ex reacted.


My Boyfriend thinks
I cheated with my first ex
But I Didn’t
This was Last year


Hi Brad, I cheated on my husband and we are separated now, I still love him and want him back but he is seeing other people and rubbing it on my face, the new girl even picked my call and asked me to leave him alone, I really don't know what to do now. Please help me.


My ex cheated on me he would always talk to girls behind my back and he still with her I had to break up with him because it’s only way I can move on from hurt


Well, I can't really say much about this. I'd rather prefer it won't and never happen. Getting over it? Probably but getting back together is an entirely different part like you said. Good advive though, wish it doesn't happen to me or to anyone who don't deserve a heartbreak. Thanks Brad. ;-;


hey brad. me and my girl have been dating 2 & a half months and we are close. but i lied about stuff in the relationship and she was mad about it and now she wants a breakup but isnt sure. she said the trust is broken and it wont be the same, and that also due to it shes lost feelings. what should i do?
