The Truth About Jewish-Muslim History

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It is often said today that Muslim-Jewish relations were always good before Zionism and the State of Israel, and that Jews and Muslims historically lived in peace. Is this notion true?

Find out in this class, as we dive into an eye-opening letter written by the great philosopher Maimonides to the Jews of Yemen in the 12th century, uncover what Islam really preaches about Jews, and conclude with an incredible prophecy from the Zohar that has come true right before our eyes in recent years.

For the class on 'Will Mashiach Come This Year?' see here:
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Since Oct 7th, I’ve put on Tefillin for the first time in 30 years, lit the Chanukah candles and looking forward to practicing Judaism so much more.


Thanks Efraim, as a person coming from that evil background, I have much worse things to say much more strongly against these disgusting people but you’ve demonstrated incredible patience and grace. Thank you 🙂


Thank you Efraim. I know it's hard to fit all of this material in a little over an hour.


Just Wow with that Zohar prophecy concerning Nebudchunezzar and Saddam Hussein!! I always thought the Zohar was mystic fluff, but I only had a Hebrew copy that was given to me as good luck, so I had no idea. That is amazing. I need to learn Hebrew and get an English copy for sure!


Terrific video Rav. May HaShem continue to bless you.


Every lecture is phenomenal, thank you Rabbi Efraim! Baruch HaShem!


Excellent, thank you so much. Shabbat Shalom oo mevorach and Gd bless you all from benjy in Tsfat🍎🍏🍊🙂🙏🙏💛


I thank yourself and Rambam for this inspirational talk.


I think you do great work. I’m struggling to understand as a mystic how some of these “vs.” teachings are helping to bring us together. Yes there are painful histories but when I read the comments here I see a lot of divisiveness and hate toward our human brothers and sisters wrongs and rights all in view, I aim toward something more I guess. I listen to you with an open heart but also as a black Jew, sometimes I struggle with divisiveness separatism racism in a community where persecution of the other is condemned.

My comment notifications are turned off so internet fighters, please rest easy. I will not see


Please would it be possible for you to provide references for the points mentioned. It's very important to try and get to the truth of things and this cant be done unless information is verifiable. Thank you.


I am glad I found this video filled with wise knowledge and light, and history.


Another amazing lecture, Rabbi Efraim, I can listen for hours. Now binging through from present to past and learning so much about the future. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and thank God for directing me to this channel.


Anyone asking for references in this excellent video, please read the book “The Dhimi” by Bat Ye’or


As a Protestant Christian, I must say how much I admire the Jewish people and your plight through history. And this video has just taught me so many things I never knew about! Thank you Rabbi!


My day is no longer complete without watching at least one or two of your videos ... not since the days of JLI a decade+ ago has my mind and soul been so wonderfully fed on a daily basis .. Bless You as these shiurim bless all of us


@Efraim Palvanov. I’m Muslim. But I like to watch videos on Judaism because it helps me understand all the three religions, so I am here. I’m from Central Asia just like yourself. I agree there was discrimination against Jews in Muslim lands, but nothing on the scale what was happening in the West at that time or until quite recently (all that business with the gas chambers). Depending on what Muslim land and during the reign of what sultan/khan, Jewish culture flourished. You said Maimonides found peace in Egypt under Saladin, which was a Muslim land with a Muslim sultan.
But there are many more examples like this.
I feel sorry for you guys and others who had to experience pogroms in Uzbekistan in the early 90’s. It seems that other minorities were targeted too, but there were signs that they were orchestrated from Moscow as Russians withdrew. But regardless, it’s not a justification. But I cannot recall any other pogroms or instances like that throughout the history of Central Asia, if you have examples, I’d like to listen really. What happened, doesn’t seem natural, is what I’m saying.
I love Jews, I actually don’t care what religion you are, as long as you are a good person. Things that are happening now are sad but I think it has to do with politics, Netanyahu and how he has handled this real estate question. So, now this erupted and we are where we are, unfortunately. I hope I didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings or anything just like, just didn’t wanna walk quietly past video. Thanks! Peace to everyone!


There was another component to polygamy in that part of the world, since bride kidnapping and forced conversion is common even today particularly against Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and others in places like Egypt, Pakistan, etc. Also against orphans as well with the Orphans' Decree that had the effect of encouraging an orphaned boy or girl to be very quickly married off, since married people had the legal status of adults and could not be taken for forcible conversion (although that did not do much against the bride kidnapping).


Im agnostic but ill give you this... The ottoman empire largely had religious tolerance and i think people are referencing this era without other considerations. I couldn't agree more about the disproportionate attention given to the philistines, so many atrocities many with much higher death counts continually ignored while Israel is under a microscope. Finally, theres multiple muslim and Christian states but the scrutiny on the one small jewish state seems unfair.


The overinflated example of an occasional semi-decent Muslim ruler who ignored Dhimmi laws, was used as an unfavorable comparison to get Europe to live up to its self-proclaimed Enlightenment values when it came to Jewish Emancipation. The closest the Ottomans ever came was part of the failed Tanzimat Reforms, leaving it to the European Empires to temporarily bring it to the rest of the region.


Thank you for putting this so beautifully 💙🇮🇱
