Dubtown Channel News - Thank You - Teespring

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Thank you to everyone who has shown support for this channel over the past year.

It's one thing to leave Watchtower and all its dogma but it can be another thing to remove all the ingrained thought control.

Making these videos helped me heal because it has put me in contact with so many others who have come out of Watchtower and the kindness and love i have experienced has helped me re-wire my brain.

the world is not wicked! but rather is full of kind loving generous people and every week im reminded that the concepts drilled in to me by watchtower for 40 years, are false!

[there are of course plenty stupid people in the world, lol, but thats not the same thing { - present company excluded -} and you cant fix stupid, but they are not wicked :)

The wicked are massively in the minority and i don't allow the few to colour my world view

JW's teach that 'God LOVED THE WORLD so much he...' while simultaneously teaching the idea that everyone in the world is wicked and you must not help your community, you must have nothing to do with your neighbour, your work mates your school mates.

my experience on here and other social media with all of you has helped repair these damaged pathways in my brain, and so I continue to make videos, no longer out of a need to heal, but out of love to maybe help someone else heal.

I Like the quote by George Herbert - 'Living Well Is The Best Revenge' we should all do that!


Directions to Dubtown's teespring store:-

A big thank you to Becky for her designs and help setting the page up. Please also give her teespring a look here:-


Logo and graphics designer – Rebecca Southall, of Plant Based Earth.


stay connected through social media:

Due to stricter algorithms on youtube, using snippets of copyrighted music was not possible. if you get a few minutes please have a listen to this song, it expresses my sentiments for this video...

theme song:
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
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Wonderful, great seeing the back stage and all that Lego and I love your very funny designs in your T shirt shop !


😁😁I love jubtown please keep the video coming


@Kevin_McFree I love this channel so much because humor is such a great healer. If we allow ourselves to see the funny side of the dubtown way of life, it actually loosens anger and it gets "released" from the trauma centers. At least that's been my experience.
But I also love your audience! I love reading all the interesting comments and personal reflections.
Cheers for the success of your Season One, and looking forward to many more awesome vids!
But, what kind of "mommy dearest" would tell her kid to get rid of his/her legos! What a terror! But at least they went to a good cause that can be re-visited! Whew!


I can't wait!!!! Massive dubtown fan and I will watch the adds for you.


No Whole Beard ! Beard Fractions Approved ! -- Hilarious.


Glad you mentioned about the ads being of help, must remember to NOT skip ad


Kevin you are an extremely talented and hilarious scriptwriter, you've added quality humour to all the ridiculousness of the borg and it's very refreshing for us leavers. Behind the scenes would be an awesome addition! Is there any particular lego you need? Cheers


Wonderful and yes, a behind the scenes video would be great. How about making a shirt with " Just around the " on the front, then on the back- "corner".


Great news, Kevin! Looking forward to season 2. Please everyone who’s interested this Tuesday night 9:00 p.m. Eastern standard time on the A&E channel Leah Remini will be taking on the JW borg.


There. You're struck doing this FOREVER!!! LOL. It's been very entertaining watching your videos! 😀


Please dont stop these. My favorite channel and so spot on and entertaining. God bless you !! And thank you so much for Dubtown. You're brilliant!!!!


Amazing work Kevin! Makes our day whenever a new episode is ready. Fantastic music choices, always right on! Keep going!


So "You have more Legos coming in. Than going out. At this time..."

Are you going to have "an over lapping" season?

Can you have a Lego person with really tight pants, and then have him get counseled by the elders?

Keep up the good work, you are so funny.

Maybe we could have contribution boxes at the hall. To donate legos, for the World Wide Truth work.


Yay!!! Season two! Keeps from around the world. How cool is that?!! Thank you.


Oh yes, I would love to see the behind the scene production!.. Also, I would love to have a mug with "JW Alumni" or either a tee shirt.
We'll always have that JW experience in our lives..Some good some bad, but overall we're all connected.

Keep up the awesome work! 💪👍👏👏


For SURE!!! Would love to see a Behind the scenes look! As for the merch....I'd love your mug *"Be Calm and Follow Kevin"* How much would that cost? Congrats on season two. WOW.. Last year you worried you wouldn't get a thousand subscribers, now you have two thousand and change!


Have just purchased the mug for a bearded friend. Would love to see more Woger merchandise :)


It was my one year anniversary the other day of disassociating myself :-) you have helped me so much so


Thank you Kevin for the videos, they always make me laugh and are an antidote when I feel down about the damage that's been done to my mind and life, the loss of childhood and teenage experiences, career, children etc.. It helps to know that the ex-jw dub community are there for each other and can empathise, support and understand. And laughter sometimes is the best medicine. Keep them coming!


I would love to see behind the scenes!
