Sleep scientist Dr. Chris Harvey on the effects of night shift work

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In this video, Dr. Chris Harvey from the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience (SCNi) institute at the University of Oxford looks at the effects that night shift work can have on your physical and mental health and wellbeing and the steps you and your employer can take in order to reduce the impact it can have.

This video was made by Martin Kohout and AQNB Productions as research for a larger narrative film project, 'Slides'.


00:17 Common side effects of night shift work

01:05 Effecting performance at work

01:35 Less obvious side effects of night shift work

02:13 Long-term consequences of night shift work

03:38 What is circadian rhythm?

05:15 Jet lag versus shift work

06:10 What can be done?

08:03 Why should employers care about this?
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I’ve been working night shift for almost 15 years now, I love it. Less people, less personalities, less drama, less management, more money and I get a lot done during the day before I sleep. Day shift co workers are always complaining of everything that happens during the day. I keep a well balanced life with exercise 6 days a week, and I always take my healthy food and snacks for the munchies in the middle of the night. But it’s not for everyone.


Joke's on you, I was already depressed, anxious, overweight and sleep deprived before ever starting night shifts.


Watching this during my night shift lol


I'm 32 and have done night shift for 4 years total and the sat 15 months. I'm down with it, I'm getting on days in the next month. It's not worth any money. For those who are just considering it, don't do it. Irritation, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, bad diet, and more. U feel like absolute crap 24/7. I will never do night shift again in my life. It is brutal to your body and mind.


I’m depressed & anxious regardless so I choose night shift because it’s less people to deal with and less things going on that will potentially ruin my mood


I know a father and son who worked night shift at a local factory. The father died young and the son is rapidly debilitating too and he's a best friend. Both were trapped into earning night shift money, but neither lived or had a life. Take note!


i have worked night shift for 3 years now, but i adapted easily because i have been nocturnal my entire life, the thing you gotta know about night shift is that you absoultley have to be someone that can sleep comfortably during the day, if you cant do this because you have too many pets, or too many kids that depend on you, or people that constantly wake you up to ask you favors and errands, with their horrible music and power tool noise, then you cant work night shift, simple as that.


I’ve done shifts (including nights) for almost 18 years. I’ve been ruined by it. My dad was exactly the same and was like a bear with a sore head for the entire time. He switched over to days and was a brand new person, a really lovely guy.


Anyone else get better overall working night shift? Once I started working night shift I got healthier and my mood got better. I started working out and eating healthy and started reading again, the stores are always empty in the mornings, so it's nice. I have time for doctor appointments and things like that. I think if you are an introverted person, night shift might be for you. I noticed that I was depressed and very unhealthy working day shifts, so I think for some people they can adjust or it's just better for them to work night shift.


Been on night shift for 7yrs and I live alone.

What I've done to combat it.

- I stopped smoking weed.
- I stopped drinking
- I make sure I workout, run, run stairs, skip, lift, jog.
- I eat well and intake lots of fruit and veggies. Vitamin D supplements.
- Make sure room is COMPLETELY dark and cool at all times. Use "white noise" like a fan or white noise machine. I dont like ear plugs and stuff on my face. Seal the windows in your room from light.
- When you can (preferably not before sleep) expose yourself to the sun. Even if you have to sit in front of a window in your house or apartment for 20 to 40min please do so. You wont always be able to get direct sun so when you can please do.
- try to keep a similar sleep schedule to your night shift routine on your off days (this is important) the bouncing around will throw the body into chaos. Easier said then done but try.

The downside.

-Mood swings (Yes not fun)
- irritability: Try to be patient with people and inform your friends and family you are working nights so they are aware you might be in a mood to RIP someone's face off... but try to be patient.
-depression: its bound to happen. This is why eating well and exercise is important. It will combat this. You will get depression.
- loss of libido: Unfortunately this will be effected. Your hormonal release is out of whack, you are not rested much at all so yes, becareful and dont forget exercise and supplements. VITAL!
- Social life: you will likely become a hermit because you dont feel like doing much, to tired for social gatherings and would prefer to sleep and be comfy at home most days. Therefore, try to still go out and engage and when your tired go home. This part sucks.
Relationships: If you are married I hope you have a loyal and committed partner... if you are not married it will be impossible for you to find love working these hours. Inform your significant of your hours and hope they are understanding but there are big challenges in this department.

