The Shift We Need to Stop Mass Surveillance | Albert Fox Cahn | TED

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Mass surveillance is worse than you think, but the solutions are simpler than you realize, says lawyer, technologist and TED Fellow Albert Fox Cahn. Breaking down the crude tactics law enforcement uses to sweep up massive amounts of data collected about us by our everyday tech, he lays out how new legal firewalls can protect the public from geofence warrants and other surveillance abuses -- and how we might end the looming dystopia of mass surveillance.

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I truly think this speech is so powerful and necessary. Our so called 'privacy' is becoming more and more under question as technology advances. My worry has been that because technology is moving towards being biology based, how much privacy will we have in future generations? I believe technology could truly benefit humanity yet the people who make waves in this space hardly have the heart of humanity in mind.


So while I don't disagree with him; we absolutely have to stop companies collecting our data


I like how you married the prized relics of our past, constitution, and the promising future, technology, together into one single video about surveillance. A law is truly a good law, when it applies and is true to all political and sociographic factions. No one side or group should be able to benefit or take advantage of a particular law, while everyone else suffers from it. If that makes sense. It gets even more complicated when you combine the element of time to it... past, present, and future. Which is the beauty of our constitutional government. We should be able to still apply the principles and values that were originally developed for our country, but still perform within the bounds of the limitations it outlines, as we progress into the future, and make our country an even more hospitable, prosperous, safe, and free place to live for everyone...and I mean ALL peoples. Hopefully with that in mind, we can help stabilize the world. Hopefully not through militarily minded methods, or coercive practices, but through our example. But, that can only be achieved if we are strong, united, and open minded enough to accomplish the vision that every inhabitant that has lived in these united states has felt and seen, as we wrestle, struggle, and debate mightily the best path forward. Anyway, that's my 3 cents...minus the one I dropped in the sewer, as I rode my electric bike to this ted talk today... :)


In a world of total surveillance anonymity is the ultimate luxury.


we need laws to stop companies from harvesting our data, and non corrupt legal force to punish them when they break those laws.


This particular video deserves at least 300 million likes or thumbs up in the USA, but unfortunately the hypocrites pretend like it isn't an issue.


Is it no longer possible to be tracked just by having a mobile phone? I think we shall never be fully free again and that is sad. I wonder if I sold up all my electronic gear, cameras, computers and phones etc let alone fitbit if I'd still ever actually be free.


I hate sharing information with strangers


Google has to be stopped, they violate their own TOS and then target those who try to hold them to task and stop their abusive attacks on innocent creators...


I'm rooting for a big huge sun storm. Problem solved.


Too more such thing as privacy, that's why I intend on leaving.


What about all mass surveillance cameras that are on every place now


That's why many times when I leave the house I don't take my phome with me... To commit crime. 😅


as if these united police states are gonna let this happen before incalculable damage is already done....


Mass suvellance began with the Prussian factory model school system in 1840 them the vehicle registration acts coincidentally both passed first in massachusus


This tech applied to AI, the begginig of the end


Trump: Want to see Biden in Prison
Biden: What makes Trump believe I would visit him in Prison


We need a department of defense, operating free independently of Prime minister's and President's authority and holding THE Executive Direct Management.

That will uphold protection and servitude of constitutional legitimacy of our individual's Rights and Freedoms for our daily expressions and mutual liberties round the clock.

A true Arbitrator that will referee to monitor and supervise all Civil Administative Services, All Institutional communications, Public and Private media broadcasts, foreign network broadcasts,   ...

Working together with Religious Foundations, Science Academias, Business Consultants, Finance strategists and IT Product and Service Standards policymakers for our National and Global Socio Economic Security.

This will give everyone a fast and flexible synchronous, autonomous and simultaneous; Group to individual and; Individual to group experience functionality, from democratic to meritocratic to technocratic existential growth.


nobody safe... luck of the draw... can and will get bad real quick... bump into the wrong person by mistake no luck... judge inferior no luck


We let out 4th amendment go long ago to drive cars
