The 6 Degrees Of Shunning - Dubtown s02e07

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#exjw animation
Jehovahs Witnesses employ a series of judgmental policies that cause others to judge, shun and separate humans.

How many of these inhumane harsh unkind policies have you experienced? it's not because you were a bad person but rather because the un-christlike dogma created at watchtower headquarters creates a judgmental culture to force uniformity.


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[Dubtown theme tune]
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We shunned the Witnesses. They were completely blindsided and had no idea what to do when they got that huge dose of their own medicine. We changed the location of our publisher cards and never went to the new hall. We cut off all communication with everyone there and in public continue to mock them with whispers and smiles while they writhe in awkwardness. They have no idea what to do with someone who is not afraid of them and enjoys watching them be uncomfortable.

Just as a quick recent example - We were at a restaurant with another exJW. Four current Witnesses came in to the restaurant, which was largely empty other than our two groups. Initially they came in laughing and happy when they saw us, but we kept on talking loudly, smiling and laughing about whatever pleased us. Their table got deathly quiet when they realized we didn’t give a rats ass they were there and were not going to run out of the restaurant in fear of them. They stayed for a good two hours in very quiet, uncomfortable conversation hoping we would leave before them so they wouldn’t have to walk by us when they left. We made sure to continue enjoying ourselves so they had to walk past us. We had a great time the whole time, but they walked out with their tails between their legs.

Keep on walking, you fucking cowards.


I agree we are all better humans having left that toxic environment. Well said.


Proud to have achieved level 6! Can't say it doesn't still hurt from time to time, but 'they know not what they do'.


Loved the conclussion: "to leave that toxic environment."


Yep. I disassociated myself a year past November and I'm being shunned as an apostate by all of my old so called friends... Anyone else going through the same thing needs to know "there is life after watchtower and people in the 'world' who love you". Another amazing video xxx


"We have to go every week. It's not fair that you don't." What I awesome line! There's so much in that.


Attention to detail is awesome. I especially liked the musical score that accompanied Bro. Salty. The facial expressions, the Riff-Raffs, Willie Wiggley, and on and on. Putting yourself into the storyline....Brilliant.
Will replay at every opportunity & share.


Now I understand why I don't even get invited to memorial, for I'm mentally disease HIV positive.thank you Kevin, your work are invaluable.sening love across the pond 👏❤️


Haven’t you missed the ORGANIZATION, it’s the same thing as Jehovah. It’s crazy that Witnesses don’t separate the 2. (76 days disassociated, my wife and I, happy dance time!) Thanks Kevin, agreed and enjoyed thoroughly


Everyone wishing to be a Jehovah’s Witnesses needs to see this! The language and actions are spot on! Thank you for all your hard work in making these lovely videos!!!!


So accurate and very timely for our family. It definitely isn't a one off, this is happening world wide. Thanks as always Kevin


Love the "Apostate" magazine on the table. Makes you wonder how many JDubs actually watch these clips. lol


I liked the snake on the stage, nice touch.


It was so awesome to get up Saturday morning, not have to go to work, and after making coffee sit down and see a new DubTown video!! What a perfect morning.
Thanks Kevin for another wonderful video!!
I remember when the shunning started for me....couldn't get myself to go out in service, those all important hours of door knocking and pretty much talking to no one, went to just about 0. Still went to meetings but of course that isn't good enough. I was branded "spiritually weak" lost my "privileges" and was pretty much ignored. A few were still very nice but every one else acted like I was a serial killer. It all just made it easy to fade away and never look back. It was weird to be on the other side of the door and have to pretend not to be home for the next couple of months.
Thanks again Kevin!


There simply are no words. This is a Powerful video


Awww Kevin McFree! Such a delightful chap!


Shame (BONG) shame (BONG) 🤣 In all seriousness, the talk by the elder was spot on.


All those times I heard the marked talk growing up as a kid. Never realized it was linked lmao. So glad I'm POMO.


Haha! "Even if I know the secret knocking code?" "Never mind, it's a private joke." Must have been watching John Cedars and Telltale rip on the bunker videos!


One-hundred percent of this video is accurate. Everything, from the many layers of shunning, to the concept that quoting watchtower should be considered spreading lies, to the gossip that permeates the congregation is all spot-on. Another great video, Mr. McFree; thanks for all your time and effort.