Dont work them if you dont have to bottom line. Good luck to everyone.


I feel way better since i don"t wake up with an alarm.
It changed everything. When i"m done sleeping, i wake up. That"s it.
The alarm in the morning was the worst for me.
Plus, everything is quiet during a night shift, less stress equals less cortisol.

So, if you"re looking to go Night Worker, don"t be discourage by this video.
I guess some of us were night animals in another life ;-)


Working my last night shift of 7 years as I watch this. Start a new day job Monday 🙌


I don't work shift work, I work permanent night shift. I have black out curtains and take a sleep aid. It is essential that you keep your night shift schedule even on your two days off. Accept your shift and live it or die tryin. It is far worse on your body if you try to live a normal life on your 2 days off, that is where people run into trouble. I think we need a little more sleep as a night shifter because our bodies continually try to fight it. That is the key, mental attitude and acceptance is a huge part of it. Its hard enough to physically fight your Circadian Rhythm, but if you mentally fight it too, its not going to end well.


Been working night shift for 3yrs. I did 10pm-6am, and right now I’m working 5pm-5:30am. It’s finally gotten to the point where I am constantly tired almost no matter how much sleep I get. Balancing school during the afternoon is getting harder and harder. After this video I might switch to days I have an offer I might actually do it. Thank you sir!


I work nights at a hotel, I work 4 nights a week 10 till 7am all on my own, literally never have time for friends family. I'm always exhausted and lazy becuase of it and I dont even get a penny more than minimum wage for working the shifts. Nights are NOT worth it, my health has dropped so much and I've started to notice I'm just not happy anymore with anything


One of the many Joy's of working nights...having friends and family that know your schedule and still show up at your home unannounced and uninvited in the middle of the day and pound on your door and call and text nonstop.


I start night shifts tonight and this video is depressing 🤣


So I have watched enough videos.
I have been working night shift for 3 years now. Ear plugs, black out curtains, mask, make your room cool and go to sleep. Also do intermittent fasting, going to bed while fasted is really great.
I have 3 kids, this sort of schedule allows me to spend far more time with them. I have never been depressed.
When I go to the zoo with the little ones it's like the zoo is opened just for me . It's a blessing. I also leave out plenty of time for my wife to go and do chores during the day and I can do a lot of stuff as well as all the government entities are open. Also as I said above I do a lot of intermittent fasting and this sort of schedule makes it so much easier. I don't eat anything during the night shift, I have a good lunch and some sort of a light dinner and I'm good.
I am not a scientist, every damn scientist is saying it will have negative impact, well it could, but when you weigh in the negative impact of having to go through traffic on a daily basis 5/2 i.e work in standard business hours with thousands of people, see your boss everyday?!? I think the positive effects far outweigh the negatives.


I've been 8 years on a second shift position, and enjoy! I work 4-10's, with a 3 day weekend! Being middle age, no kids, very low stress, traffic, day shift pressure, my company pays 20% shift differential, which ads $10K to yearly salary. It's a good position considering no home family issues, I find it very relaxing, my partner works days, so we spend time together on weekends, and I believe less stress on our relationship, my favorite benefit is driving home at 2am, no traffic, shopping at 3am, it's a whole different world! and I like it! Only problem is, I don't get shit done at home weekly, until the weekend, like mowing the lawn, and making any noise at 3am!


Thank you for this video. But many countries in the world couldn't care less about their employees or juniors. Night shifts have made our lives miserable and full of the torment of fear. I remember getting a light department for about 8 months or so. I remember I have never been so alive in a long time because I could actually rest during my night shifts. It changed my entire life for that period of time. That's how serious night shifts are in relation to what you are becoming in life. Change your line of work while you can. Night shifts are not worth it. Really.
