6 Signs You Were Born a Witch | Do you doubt if you are a witch? | Born to be a Witch

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Here are 6 signs you were born a witch. Many people around the globe confuse Witchcraft with black clothes, magical jewelry, wooden dolls, or macabre. However, in fact, Witchcraft is an intellectual activity that demands commitment, time, and effort. So, have you ever entertained the idea that you were destined to be a witch since you were born? Watch the video till the end as we tell you about signs that might help you distinguish whether you were born a witch or not.

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I always identified as a witch. The kids I was forced to play with called me a witch. And on Halloween I always wanted to be a Vampire. I saught solitude in nature, and the apparitions were Hallmarks of my very brief childhood.


All of this describes me, and it's actually comforting to know. I can also identify with the signs of being a healer, particularly with the trauma of difficult life circumstances. I would always read books about ghost hunting and psychics (and still do). The bit about sleep problems actually makes a lot of sense just now. Often wondered if I was a witch in a past life too.


Resonates, especially the depression and finding it hard to be around too many people.


Yes all this resonates with me! Definitely born a witch.


I love the woods i always knew there was something to this i am learning


This Vibe With Light youtube feature of 6 Signs You Were Born A Witch are revelatory in a fun way to view. For instance the first sign referenced is very reassuring and uplifting spiritually especially with the reference to halloween being a holiday one feels drawn to. Since I was very young (between the time I was 8 to 9 years old) I found myself being especially drawn to Halloween for some reason even multiple years before I found out around approximately 30 years ago that my late biological mother was born on Halloween. I had been lucky to have been put in foster care and eventually adopted at a young age which is partially both the how and why I found out via my late adoptive mother about my late biological mother's Halloween birthday connection. The reference mentioned where one enjoys reading painting meditation and enjoying living with a few people particularly only close friends andor family members andor alone is also very telling in a compassionate way. The reference to children being around your company and personal sleeping patterns is also very mystically clarifying.


You had spoke to all of the above for what I listened was true, I am a born witch.


OMG, u hit da nail on da head 4 me. There isn't ANYTHING wrong with me after all !🤗


Omg I am also a witch my mom bored me so that means my family are witch and half fairy 🧚‍♂️


Am born witch and am Africa so it good


I really love that knowledge
I already knew I am born witch
As this knowledge is true ❤


All of this signs fits in on me and my life.


Well all those signs point to me so I might be a witch or maybe a wizard since I'm a boy


This video is about 45% facts that most witches will agree with 45% inference, anecdote, and forced connections; and 10% absolute bovine digestive by-products.


I had an imaginary friend as a child....20.years I married a man with the same name as my invisible friend. I know when things are going to happen.... before they do. I hardly ever sleep at night. 🇬🇧🇬🇧


When I was a child my parents were involved with the Baptist church and as much as I adored the stained glass windows and the old pipe organ and the old chandelier and the pues. I was always anxious to have to sit through a sermon so my mother would send me outside. I would always be in the oldest part of the graveyard there with the old epitaphs and the old etched skull angel head stones and the ones that had no etching on them. The church was built near a spot that was already used for Native American graves and they just kept using the same place for the graves of the congregation from the 17, 00’s it was a old beautiful church that isn’t used for church anymore now it is only used for weddings and funerals while the church congregation built a newer building for Sunday services. The old church still stands today and I hope that it will be restored. Yes I was brought up a Baptist but, was never baptized. I was 19 years old when I bought my first tarot deck and book. I had met a woman about 10 years older than I was. She was an official witch who decided to take me under her wing and teach me about different tarot spreads and tarot spells. I still use significant cards in my spells. I wish I had known more about her. She went by April Rain but I never asked her what her true name was. I can’t even find her to tell her how much she influenced my life path and helped me realize why I never really understood Christianity or even other organized religions. I just couldn’t comprehend why the Christians were the only religion worthy of going to Heaven? I always struggled with that. Even as a young child
I had so many questions that no one seemed to be able to realistically answer in my child mind. I choose to believe in Nature and the Universe. I believe in my Ancestors and spirit guides who protect me and my children. I have heard them and smell them I have had messages in my dreams from my Grandmother and it saved my oldest daughter’s life.
I love this way of life. I will always be a strong Divinatory Witch who believes in light and dark and, in myself.
I believe in my own physical and psychic power.
I believe in the paranormal. I use tarot cards and my pendulum to communicate with my guides. I make spell jars and bottles for different purposes. They always work for me. In one way or another.
When it comes to Dark and Light, We know that one cannot exist without the other. We understand that they are both as important as the other in nature. In Animals who seem to appear in our lives at just the right time. I believe in the Astrology and The Zodiac. I know that I am able to control my destiny by way of my craft. I am a middle aged mother of 3 beautiful witchlings who are following my path and I am so proud of them.
Thank you for your wonderful videos.

Merry meet and merry part merry meet again.
Blessed Be 🌒🌕🌘


Ok this really opened my eyes
I have experienced most of these things and I was so surprised when she said what I exactly feel like when I m around ppl … I have always felt scared or for some reason really anxious n a large group of ppl as if I m scared of getting smthing from them which I know now is energy
Tyyyy I will work on my energy work n meditate more from now on I am not really interested in witchcraft but I do like healing powers as I want to be able to help someone I can feel their pain


I ❤ astrology the full moon I like kids and babies better than adults and tarot and I have always wanted a 🏠in the woods


I'm An Animist/Witch's Coven/Hereditary Animist Witch 🪄 And Witchcrafter
And I Always Like Playing With Toys
So I Think That Might Be A Myth Or May Not Be True


They commonly have contact with ghosts

You mean my imaginary friends? 💀
