How to Change Your Self Defeating Beliefs

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You challenge your thoughts in two stages, the first is to recognize the thought and record it. The second is to challenge the thought.

Stage one
Start with when you notice feeling low or some other negative emotion like anger. Take a minute to ask yourself what was going through my mind just then? Then you pull out your thought record and you write down the situation, the emotions and body sensations you experienced and the actual thoughts you had.

Next you want to describe your emotions and body sensations.
What did you actually feel? You can usually write an emotion in one word like angry, humiliated, empty.

Next you want to rate the strength of the emotion from 0 – 100% And this number is your own estimation, just so that you have a way to quantify your feelings. Last thing is to record what you felt. Did you feel a lump in your throat, head pain or butterflies in your stomach?

Then on to stage 2 – challenging your thoughts. There are a few ways to do this. The one I’m going to talk about one in this video is putting your emotions on trial.

With this approach, you take one of the thoughts from your thought record and run it through a trial. The defense will argue that the thought is true and the prosecution argues that the thought is false. You will argue as both the defense and prosecution and then you will act as the judge to make the final decision.

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Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.
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Imagine the innate goodness of doing these vids at no recompense. What a simply blessed woman. My deep gratitude is yours, Doctor.


It's when I started to realize that my thoughts were creating my reality that I drastically changed my thoughts. I became empower by using positive thoughts and expecting situations to turn in my favor. As I created more and more self love, it started to reflect into my reality. People suddenly became nicer, situations also turned out better. Accept who you are as of right now and begin to love yourself unconditionally and watch the beautiful miracles appear in your reality, much love, namaste.😇🙏


I go through periods where I’m walking on eggshells with my intrusive thoughts and anxiety. I then look back after two weeks and think, what was I doing!


Just curious are these videos funded in anyway? Because Tracey you’re honestly amazing and so much more helpful than most therapists.


My therapist told me that changes rarely come overnight. That's what I was expecting. I wanted to change as soon as I decided that I needed to change. That might happen for some, but for me, for some things, especially survival stuff I've been doing for 40 yrs, it might also take some work. ✌️✌️✌️


What deep professional insight you have. Thanks for sharing it.


Dr. Tracey Marks,
At sixty-six I've been working on me since in my twenties. Seen many therapists, spent hours talking with and to others as well as myself. It is a slow dynamic welcome process. Recently, a debilitating trauma left me destroyed emotionally. I screamed, cried, prayed and cloistered myself with the timing of Covid. That is when I found your words, definitions and encouragement.

Absolutely love your hair by the way and wished I had your glowing skin. Oops, stepping over lines.

Regardless, finding your videos I've watched at least fifty of them it seems and each one, I find something new to consider, something new to incorporate into my journey. You, your approach and delivery are my "go to" for solid information that fits my needs. I praise my higher power for placing you in my path. Not everyday ergo, I like when you join my walk, your words, cadence and delivery sooth my questions and further my search for understanding of myself and the world around me. If I were ever to cross your path directly, I'd hope an opportunity to give you my smile as a thank you for helping my soul.
Loves, Don


Dr. Tracey,
There must be something or someone looking after me, because I found you today, without looking for it. I've watch 2 of your videos and you have nailed me in both. I need to be in contact with a great therapist, but economically it is counterproductive for me. I'm so thankful that along with your definitions of various
subjects, you also and most importantly for me, you offer some solutions. My lack of trust in myself and the accompanying self hatred has me with 3 college degress, living in my car, in a God forsaken state of the Union, at the tender age of 53 just to give you an example.

So to coincidence, destiny or divine intervention. I want to thank whatever brought me to you.
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. THANK YOU! It is a great thing you're doing here. Between you, The School of Life channel, all the books I read, and self awareness, I might find out some day, who am I beyond name and form?
Thank you for doing this, please don't stop. I need someone to help me from my self sabotaging ways.


Oh my god, I've always done this!!! I thought I was crazy for pitting ym thoughts against each other and then judging/weighing objectively - and choosing the outcome that serves the greater good


She's extremely knowledgeable, brilliant Doctor


Thank you for these powerful tools for inner re-construction. “Thank you” seems inadequate for these amazing and practical blueprints for self healing. Even though it is late in my life, I feel so hopeful!


You are a true angel for giving this information out for free on YouTube. In a time where everyone wants to capitalize on their skills you’re healing people for free. I could hug you for hours! 🤗🤗


who needs friend when you have Dr. Tracey Marks helping you.

thankyou so much Dr! you are amazing women, hope you blessed with many joys


After a two week vacation a lot of the persistent negative emotions fell away. Some are beginning to re-surface but to an enormously low degree.❤❤❤ I AM Grateful.


Thank you SO much for making these videos and covering these topics. I dont have insurance, so I can't afford to go to a therapist, etc, but I love that I can "self help" myself through your videos and begin to break negative patterns I have developed over time. Again, I am so grateful for your channel! Keep up the good work!! Thank you!!!!💝


Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world. ✨💗🙏🏼


Thank You dr. Marks!
I tried this and it set me free! I have been criticized by my teacher about something I wrote as "stupid". One exam and I could not do it because of those words. It's been a year since that!
After putting my thoughts on trial, I am feeling free on emotional and psychological level. And today I began working on my exam so I hope I take my master degree to be even more free!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have no words to express my gratitude towards you and your work!


Just found these, I just started therapy and this is great for those days when I don't have a session scheduled and I need tools, thank you so much!


Dr. Marks you have helped me so much I been watching your videos for about 8 or 9 months now and they have seriously helped me understand alot of what's going on in my head and even stomach and also ways to address and began to recover and improve I thank God for you .You are really good therapist. I like the fact that you talk slowly and clearly and how you are very thorough in all your videos . Thank you much.


My thoughts have been getting the better of me lately. Thank you Doc.
