Ozempic vs Weight Loss Surgery | Bariatric Surgery | Questions & Answers

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In this video, Dr. Álvarez 👨‍⚕️ will talk about some facts about Ozempic and Weight Loss Surgery 💉 😣😲

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"Changing lives...one sleeve at a time” 💙

#Endobariatric #WeightLossSurgery #GastricSleeve​ #BariatricSurgery​ #WeightLoss #VSG #WLS #Ozempic #SideEffects #Shot #Vaccine
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i had gastric bypass surgery 5 1/2 yrs ago, started at 402 am now at 144 have kept the weight off, best decision ever!


My doctor had me on Ozempic back before people really even knew about it. It made me feel like so i got wls. Best decision i made for my life.


I have seen people with bariatric surgery taking this. I am so thankful my tool is still working for me! Thanks for shedding light on this


I have been very blessed since my sleeve May 21, 2015 ...At Shands UF Gainesville Florida..I lost a 166 Pounds.. i was in my upper 50'S Today i am age 65.. I Am off 2 Insulins, 3Blood pressure meds off a Cpap machine for Sleep Apnea.. i still take 60 mgs of Armour Thyroid i have Hypothyroidism. This never kept me from losing my weight.This is Far from any easy way out.. to keep the weight off or weight down. You must change your Daily Eating ..You can sometimes have some junk maybe now and then have one of your Old Meals. This i have zero Regrets.i am post Op 8 years, kept my weight all off. I in 2018 had loose skin plus Belly Button Removed that was done for bad infections.that would not stay gone.. I do not miss belly button either.. This Surgery Gave me back my Health and my Health...i lost as much weight as another persons Entire Body.Best thing i ever did for myself!!


I had gastric sleeve surgery just over a year ago and it was the best decision I have ever made in my life, lost over 135 lbs. I was suffering multiple medical conditions
High blood pressure
Ruptured diaphragm
Sleep apnea
Everything is normal now


I started on Mounjaro last October. I was able to get a coupon that allowed me to buy the medicine at a very low cost of 25.00/box. I did lose weight, right at 40lbs. I still went the VSG route bc after the coupon ran out, It would cost over 6k a year and at that point VSG was a more cost effective option. I had already made the necessary steps to a new lifestyle at which point, VSG was the way to go for me. My surgery was a 8/21/23. I am still adjusting to the 1oz cups, still sore, and gas pain is real. Its part of the process! Thanks Dr. Alavarez, your vids definitely have helped out!


I had the gastric sleeve surgery, and I would do it again. About 4 yrs post-surgery, I'd put half the weight back on until I switched to a diet in which I abstained from refined carbs and added sugars. After that, the weight rapidly and effortlessly melted off. I've heard of people using Semaglutide for 3-6 months while they kick their flour and sugar addiction. They continue to lose weight after stopping the medication. So Semaglutide doesn't necessarily have to be a long-term solution. It can be used as a crutch - allowing you to kick the SAD diet to the curb with minimal or no withdrawal symptoms. I read a book called Brightline Eating that set me on the path to healthy eating. In my opinion, it's geared more towards those with severe food addictions. I don't strictly adhere to the strategies in the book, but it really opened my eyes to the destructive impact of flour and sugar on the gut biome and addiction centers of the brain.


For women going through menopause where there is weight gain from hormones, would you recommend medication in addition to the sleeve?


Great video, going to liver specialist office tomorrow for scan she thinks I probably no longer have fatty liver. My enzymes already back down. As for numbers I think 27 pounds in 2 months after my crafted sleeve is AMAZING on my own I would only lose 8-10 pounds a month. That 27 pounds was after losing 66 on my own so I was impressed didn't think it could accelerate more as I am getting close to onederland.!!! Looking forward to keeping it off easier because of the surgery. Thanks Dr. A!!!--Lydia


As these drugs have become more popular, the cost in my area comes out to about $600/month. Just like the sleeve, it is a tool, none of these things work like magic, both take work and lasting changes to behavior. My sleeve has helped me lose 60lbs which I have maintained for the last 6 months but if these drugs were an option for me prior to my surgery, I might have tried them. Its the changes that make for lasting results not just the tool.


Having a VSG 9/20....makes so much more sense.


Great information, in giving people the knowledge so they can be aware of all the risk involved in making important decisions with their lives. Thank you, Dr. Alvarez! 🙏


Hi Dr. A! I would love it if you could do a video on Berberine and it’s benefit’s. I’ve heard different things about it and I’m just a little bit confused. Thank you kindly. 2:17


There are other options. I get my semaglutide from a compounding pharmacy and it costs $230 per month. I'm through my first three weeks and have lost forteen poiunds. I took my last 5mg dose last night and will then bump up to 10mg per week.


I took Ozempic and then Wegovy for almost a year, and they did not work for me AT ALL. People need to know that they may work for 80-90% of people, but that means NOT EVERYONE. However, no matter how you lose weight, the problem is always how to avoid regaining it. When you lose fat, you also produce far less leptin, and your hypothalamus will then crank up every available appetite pathway. Supplementing leptin in bariatric surgery patients was shown to prevent weight gain ... but for how long? SO much more research should be performed on this phenomenon.


I’ve been on Ozempic and the moment I stopped, it’s horrible. You fall back into the same old eating habits and it just wasn’t a long term solution


So I have to lose 33lbs before I can get my sleeve done with you. I was looking into doing the ozempic shots while I continue to diet, exercise and maintain a new healthy lifestyle, then quitting them before surgery. How would that affect me? Would I still be a candidate for surgery?


That’s what happened to me! I was on Ozempic for about 8 months lost a lot of weight then it was out of stock and I’m off it for 7 weeks now and have gained a stone back 😢 wish I got the gastric sleeve instead! Money wasted. But surgery is still so scary


How soon should i have weightloss surgery after c section i was going to have one but i got pregnant and i still want to do it after


Best product to take for heartburn after gastric sleeve
