6 Signs you are Marked by God | Miz Mzwakhe Tancredi

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I'm isolated, rejected most of my life. Isolation no longer feels like a season but rather a way of life.


Truly I am heavenly protected and heavily guarded. In 2022 May after my graduation ceremony. I had a terrible accident, a collision between two motorbikes on high speed. I don't know how I landed on the road, a junction road to make it more worse. A busy road, no car nor motorbike ran over me while I was on the ground. But the most interesting part is, I found myself on the ground with my head placed on my two hands. Tell me you all who folded my hands and placed my head on them so couldn't hit it on the ground if it were not the angels of God. The two motorbike drivers were rushed to the hospital and their motorbikes were damaged beyond repair but as for me I stood up from the ground with full strength, walked without anyone's support, went to the hospital so that the doctor could apply iodine on my small scratch on the elbows and went to work same day😊. I saw the Lord and felt his power on me.


I'm from family of 12, chased away from home, became homeless 😢. I forgave them 😂. Today, I'm an outstanding woman with outstanding achievements 👏 👌


This man of God is supernatural..the way the Holyspirit uses him my my my ..MORE GRACE TO HIS RACE OH LORD ..🎉🎉🎉❤❤


1.satan is after you
2.Heavenly protected and heavily defended
3.Seasons of isolation it is for your elevation but you need revelation.
4.Confirmations through dreams
5.You get confirmations from people
6.You have had unexplainable usuals; encounters divine encounters, unusual encounters, unusual visitations.

Signs you're marked by God


I couldn't understand as a child.Growing up Why my life was so hard😢 I went through so many trials and tribulation i couldn't understand, Why i was being attacked so Hard untili🤔 God gave me understanding and Revelation, Then I get into the word❤and start reading the bible Glory to God ⚔️🦁🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I was born and raised Muslim, In my entire 27 years of living there has never been a man that spoke the truth like this man. Thank you Apostle my name is Shazeema Ali and I pray for you and your wife and all the children of Our father in heaven through his son Jesus Christ I thank Christ for guiding me I went to the beach and self baptized myself here in nyc. I ask each and every one of you to pray for all the brothers and sisters and young and old in Christ to push forth his KINGDOM AMEN!🙏


When I was in high school, i watched friends fasts and pray alot... After high school, i decided to try fasting 😊 i even went ahead and asked God to give me a bible verse, i had no hope where to find the bible verse from. I prayed and closed the bible, decided to open my phone because it was off, the battery was down completely. After opening, immediately the bible verse came, thru a text message but the contact number wasn't there 😢😢 the verse is "Jeremiah 33:3" instead of praising Him, I cried. I thank God for that day, I know i tested God that day but I don't regret it because that day my life changed 😊


This reminds me of my childhood. From a young age, I survived near death experiences and I was always amused. My aunt even told me that when my twin sister and I were born, lots of babies died in the hospital. They were scared that we might suffer the same fate. We are still going through spiritual warfare but by the grace of God, we keep on going.


Amen. Now I understand why the scripture says, we are more than conquerors, , the battle is not ours, all we need is to take it to the Lord in prayer.


Coming from a family of Witchcraft and narcissists I am the black sheep to break generational curse⚔️🦁🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


May Jesus be Glorified. He is Lord of my Life. I am grateful. The Lord has been my All in All. Thank you Man of God.


This is me sir .I feel alone no, help this massage is for me . I see me praying for others in dreams. Thank you for this massage sir.


Talk to me apostle 🙏 my life🙏 I'm in isolation now for 3 yrs. 🎉 I see things differently about me and other's! I'm happy and at peace 😊


I like this, , every day i watch this video many times as if it's like Apostle talks about my Life, , , Hallelujah hallelujah, , i was Marked, , 🙏🙏


True sermon for me, I am Heavenly and heavily marked by God . Thank you Jesus for your precious blood over my life Amen


The only things I can say while listening is Amen, Amen Amen ..💫💫💫 without stopping there is no life without God.


The way the Holy Spirit just confirmed to me who I am through this video. Thank you Man of God for allowing GOD to do such marvelous works through you. I yield fully to the Holy Spirit and the will of GOD!


It's true that I'm protected because I've falling of my motor bike so many times breaking bones and been in car accidents walking free from drugs addictions today


Maan you are talking to me, i've gone through it all rejection, isolation, downfalls, losing friends money getting into things that only God can deliver me but God has always has always had a way for me hallelujah
