How to teach your child to ride a balance bike quickly and simply | Cycling UK

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Have you taught your child to ride a balance bike? Maybe you're going to after watching this video? Let us know in the comments ⬇


We started both our kids on balance bikes when they were two. At first it's slow-going, but as they adapt and get bigger, they can really zoom along on these things. Our youngest would keep up with his mom, dad and older brother who would all be on pedal bikes by the time he was 4 (of course we weren't going full-on speed, but at a leisurely pace). Parents, you don't even have to be riders. Take the bike along on walks, and let the kids have at it. Both of my boys learned to ride a proper pedal bike, pretty much immediately, same day within 10 or 15 minutes or so of trying, because they'd already mastered balance. They both began riding pedal bikes by age 5. The only thing that differed on a pedal bike, was the pedals (and a slightly larger bike). Totally awesome for kids. Forget training the training wheels - get them a balance bike, even if they are older, 3, 4, 5, 6. No matter. It's still more fun than plodding along with those silly training wheels. Kids love to ride bikes; it does them a great service to learn how early and with the right skills (meaning with the right balance and agility). Great video, thanks !


54 years ago I didn't have a balance bike ... or a helmet. I learnt how to ride in an afternoon, because I was tired of falling and getting hurt. Your method seems like a lot more fun.


This is perfect. I used these tips for an older child who had no riding experience. He was able to learn in a week. I'll be using it again for my other children. Thank you!


This help my little 2 year old when i first got him a balance bike. Its been 13 months and he still loves it. I even made a youtube video of him riding it. Great video.


Great! I bought this for a 17 year old, it was beautiful to see his first steps on it.


Just bought one for my 17 month old. He tried it out in the store but of course he's still a little wobbly and needs more practice time but he loves his balance bike already


I found that the 2 biggest steps towards getting mine riding the bike was "sit sit run run"  Making sure their BUM IS ON THE SEAT  when they run.  If they stand over the bike they learn little to nothing.

Next, IF you help them at all,    always place your hand in the center of their back, just to push gently. (especially up hills)
this gives them the ability to learn to glide, without having to go down hill and risk losing control.

NEVER touch the seat, NEVER touch the handlebars.

Using the hand in the center of the back, gives them the opportunity to glide longer, to keep moving, and they "feel"  safer with your hand there. even though it does not help them balance.


I learned using the "Scrape Method". Basically, I fell and scraped my knees and elbows dozens of times, and probably my forehead too once or twice. Being born in a 3rd world country we didn't exactly have balance bikes or knee and elbow pads, or bothered with helmets. Someone just pushed you downhills and eventually you figured out how not to bust your rear end after having done so a few dozen times.


My 2 year old is a natural on his bike. Goes so fast. I wouldn't ever let him on it without his helmet. He loves wearing his helmet because its a fireman's style helmet. Makes it fun whilst being safe to. We've made a video of him pretending to be a fireman.


Balance bikes where the best invention my boys loved them and they went straight from those to big bikes without training wheels


How did it get so many dislikes? The video does exactly what it says in the title. Muppets


Neat! When I was a kid, we learned with a tricycle then a bike with training wheels and then a normal bike.


My 3 year old got his first balance bike for Christmas this year. Didn’t even need telling what to do just got on and bloody ran. Better on a bike than I am 😂😂


Perfectly balanced as all things should be


An interesting spin on this concept; use a scooter to teach the balance and steering concept. I did this with my son and when I noticed that he could balance the scooter and glide after about 2wks so I decided to see if he could transfer those skills to a bike. Sure enough it worked he was riding at 3 1/2 yrs old. Same worked with is sister she used the scooter for 7 mths them just jumped on a BMX and just started to ride balance and streering long since under control only pedaling to master which took no more than 5 mins. She is 7 1/2 yrs old.


Thank you for this video. It helped to train our toddler using balanced bike 🚴


Valuable tips for teach a kid to learn balance.


Starting early, nice and easy should teach these kids to eventually Live Free, Ride Hard and Get Stoked!


My parents gave me a bicycle with training wheels then one day I saw another kid without training wheels and I asked my parents to make my bike like the other kids bike. When they took off my training wheels I rode my bike without it no problem as if I always knew how.
