How to Teach Your Child to Read: 3 Easy Steps

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This is a video showing you how to teach your children to read using 3 basic steps. I use a phonetic approach to teach reading. Many parents make mistakes when teaching reading and this video shares with you a simple approach and How 4 of my children to ready by 3 years old.
Alphabet Sounds:

Elemental Phonics Binder to Download
(more inexpensive and can print out as many times as you want:

Elemental Phonics Book Printed on Amazon:

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***UPDATE***. Elemental Phonics Level 1 is now available as an audiobook:


I did this with my son. It gave him a head start. He went to school already reading and counting and by high school he almost scored a perfect score on the ACT. They labeled him as gifted, but I attribute his ability to pick up so quickly is reading so early. ❤


Jady I was completely lost when I became a homeschool mom. I started watching your videos and was skeptical about how fast it would work. At the same time I didn't trust myself to do a good job to teach my son who is 5, I even underestimated him...but let me tell you consistency and patience pays off! I had to stop several times for him to refocus. We started late October 2021 and now April 2022 he's able to read the bob books!!! We are still following the alpha-phonics book and he's doing GREAT!!!! Thank you so much! Parents out there be patient with your kids, just be consistent and they will surprise you. Give them space if they are not ready and come back and try it again. DON't give up!!!


What you outlined here in your video is the exact method of the book "Phonics pathways" by Dolores Hiskes. I started this book when my son was 3 yrs and 1 month old. He is now 4 yrs and 2 months old and reading at a 5th grade level. Phonics works and I can attest to it. Kudos to you for using this tried and true method and not the garbage the public schools are using now.


I am so shocked how doing letter sounds on flash cards really works. My 3 yr old is delayed with speech. I have been working with the flashcards for 2 months straight, each morning after breakfast. And he knows all letters and sounds by sight. His confidence is growing, his speech is improving. Its absolutely stress relieving, to see him learning and really understanding. I have bought 3 books of your books thus far. I just added this book to my Amazon cart. Thank you so much Ms. Jady.


Thank you soo much for your educational videos. My first child has learned to read by age 4. Now, I am teaching my other two in the same fashion. This binder will be an amazing addition to all of the binder work we have of yours. I recommend all of your resources to everybody! Our success first and foremost goes to God and then Jady A learning! Thanks again!


i started this system with my 2.5 year old, for 8 weeks. now she is progressing to 3 letter blend, e.g. dot, pen, wig. it is fun and she loves it! I am happy that she has made good progress. Highly recommend! Anyone can do it, literally


Giiirl my son is 12. When he was a baby you uploaded a video and I taught him using your giant chart and he was reading at 3. I’m soooo glad you have redone your teachings.. made it even simpler to follow and getting coins… I send you many blessings you ARE A GODSEND ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I started following you years ago. My son is the number 1 reader in his 2nd grade class now. Thank you 🙏🏾.


Thank you so much Jady!!! After homeschooling 12 children, this is by far the fastest & easiest method I've tried. My 3 yr. old just read her first book today, because of your method. Hoping you're going to make more videos and binders/levels for the next steps in reading after cvc words. So thankful for your help and all that you share with others. God Bless you!


I am so excited for this program I taught my three-year-old now five-year-old how to read using this program and she is now reading that a second grade level it’s absolutely incredible and I can’t wait to start with my youngest again.


He's SO adorable 😍
And yes, I can attest to "Jady's method". My now 6 year old learned to read in just a few weeks and now my 3 year old is starting to read!
Thank YOU so much for sharing your ways with us Jady!!! God bless you and your family ❤️


We started Jady’s method this past summer when my daughter turned 4. We have had great success with it and it has given me confidence that yes, I can teach my child to read! Thanks again Jady! Excited to get the binder for my younger daughter!


Just order your book for my 6-year-old son. My son has struggled academically for so long now. Unfortunately, the school system where I live isn't so great, so I am genuinely trying to work with him at home, and I am so excited to get started on this book with him; thank you so much for everything you do!


Thank you Jady! I got your binder and my child learned how to read before the age of 3! Now we are waiting for our Bob books! Your method really worked, along with parental guidance and patience! Thank you Jady! I got your binder and my child learned how to read before the age of 3! Now we are waiting for our Bob books! Your method really worked, along with parental guidance and patience!


I'm happy to find this video. My kids are 9 and 7 and still cant read. They are being checked for dyslexia due to flipping a lot of letters around and mixing up the sounds. They also have IEPs for being behind. Im trying to catch them up. Im going to binge watch your videos!!


I was taught this way as a three year old in 1956.
When I was training to be a teacher, I did a six week teaching practice on a US airbase, here in the UK. I couldn't believe how hard the system used in kindergarten was there! The kids were taught letter names, not phonetically. They also wrote everything in capital letters because, the class teacher told me, they are easier to form. That meant they had to relearn both sounds and letter formation later in the school year. and several children were totally confused and struggling. I'm surprised to hear that that still goes on in US schools.
My grandson is in school. Now nearly six, he's close to the end of his second year and reads, writes and spells easily in two languages taught there, each with different sounds to letters. If he wasn't doing so well and enjoying school, we would home school. As a teacher, I encourage parents living in areas where the schools do not suit their children or live up to their own expectations to do so. Schools are necessary for those who can't, or don't wish to teach at home but parents are, after all, the primary teacher on so many yhings. Great to see this in action. Your kids clearly love it😊.


My story is I didn't have any problems with reading but once while visiting my grandma when I was like 7 I asked one of my aunt's to teach me so I could be a good writer and write letters to my friend who lived in their town.She taught me this method I swear it was like 10-29 min one sitting and from that day I had no problems in English reading, spellings or writing.


I'm in Sénégal West Africa and I've volunteered to teach my neighbor's 14 year-old son to at least speak, read and write in English. He's never been to school because he has no teeth and he says that the children tease him. I'm not educated to be a teacher but I figure I should be able to help him but I feel quite clueless. It looks like you'll be a huge resource for me. Will buy the books tomorrow. Thanks so much for sharing your gift.


Teaching to my two kids is a headache to me since I am a solo parent and at the same time I am currently finishing my college degree . sometimes i feel guilty for not being a fulltime mom to them. I couldn't teach them bymyself. But watching this video gave me strenght to do what i cannot do in a simpliest way. Thank you for sharing us your guidance in teaching your children how to read in as early of their age. Thank you so much this is a blessing for me since im struggling how manage it. More power to you for your shared experience..😇😍
